Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Thursday, April 25, 2019

More Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going so far?  Mine has been fairly quiet - no trips to the vet or waiting hours on end for a repairman to show up.  That's what I call a good week.

The Mister is taking the day off tomorrow.  We are going to be celebrating my birthday all weekend long.  What's on the agenda?  Lots of gardening - window boxes and pots.  Also, we are picking up my new car that was ordered last weekend.  It's the same make and model as the one we are turning in - just a couple of years newer.  The Mister thinks that I wanted the same one as I have because I don't like learning anything new.  He's probably right.

You know how much I love to write these shopping posts.  Can you stand to hear more ideas for Mother's Day gifts? 
  If not, hop over to your next blog.  
I'm not sensitive.


Can she use a cute new eyeglass case?



I'm ordering one of these because they fit two pairs - my readers and sunglasses.
That way I can lose them both at one time.


Would she appreciate a new pair of groovy readers?


Or shades?




Some bright costume jewelry?






Some bright jewelry?


A cute little place to keep her rings?


Does she need some neck camo like moi?

Kate Spade


A new watch?



How about a place to organize her technology?


Does she want to keep track of her steps?


Would she appreciate more music in her life?



These are my favorite earphones.  As I have whined shared with you, I have had the hardest time finding comfortable earphones.  The Mister bought me these a year ago which rest outside my ears. I will never buy another kind.


I love these for the treadmill.


If she has a long commute or likes to take walks, she may appreciate a subscription to audible.  Take it from me, it makes my walk and long drives fly by.


Does her phone look like it has been dropped one too many times?


If she hates her neck like me, she'll love this rich neck cream and roller.


A friend of mine recommended this night cream to me a few months ago and I love it.  It's rich and absorbs quickly.
Do I look 20 years younger?
Probably not, but I am hopeful.


I am a big fan of these peel pads.  
I use them twice a week.

Tell Mom that she can save her $$$ on blowouts if you give her one of these nifty hair dryer/stylers.  I'm still loving mine.


If she is suffering from frizzy hair - give her this miracle in a bottle. 
Living Proof also makes a wonderful dry shampootoo.



Does she have a getaway in her future?
Give her some sweet smelling self-tanner so she won't show up looking like Casper.
I'm already on my way to being brown as a berry.


Does she need a new carry-on for her trip?
This bag is light as a feather and can fit a ton of stuff.

I'm in the process of packing mine.


How about a new beach bag packed with beach necessities?

Mark & Graham

My #2 gave me this travel cosmetic case duo.
It fits all of my miracle products.
I'm still waiting for that miracle, btw.


How about a new makeup mirror?
I love the 3 magnifications on the side.


Is she a reader?
I just started this darling story and I'm already hooked.


You could give your MIL this new release with a note saying you're not so bad after all.


Can't wait to sink my teeth into this one.
I can't believe Kristy used my photo for her cover!


For the entertaining Mom.



If your Mom is a foodie, she will love this one.
I just downloaded it.


This sounds like a wonderful book about a great lady. 


I like to send my girls a little something on Mother's Day since I wouldn't be a Mother without them.
I think that I'll send them a set of these.

Are you still seeking more inspiration?
You can find it here and here.

Until next time...

Can't wait until my hydrangeas start popping!

Linking up with:
Friday Favorites
Friday at the Fire Station
Friendship Blog Hop
Anna Nuttall
Home Matters
Best of the Weekend
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love the phrase Neck Camo....if I could get one thing on my body fixed surgically, my neck would be my number one choice. And being a purse girl, I would chose one of those pretty bags for myself. Happy Birthday Katie!! My birthday is a week after Mothers Day so I always get combos it seems but that is ok.

  2. I'm laughing at your neck camo comment! I also love the peel pads - so refreshing! We have a similar multi charger that is so efficient. Great finds. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my favorite blogging buddies. Enjoy your special day!

  3. I love your lists of gift ideas!! Always fun! Have a wonderful birthday, Katie!

  4. Happy Birthday! I just got a new car - same model, different color, but new version and I loved that there was no learning curve beyond the new features. Me=not good with change!

  5. Great gift ideas, Katie. Now to share the list with the hubs and kidlets!

  6. Happiness is Baking. I could have written this one! I hope you get everything on your list for MOther's day AND your birthday, which I hope is gloriously happy!

  7. Happy Birthday, Katie!!! Thank you for the great Mother’s Day suggestions�� You ALWAYS have the BEST recommendations!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Thanks for getting me started on this!

  10. Great ideas, Katie. I'm using this list for some graduation ideas.
    Where are you and that bag headed off to? Have a great trip! Enjoy your birthday weekend. Happy Birthday!!!

  11. Happy Birthday Katie I hope you have a spectacular birthday weekend. Mine is today (26) and we came to Boston to visit my grand boys and visit Woods Hole. We had perfect weather and even got a little sunburn in Woods Hole.

  12. My favorite Mother's Day gift I ever received is my Apple watch. Quite a few of my friends and I received one as a gift - and turns out that we all love them. They are so multi-function (texts, weather, phone, timer, calendar, apps, alerts, heart rate, steps, directions, time, etc.). I also agree with you that another favorite Mother's Day gift is great earphones.

  13. Happy birthday! Love the neck cammo and the electronics organizer; with three tween/teenage boys we have electronics everywhere.

  14. Those OMG towels, priceless!! The Matriarch looks like it would be a great book! The beach bags, headphones... so many great ideas! And your sense of humor is the cherry on top!

  15. I am smiling for several reasons in reading this post! First of all, a very big happy birthday to you, I hope you enjoy your birthday weekend to the fullest. Secondly my weekend is going to involve a lot of planting and tomorrow we are going to pick out my new car. Doing the same, the same make and model just the new version. Eat all the desserts birthday girl!

  16. I picked up the Barbara Bush book at Costco and also sent one to my high school BFF as we are both big fans of Barbara. Can't wait to read it!

  17. Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend! You make my world a better place. Enjoy your weekend.

  18. Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dearest beautiful Katie........Happy Birthday to you !!
    I am singing to you across the pond my dear friend.
    I hope you are having a wonderful day, with lots of treats and your nifty new wheels. May today be as fabulous as you are, I am thinking of you
    My fondest love as always
    Sally xxx

  19. I went through the list twice. Great suggestions...but I am too old...don’t have a Mother or mother in law. I do see several things that I would like. My two daughters are so busy being professionals and parents that I am lucky to get a card or a phone call. Of course my sister’s children bestow them with lavishly expensive gifts. Maybe I should buy something for myself and say they sent it Ha!

  20. Your posts always make me smile! There are several things I need to put on my list...because my boys think that Mother's Day is candle-buying day. Not that I don't like candles, but I think they need to get a little more creative. Ha! Hope you enjoyed your birthday!

  21. Love your tips -- I always see so many things to put in my Amazon cart for moi! Have a super day!

  22. Hey are you looking for some unique gifts for the most beautiful Lady of Your Life “MOM” on this Mother’s Day. Check out Best Mothers day Gift Ideas 2019 to surprise your mom.


  23. Here's A Great Mother's Day Offer!Shop our exclusive #MothersDayJewelry collection rings, necklaces, watches, bracelets and more at Tracedeals.in and save more money and time.
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    mothers day gifts offers 2019

  24. There are numerous of gifts ideas you can get but from my view it is better to make handmade gifts on your own in as this gifts shows your emotions and feelings behind your creativity which can bring more happiness on your mother's face.


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