Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Where Have all the White Pumpkins Gone?

Hello, dear friends.  Last weekend, the Mister and I took the ferry into Boston and had lunch in the North End.  If you have heard about that particular part of town, you know that it is the home of the best Italian food in the world.  Ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but boy was it ever good!  I took lots of pics that I will share with you at a later date.

Sunday we were planning to see Sully by never made it.  Instead, we threw ourselves into the outside Fall decorating.  You never know how much you have to do until you are smack dab in the middle of it.  It is at that point that I usually lose interest and try to sneak upstairs to turn on Real Housewives.  Unfortunately, the Mister was watching me too closely for me to pull off my disappearing act.  In any case, we got the outside done. 

We hit two nurseries and two grocery stores in our quest for the perfect mums, pumpkins, and gourds.  I also had my eye out for white pumpkins.  I don't know what it is about them, but I just love them.  Evidently, everyone else does too.  I was able to pick up a few, but they were few and far between.  I'm hoping that I can find more this week.   

In the meantime, I let my fingers do the walking, and pinned white pumpkins to my heart's content.  As with all my Pinterest posts, I cannot take one ounce of credit for all this pumpkin prettiness.     


At the Picket Fence

I knew I should have picked up one of these baskets at Brimfield!

Liz Marie Blog

Love the purple with the white.

Marjorie Johnson & Co.

Marjorie Johnston & Co.

Sooo pretty!

Have you started your Fall decorating yet?

Until next time...

Even this little guy couldn't find a white pumpkin! 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Um, it was 97 here yesterday. Still waiting to decorate and honestly, I rarely see white pumpkins in real life. ;)

  2. Fall....I am still in summer mode;) but I will not lie fall is my most favorite season so I cannot wait to start bringing out my blue and white pumpkins and looking for white..my fave! These pictures you shared have me feeling very fall inspired, have a great day sweet friend.

  3. I agree with you on the white pumpkins! Love them! I found a bunch of the tiny ones but that's it so far. Enjoy your day. Happy pumpkin hunting!

  4. Love all the inspiration!I have a few big white pumpkins and pale green but I have yet to see the little white one.

    Have a great day!

  5. It is still so hot here, so I have just been looking at everyone else's fun stuff. I love those white pumpkins, but never see them here (Gulf Coast). I may have to try and grow my own next year at our farm. They are so adorable. Can't wait to see what you have done. I am going to decorate on Thursday while my body glistens.

  6. Since it is going to be almost 100F here today, I will wait on the pumpkins! For now I have a faux pumpkin on the front porch. The white ones are so classy looking. I'm glad you got all your outdoor decor finished!

  7. All I've done is pull out the velvet pumpkins, but off this morning to snag a white one to take to a friends as a hostess gift for lunch. Tie a simple bow on it, and it's like a little bouquet. Love me some white pumpkins!

  8. I too prefer the white pumpkins. They are just getting pumpkins in the stores here now. I did spray paint a bunch of faux ones white. Not sure if you have Hobby Lobby up that way. They have olive buckets in several sizes for a steal with the coupon or when they throw them on sale.

  9. NO!

  10. PS> MISTER SULLY lives right down the road from ME!

  11. I love white pumpkins but haven't seen many this year, either. Well, there's always spray paint!

  12. What great inspiration for fall decorating!

  13. Hi Katie! My my so many pretties....what inspiration! I 'm just not there yet; still too hot & muggy. Counting the days till I can wear my jeans, boots & vests! DD prefers traditional orange pumpkins so I don't need to search for white pumpkins just yet. Hope all is well with you.Hope to see you soon; maybe I can take a leaf peeping excursion up your way & we can meet in the middle! Hugs, Dawn

    1. That sounds great, Dawn. Would love to see you and catch up.

  14. Absolutely beautiful! I decorated the inside of my house last Friday, but am holding off on the outside because of 97 degree Texas weather! Don't you miss that!! I can't wait to add some pumpkins and mums to my decor!

  15. Me too, love the cream pumpkins. I don't have any but I may paint a few. Still very warm here, but I am playing with fall. Inside the house. One year I had a couple of pumpkins that I let go to mush beside the back porch. Next year I had pumpkin vines. I would have had pumpkins if I let the vines grow...but it was not in a good place. So, when you get rid of your pumpkins before Christmas put them behind the garage and grow some. Or buy seeds for white pumpkins. Ha ha. Sheila

  16. Little by little. The further you go out into the country the more variety of pumpkins you will find. Truly, I know!! ;-D


  17. Such beautiful inspiration! I have been decorating inside, and have done a little outside. I have bought my pansies, but I am waiting to put them into the ground. It is way too hot here in Oklahoma. We had a heat advisory yesterday! Hopefully, cooler temperatures are on the way! I hope that you have a wonderful day!!!

  18. It is hot, hot, hot here. I am SO ready for fall. We do have plenty of white pumpkins and I love picking those up too. Also, those little orange/white stripe-y ones. Fingers crossed for cooler weather.

  19. You have made my day with this post and trust, I needed my day made! I love white pumpkins too but man oh man with their popularity they disappear very quickly. Sneaking away to watch the Housewives...hehehe sounds like me! I did put out some fall decor and will have it on my blog tomorrow! xoxox

  20. I love the white pumpkins and also kind of love the black ones too. I've not yet been inspired to start the fall decorating process. The mood usually hits me around Oct. 1st. Or, after a Pinterest binge session. I'll get on that.

  21. All that white is pretty and very simplistic but sometimes a little dash of color is a wonderful thing too. Love these examples!

    Carole@ Garden Up Green

  22. I enjoy adding all sorts of colored pumpkins to my various vignettes! These are all so pretty.
    You won the maple giveaway, if you email me your address I will get it sent out to you by Monday!
    Happy Thursday,

  23. In South Texas- 5 inches from the surface of the sun- I have never seen a real white pumpkin.
    Happy TOHOT-
    Laura @White Spray Paint

  24. Can I say that today is the first day that actually feels more like fall here in Michigan! It really puts me in the mood. Fortunately I found some ghost pumpkins the other day, along with all kinds of pink, blue and green ones. But as hard as I looked, I couldn't find the tiny white ones, which I really needed.

  25. The white pumpkins are few and far between here too! I finally found some at the grocery store, but they didn't have many. Gorgeous displays!


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