Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Odds & Ends in My iPhone

Hello, dear friends.  We woke up to a picture-perfect day, and it looks like there are only sunny skies ahead for this Memorial Day weekend.  Our town is holding an arts fest beginning tonight with a sneak-peak cocktail party which the Mister and I are planning to attend.  

Sunday will be the highlight of our weekend when the royal couple will be here with their friends for lunch. 

The weather peeps tell us that it is supposed to be 80 degrees on Sunday. 

Here are some random pics and screenshots from my iPhone.  If you think that this is just going to be nothing but a giant Chili and Chowdah Fest, you're absolutely correct.  

Keep your friends close, and your bones closer.

A typical Yappy Hour at our house.

Some of us indulge more than we should.

I'm with this guy.

I sent this to my girls.

I took a screenshot of Dorit to send to my #1.
I need her OK for my MOB get-up.

This is one of my favorite pics of the hooligans.
They actually look angelic.

My buddy Jill (R) and her boss Jean at Cape Cod Skin Care.
Jill gave me the most luxurious facial a couple of months ago.
If you live in the area, you should treat yourself.
Tell Jill that Katie sent you.

Every day is Christmas in Chowdahville.

A photo that my #1 sent me from their Mexico trip.
If you remember, we missed it due to our flight being canceled.

The Mister and his apprentice.

Chowdah counting down for hide-and-seek.

The Mister found these driftwood wreaths online.
He's pretty proud of himself.
He gives himself a pat on the back every time he looks at them.

The planting is done!
Bring on the weekend.

My buddy, Skinny Delaney, sent me these glasses for my birthday.  Whenever I have a bad day, I put on my wine-colored glasses and all is well in the world again.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Stay safe.

Until next time...

Thank you to all the military men and women and their families as well as our K9 friends past and present who bravely serve our country. 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Loved your post today. Laughed at the jokes, smiled at the wonderful dogs, shed a tear at the dog memorial and pinned some pics from your landscaping (the round rock beds beside the garage...or do they call it "carriage house" back there?) All in all, yours was a perfect post!

  2. Those pups do look angelic. I am sure they add much joy to the world. Those driftwood wreaths were a find and look wonderful on the doors. Enjoy the happy couple this weekend. I will take 80 as the hot has arrived. Time to get in the water and stay until October:)

  3. So many great pictures pulled from the old iphone! Your daughter looks so happy on the beach, and a facial sounds wonderful. Enjoy the sunshine!

  4. Love those glasses!! Another fun post, Katie. I always love your photos and your pups are adorable babies! Happy weekend!! Enjoy those kiddos!

  5. You do realize that you-know-who and I could reallly do with a pair of those special glasses, don't ya, Sis?

  6. Great post! Adorable pups, and nice tribute at the end to our service men and women.

  7. This was a great post. Your home... what can I say - stunning! The fuchsia pink flowers are a great choice with the black and white. I adore those glasses. -Jenn

  8. Great post! Your house is gorgeous what a beautiful property! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  9. What else can be said about your beautiful home and those Chowbabies. Not to mention your beautiful BTB and her handsome GTB. Tell the Mister he did "GOOD!" with the wreaths. I am curious as to what this building is. Detached garage perhaps? This was such a fun post Katie. Thanks

  10. What a fun post. I think your dogs look like they keep things entertaining! :-) The driftwood wreaths are great. Happy Memorial Day.

  11. What's wrong with having photos of the puppies?!? They are to cute not to spread a little cheer.
    Enjoy your time with the fam this weekend.

  12. Got to get those glasses as a hostess gift for one of my wino buddies! Love every photo!


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