Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Household Tips, Anyone?

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a great week.  I can almost hear my girls chuckling as they see the title of my post today.  To say that I am not domestic is an understatement.

As I mentioned to you through the years I am a big fan of life hacks.  When I am not mesmerized by dog videos and makeup tutorials,  I am usually researching clever life hacks.  Here are a few that I have come across. 


My town banned plastic bags.  I know I shouldn't admit it but I miss them.  I asked the Mister if we could move and he said no.

I will purposely drive to the next town to grocery shop so I can stock up on the precious bags.  I treat them like gold and keep them in kleenex boxes all over the house for safe keeping.


Pop a denture cleaner tab in the toilet once a week and it will keep it sparkling clean.


Speaking of the latrine, is yours suffering from stains?  Pour a can of coke in the bowl and let it sit overnight.  It should be good as new the next day.


Does your ice melt too fast in your cooler?  
Sprinkle some salt on it and it will last longer.



Great idea for sleepy teens.


If your candles have a low wick, use a strand of spaghetti to light them.


When my girls played competitive tennis, their sneakers were really stinky.  I wish I knew then that all I needed to do was to stick a few tea bags in the shoes to get rid of the smell.


Speaking of shoes, are yours too tight?  To remedy the situation, wet some newspapers and stuff as much as you can in the shoes and keep it there overnight.  The next day they should feel comfy as long as you remember to remove the paper.  

When freezing meat, pack it flat in freezer bags.  
It will defrost quicker.

Too lazy to get out the iron?
Use a flat iron to press those pesty collars.
And tell your husband to keep his paws off your stuff.

I love this idea.  
Use a shower rack to store your lids.
Too bad we have drawers.

Bored Panda

I was one of those people who would leave the house and five minutes later worry that I didn't turn my curling iron off.  It used to drive the Mister crazy.

On one of the talk shows, the expert suggested that when you are doing something such as locking the house, turning off the iron, etc., make an explosion sound and use your hands or some kind of unusual motion that is not customary.  It will help you to reassure you that you completed the task.

This is what I do now.
Feel free to borrow it. 
Only one hiccup... by the time I put on the outfit, I forget what I'm not supposed to forget.

Bored Panda

My little Grandma used nail polish to identify her keys fifty years ago.  Who knew that she was a groundbreaking pioneer?  

I have been using frozen grapes to keep my chardonnay cold during the Summertime for years.  It not only works but it also looks pretty.

I'm going to serve Arnold Palmers at my Book Club next week and I'll have to give this hack a whirl.

Buzz Feed

The Mister, aka Felix Unger, is going to love this one.

Here's my favorite household product.  I've mentioned it before and it's worth mentioning again.  After washing your hardwood floor, apply a coat of this floor polish and your floor will have a glossy finish and look brand new.  I buy it by the case. 

The Mister just bought a new car which he loves more than me.  
I'll have to borrow it, and try this one. 
I'll let you know how it goes as soon as I find a divorce lawyer.

Now it's your turn.
Do you have a clever hack to share?

Until next time...


Doggie hack:

Make an ice lick by freezing toys, bones, and chicken broth into a cake mold.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love all these tips! I seriously need to remember the frozen grapes this summer in Hotlanta!!

  2. I love hacks as well Kaite. If someone posts a link on Facebook off I go to see what I might be able to use. I like the idea of using old Kleenex boxes to store plastic bags. With all the pollen here in the South, used Kleenex boxes are abundant.:)

  3. I love all of these. I always find them fascinating. I stop on Twitter or Pinterest all the time to stare at them. I try so hard to use only reusable grocery bags, but sometimes I just love my little plastic ones in the kitchen for messes. I think I would hoard them too if I couldn't ever get them.

  4. Frozen Grapes in wine - I think I just found my new favorite thing😀

  5. These are genius! If you ever want me to send you some plastic bags, just let me know. We are overrun with them.

  6. Some of these are familiar, many new. (I, too, am a plastic-bag-in-Kleenex-box aficianado). Love the idea of the coke in the toilet -- I'll have to try it at the lake and see how it works on hard water! SO many good ones -- this post is a keeper!

  7. LOVE the denture tablet and will definitely give that a try. Who knew? I'm not sure I could live life without plastic bags. They are my best friend!

  8. How much fun was this! Some of these I have heard but others I am getting behind for sure! I am sending my boys the flat iron idea for the collars ASAP. Except one problem, they don’t have a flat iron, I guess they have to bother girlfriends, LOL!

  9. I love all of these tips, some I have seen but many are new to me. Thanks for the tips.

  10. Oh my goodness, that last one is the best of all! 😂😂

  11. Fun stuff!! The plastic on bananas really does work!

  12. Hat to think about what a coke does to one's insides if it makes a toilet bowl sparkling clean overnight. Yikes! Thanks for the tips. My favorite tip is for travel. I saw a video by an flight attendent. She said to roll clothes to pack them. It is amazing how space saving it is, and the clothes stay wrinkle free.

  13. I would seriously miss my plastic grocery bags. I reuse them for so many things! Your town is extremely eco-minded! Even in the UK, we had plastic bags (although reusable was encouraged.)

  14. Katie, I surely enjoyed your life hacks! LOVE the Kleenex box idea. I use lots of plastic garbage bags as they work good in my bathrooms for garbage bags. Denture table in toilet? That is amazing. Enjoyed this so much. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. These are some great tips and hacks, Katie! I have seen a couple of them before and I have done the banana trick with the plastic wrap...and it does work! Love the Kleenex box idea too...I can't live without my plastic bags! Thanks so much...very informative post! Hugs!

  16. I love these ideas!! Thank you for sharing them :-) Enjoy the rest of your week!


  17. Hi Katie,

    Love these hacks! And the post was so fun to read ... several laugh-out-loud moments (love your sense of humor). Already have the floor polish on my Amazon list, and will be trying the "Coke-in-the-bowl" trick tonight. Thanks for sharing ... and tell your girls they may be underestimating their mom's household savvy! ��

  18. These are some crazy cool tips Katie, thank you!

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  20. One of the most serious issues is a lack of good communication.

  21. It’s really a great and useful piece of information.

  22. I am glad that you shared this useful information with us.

  23. Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon everyday.


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