Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Pumpkin Kind of Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you are having a good week.  Aside from the humidity, mine has been a constructive one.  Tonight is book club which always promises to be a good time.

It's not only Hump Day, but it is also time to answer Joyce's thoughtful questions.

1.  Thursday (September 22) is the first official day of Autumn in this part of the world... how will you welcome the season?  I know some of you have been celebrating way too early, but it's official now so permission granted.  House Beautiful recently listed ten ways to make your home smell like Fall (you can read the list here).  What's a scent you love this time of year and how will you add it to your home?

Pumpkin candles and all fall scents are my very favorite.  Every time I go into Homegoods, I can't come out without another fall candle under my arm.  Don't worry; I pay for it first.

The Mister thinks I need to go to rehab for my candle addiction.  I told him I would go if he agrees to go for his goofy gadget dependency.

We are presently in mediation.

2.  Apple pie or pumpkin pie?  Apple cake or pumpkin bread?Warm apple cider or a pumpkin spice latte?

Common Foodie

Steaming hot apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream makes me weak in the knees just thinking about it.

Sugarmama Cooks

Speaking of pumpkin bread...  I made it for #1 and Adorable Jonathon's visit.  When I was in the store buying the box ingredients, the Mister suggested I put some baby food in it to make it moist.  Hmmm...I thought he liked my pumpkin bread.

I grudgingly threw a pouch of this stuff in the batter, and I have to admit, it was delish!  But don't tell the Mister!!

Finnish Food Girl

 I love warm Apple Cider and if it has a kick in it... all the better!

3.  Do you suffer from what is sometimes referred to as an afternoon slump?  What helps ward it off before it hits and/or what helps you shake it off once it's here?

I do suffer from mid-afternoon slumps, but lucky for me my girl Ellen comes on just about that time and snaps me right out of it.

4.  Ladies - how have your friendships with women inspired you or made you a better person?  

My inspiration comes from my buddy, Kate the Great.  Although she is battling a devastating disease, she never complains and finds humor in every situation.

5.  Are you a people pleaser?  If you said yes, do you think that's a good or bad thing?  If you said no,  do you wish you were more of a people pleaser?

My Mantra

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am definitely not a people pleaser.

I do wish, however, that more people were concerned about pleasing me.  Ahem, Mister.

6.  The seasons are a changin'... share a favorite song relating in some way to change (not necessarily season change, it could be change of any kind).

7.  What do you wish would never change?

My roots.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  


And speaking of candles... my #2 gave me a candle warmer a few years ago.  I guess she was sick of hearing the Mister telling me not to forget to blow out the candles.  I started using the warmer and I love it for a couple of reasons.  Along with it being safe, my candles last so much longer than when I light them.  

This is the one in my kitchen.  I turn it on in the morning and off in the afternoon it smells like I've been baking all day.

The best part is it's no calories!

What's your favorite thing about Fall?

Until next time...

How many more days, Mom?
I can't take it anymore!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I share your candle addiction. Also, roots! I should have said that! My daughter had a January wedding and we served warm apple cider with a cinnamon stick garnish as the welcome drink. You could add a little something to if if you chose and it was delish!

  2. Wow, I'm with Chili on that one! (that is Chili, right?) I'll have to try the candle warmer. I have a wax tart melter but seem to have misplaced it. Great idea on the baby food in the pumpkin bread. That mister of yours! Have a lovely fall day. I'd say more about your post but it's almost time for the TODAY show to come on and I have to get my coffee ready.

  3. Ellen is my gal too, I always take a break from the studio to watch her show...she is the best! I'm going to try the baby food tip, I love bread (my waistline...not so much) and this seems like a good enhancement. Thanks for the tip! Have a good week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  4. You absolutely always make me smile! Today is no exception. In the fall I look forward to beautiful color. Not much else, especially what follows! But it is nice to cook "warm" again -- use the oven! And I love fall farm markets!

  5. I do love Ellen! She's so funny and just makes everyone feel happy. I don't use candles because I am allergic to just about everything. Most candles make my face itch and burn. It's ridiculous but a reality. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. Ha ... love that last photo.
    I will have to get a candle warmer, what a great idea.
    And roots ...yep, I am with ya.
    Have a great week!

  7. I adore candles all year long...especially during the holidays! I too, suffer from the same addiction! Sigh....have a great week Katie!

  8. I have to have seasonal scents. Pumpkin spice for fall. I love apple pie, pumpkin bread and pumpkin latte. The woman I admire most is my daughter. Yes, I am a people pleaser. The song that comes to mind for me is Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. I went through a very ugly divorce when my daughter was four and swore I would never date again, much less remarry. Four years later, at the age of 41, my friends convinced me to go out with a very nice man. After dating for four years we married and blended our families. Not always easy, but definitely worth it! I love all of colors of fall. Thank you for another fun Wednesday Hodgepodge. Have a wonderful day!

  9. The picture at the end of the dog watching the political news made me laugh out loud. I think that's how we're all feeling lately...when will it be over?!? That picture of the apple pie made me wish I had a piece right now! Thanks for making my smile, as usual! :)

  10. I've never used candle warmers but I now I must! I love all the new scents that come out seasonally. Such a fun purchase!
    PS I'm an apple pie girl too, Katie!

  11. I need to know more about the baby food addition. Apple pie! Yum! Sheila

  12. My daughter is looking after my toddler nephew and baby niece soon. I'll get her to nab some of their fave mushed fruit. Please thank the Mister for me, Sis.

  13. I think I need one of those candle warmers! A great idea and a little classier than my plug-in air fresheners!

  14. I've never thought about adding baby food to pumpkin bread...or really anything for that matter! That Mister is one clever dude!
    If you go to rehab for candle addiction, let me know. Maybe we can room together! ;)
    Have a fantastic day, friend!!

  15. Yes, indeed I love some pumpkin candles...really any candle at all! And AMEN on the roots! xoxox

  16. Love me some homemade pumpkin pie with real whipping cream! YUM!!! Need some new candles and a candle warmer too! Have a great day!

  17. We always have candles burning in our house! Just bought two more today. Target has a line out that has several amazing scents and they are only $8 this week.

  18. The Hubster can't deal with artificial scents, thus no candle burning and why I suggest he do all the cooking. Personally, I love a candle burning so at Thanksgiving and Christmas he has to open a window...this is how he sometimes gets out of going to church also, but I digress.

    Chili and I need an election support group...I too, cannot wait for the insanity to end.

  19. I love the smells of baking and autumn, but alas, I can no longer do scented anything. It makes me cough and sputter. I would vote for pumpkin pie, but a good apple pie, nice and gooey would come a close second. I have become less of a people person as I have gotten older, but I still get a little family guilt and do things (go places, make stuff, host events...) more than I want to. Roots... don't get me started. Thanks for the great post!! -Jenn

  20. I love FALL, Fall baking, the smells, sights and sounds of fall. Pumpkin pie is my favorite scent and pie of choice.

  21. Katie,
    Your answer to Question #1 had me laughing out loud!! I love pumpkin bread--well really all home made breads. Just like Oprah.

  22. This weekend is Apple Festival in my town....warm apple cider for the cool evening would taste delicious BUT the temps are still unseasonably warm...maybe I will pretend it is cooler and enjoy some anyway. Roots...wish I would have thought of that.

  23. Great answers, Katie...yes, bring on those who can please us!!


  24. I bought a candle warmer, but it never heated sufficiently to melt the candle and release fragrance. I liked the idea since it is much better than burning a candle, which releases so much soot into the air. The soy candles produce the least soot IMO.
    Apple pie with lots of cinnamon and ice cream - so good!

    1. Hi Paige.. I own 5 of the burners and they all work great. It could be you got a lemon?! Oh I love cinnamon ice cream too! Yum!

  25. I feel for Chili. Our dog hides under a chair during the news.

  26. THE LEAVES...........we have a few that change color here in the SUNSHINE STATE!

  27. I have mixed feelings about fall. I love all the color, the weather and the smells, and football season. We also get another storm season here in Oklahoma, and our weather here is pretty cool. But, a large part of me fears fall because winter follows, and I despise wintertime. But, I am doing my best to enjoy it this year and not think too far ahead. I have taken to diffusing essential oils in my home as opposed to candles or wax burners, although I still use those too occasionally. So far, my favorite to diffuse in the evenings is a blend of orange, vetiver, cedarwood, and patchouli. I am just learning, so I will let you know if I come up with anything else. I use a combination of Young Living and Rocky Mountain Oils, and I really enjoy them. I hope you have a great weekend. Ours will be full of a certain daughter's birthday, the annual Greek Festival, a visit from the adored brother, and three football games.

  28. God bless Kate the Great! Apple pie and ice cream would be in a close race with warm apple cider donuts. Have a wonderful weekend!

  29. I've fallen in love with diffusers as of late but still have a few candles. I love all the fall scents. As always, enjoyable answers!

  30. That pumpkin bread looks enticing! Happy Friday to you ♥


  31. How cute is Chili in that photo? I love fall, pumpkins, pumpkin bread, apples, apple bread. Fantastic idea about using baby food. My favorite desserts as a child were date bars and baked apples. I love them even more as an adult. Now I know why there are no seasonal candles or good looking pumpkins remaining in Massachusetts ;> annie-g


  32. خدماتنا متميزة عن غيرنا في مجال التسريبات سربات المياه والعوزال وحل بطرق سليمة دون التدمير فعندنا في شركة ركن البيت افضل يوجد افضل الفنين الممتزين في مجال التسربات والكشف عنها بدون اي مشاكل من خلال الطاقم التي تم تدريبه في شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام فتعاملك معنا ستحصل علي خدمات متميزة

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