Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you all had a good weekend.  As for me, I turned another year older on Friday.  The Mister and I celebrated with a delicious lunch and topped it off by picking up my new car at the dealership.

We checked windowboxes and pots off our list.  Hot pink and bright red geraniums were the plants of the day.  We can also check off watering them for a while because it looks like we are in for another rainy week ahead.

A few weeks ago, my friend, Melanie over at Mel's Second Act nominated me for The Sunshine Bloggers Award.  This award is given by bloggers to bloggers who inspire creativity and positivity and by bringing sunshine to the blogging community. She mustn't know me too well.  It is a way of encouraging and supporting one another, and also a way to get to know fellow bloggers.

Here are the questions that Melanie posed.

1.  What is one piece of advice you would give yourself when you were just starting your blog?

My advice to myself would be: relax, put in the work, and it will pay off.  When I began my blog almost eight years ago, I worried that no one would ever find my blog, let alone read it.  It took thousands of worthwhile hours to build relationships with other bloggers over the years by visiting and leaving thoughtful comments on their page.  I also tried to answer every reader's email.  I'm very proud to say that my readership has grown at a healthy rate over the years.

Another added bonus that I never saw coming is all the lovely fellow bloggers and readers that I have met along the way.  Several of them have even become dear friends.  For that, I am truly grateful.

2.  If you could work with one brand, who would it be and why?

I would like to work with the National Association of Plastic Surgeons for personal reasons.

3.  What are some of the tools/apps that you find really helpful for your blogging?

4.  Tell us about your best friend.

Cheers to my best friend, the Mister.

Now it's my turn to nominate some of my fellow bloggers.

The Other Side of the Road

Cici's Corner

Calypso In The Country

The Vintage Contessa

Ladies, you may find your questions and rules at the end of this post.

I'm going to be on special assignment for the next week or so.
Here are some clues as to my whereabouts. 
I am not joining the circus.
Nor do I have a photo shoot with Vogue.

Are you in need of some Mother's Day gift ideas?

I've got them herehere, and here.

Until next time...

Photo by Celine Sayuri Tagami on Unsplash

Sunshine Award Nominee Questions

1.  Name one person that you would like to have read your blog and why.

2.  What is your dream job?

3.  Where do you do most of your writing?

4.  Name six people that you would like to host for dinner.

Rules for Sunshine Award
Thank the person who nominated you and includes a link back to their blog.
  1. Answer the questions given by the person who nominated you.
  2. Nominate other blogs and give questions for them to answer.
  3. Notify your nominees through social media or by commenting on their blog.
  4. List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Congratulations on being nominated! You deserve it! Your blog is so creative, inspirational and downright funny! I love it. I also love the picture of you and the Mister. Very sweet.

  2. You are Miss Sunshine! Your birthday weekend sounds great, and I know the window boxes must look marvelous. Cute photo of you and the MIster! Happy, Happy first Monday after your birthday.

  3. I just LOVE things like this -- and you are indeed Miss Sunshine! Don't you love birthday times? They can be the best -- love that pic of you and the Mister. Always get smiles when I come here and that's the BEST sunshine!

  4. You and I share the same birthday --along with Carol Burnett. I hope that the rest of your day was wonderful. Happy Birthday.

  5. Well deserved Katie. I can always count on a smile with your funny answers to questions.. I am in total agreement with the brand you would most like to have as a sponsor. Neck camo only goes so far. Heading over to meet the bloggers you shared today.

  6. Well, thank you Katie, Miss Sunshine yourself! And, happy belated birthday, hope the year ahead if filled with all kinds of wonderful things. Happy new week!

  7. You absolutely are pure sunshine and I’ll bet you would win every Miss congeniality in every pageant! Loved your answers. I love that picture of you and your mister, Mr. Nine is my best friend as well! So sweet and cheers!

  8. Congrats! You are definitely full of sunshine with a healthy dose of snark!

  9. Congratulations on your award. I have always enjoyed reading your blog. You have a wonderful sense of humor. I loved hearing about your best friend. I have a very similar best friend!!

  10. Thank you so much for the fun nomination. Can't wait to answer and pass it on!

  11. Congrats Katie! You do spread sunshine with your humor, I always enjoy my visits with you!

  12. Every post you write brings sunshine to my morning!

  13. Yours is truly one of my favorites. If yours appears with other email, guess which one I read first? Yup, yours! Thanks for your humor, for being real and for the obvious love you have for your family. Sunshine indeed!

  14. I can't think of a more suitable recipient for such an award. Congratulations to you. And, congratulations to The Mister for having such amazing taste in women.

  15. Congratulations Sunny! So well deserved. I hope your staffers Chow and Chili get some credit as well.

    Annie g

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Congratulations, Katie...you ARE a ray of sunshine in blogland! I'm picturing those bright red and hot pink geraniums as we speak. Enjoy your adventure!

  18. Happy Happy Birthday! And congratulations on the nomination! I love reading your blog because it is always uplifting and so fun. You have a great sense of humor! Thank you for putting it out I! ♥️♥️♥️

  19. You are indeed a Sunshine Blogger! Yours was one of the first blogs I began reading on a regular basis -back in the dark ages of blogging ... 2014 or 15. And, I remain a devotee. xo


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