Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 17, 2019

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I took this photo yesterday.  Can you guess where I spent a good part of my day?  If you guessed that I attended the Beacon Hill Garden Tour, you are one smart cookie.  As always, I had a wonderful time, and I'll be working on my post over the weekend.

Here are a few things that caught my eye this week.

Stop by and visit this gorgeous California home which was rebuilt after a fire.


If you would like to see more of this fashion designer's chic NYC pad, click here


Wowza... take a gander at this gorgeous 10,000 square foot home in Houston.

I wonder if they are interested in adopting a grumpy middle-aged woman.  

Are you a fan of Italian food?


Leftover wine?  
Is there such a thing?  
Here are some scrumptious dessert recipes if you have more than a few drops left.


Does your fridge need organizing?
Here are 9 hacks that may help.

Who, what, where, and when on The Crown

Have you ever wondered why the Royal Family always wear bright colors?  The answer is right here.


Need some container pot inspiration?
It's right here.


Are you planning any day trips this Summer?
Here's a suggestion for all 50 states.


Do you have a college senior on the job hunt?  
Here's a list of the best places to work.
Sidenote:  my future SIL works for one of them.


Are you a thrill seeker?
Do you enjoy cruises?
Have I got a ship for you!


Are you looking for some good books to sink your teeth into this Summer?  Here are 33 suggestions.


I was so sorry to hear of Doris Day's passing this week.  When I was a little girl, I had the pleasure of meeting Doris Day at the Brown Derby Restaurant in Hollywood.  I remember that she leaned down so that she was eye-to-eye with me and asked me in her sweet, raspy voice where I was from and what grade I was in.  Her face was so pretty, and she sported a mass of freckles.

My birthday was a couple of weeks later.  Legend has it that when my Mother asked me what I wanted as a present, I responded, "freckles." 

I finally did my freckles, by the way.  
However, my dermatologist calls them age spots.


Vineyard Vines is coming to Target this Saturday!
Read all about it here.

I hope it goes better than a few years ago when my #2 and I shopped for Lilly at Target.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Friday Favorites
Friday Features
High Five Friday
Best of the Weekend
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, I will be looking forward to the garden tour. That Houston house is a beauty as are the others. I love Italian food so I will check out the link. How cool that you met Doris Day, I love her old movies. Have a most wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh-What a great post-I got sidetracked on reading about why the queen wears bright colors---who knew!?!!! I am going back to the book list, too. Have a wonderful weekend-my"freckled" friend xoDiana

    ps- I have several of those freckles, too....sigh....

  3. The bright colors story was very interesting. I so loved Doris Day. I still think Pillow Talk is one of my all time favorite movies. I am such a geek because I listen to her on "Alexa" all the time.
    Always so much fun to look at the various things you find.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. What fun things you found! Those flowers + pots are goals! I'm excited about the Vineyard Vines collection! Target does it up good with those collaborations! Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. I can't wait to read about the garden tour. I have a funny feeling the VV products at Target will sell out the same way the LP things did. I can't wait to read the hints on keeping our refrigerator organized. We need it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. That bedroom in the Houston house is so lovely...sigh. I remember Doris Day, she just sparkled in her movies..She was so darling.Have a great weekend Katie....Janey

  7. Those potted plants just make me stop and stare. "I can do that. Snapdragons in the middle, pansies around the outside..." but it never turns out looking that nice! I do try though! :) And the home tours, they're so pretty! I don't have the gift of decorating but I do like looking at it!

  8. Every year I try a few new plants in my planters, but they rarely work out because they either die or grow crazily. Speaking of flowers, I look forward to your recap of the Beacon Hill Garden Tour. Have an enjoyable WARMER weekend.

  9. What a great post! Full of inspiration - small apartment décor, fabulous Italian recipes (oh my I want a salad NOW) Target notice and Doris...I saw her shopping in Beverly Hills wearing her cute little head scarf, electric smile and those freckles. She was the cutest thing in the whole of Beverly Hills retail district. I still remember her giggle. Thank you for sharing all.

  10. Beautiful homes and beautiful food, doesn't get much better. I'm going back to check out some of the links now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  11. Fun stuff Katie, and oh how I loved Doris Day!

  12. So much fabulousness in this post, I hardly know where to start. First of all, THANK YOU, for the Julia Reed piece in Elle Decor. You’ve led me to my Snowberry Cottage (renovation) inspiration. This stunning home, in Portola Valley, is just a a hop, skip and a jump from here. Perhaps a little house stalking is in order. Please don’t call the police. I missed the 7am opening of the Target Vineyard Vines unveiling thanks to a very late night and an uncooperative dog. When I did arrive, 3 hours late, most of the good stuff was gone but people were still jostling over the merchandise. My cart, full of cute baby stuff, was stolen while I stupidly turned away. What a rookie move. The same thing happened 4 years ago at the Target Lily debut. Anyhoo, I left with a few cute things for my youngest grand-niece and beach towel & swim trunks for her older brothers. Hurrah!


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