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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Very Impatient Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  The weather here in the Northeast has been nothing less than magnificent.  I wish there were a way to bottle it.

It's Hump Day, and you know what that means.  
It's time for Hodgepodge

1.  What's changed in your life, home, community since your last birthday?

My birthday was in April, and the only thing that has changed is that I got a new car.

I told you I was boring.

2. September is Classical Music Month.  Do you like/listen to classical music?  What's a favorite piece and/or who is a favorite composer?

We always have classical music playing when we have the house on the market.  We want our prospective buyers to think we are fancy people.


My favorite piece of classical music is by Handel.  It holds a special place in my heart because that was the music that was playing as I walked down the aisle to make the Mister the happiest man in the world.

3.  Besides The Bible, what's a book that has positively changed your life, relationships, career, or perspective?  How so?

I don't know whether this book changed my life, but The Art of Racing in the Rain is one of my favorite books of all time.  It chronicles a dog's eye view of humanity.  The book deals with love, tragedy, loss, and redemption.  It is filled with a multitude of valuable life lessons.  I liked it so much; I gave  copies as hostess gifts.

4.  I read (here) these ten hobbies will make you smarter... play a musical instrument, read voraciously, meditate regularly, work out your brain (puzzles, sudoku, board games, etc.) exercise often, learn a new language, write your feelings down (blog, journal, just write), travel to new places, cook different kinds of meals, participate in sports actively.

Are any on this list your current hobbies?  Which hobby on the list would you be most inclined to try?

The Mister labels the art of blogging as my hobby.  I consider it a high pressure, cut-throat, mind-blowing job.

I'd like to learn to play the tuba.  
I would only practice when the Mister was home.

5.  What sports traditions does your family have?

We have never been a sports-minded family.  We do watch the Superbowl and the Mister usually prepares one of his signature cheeseboards.

6.  In a few words, weigh in on the current football/National Anthem brouhaha.  Keep it family friendly please.

7.  Where do you have loads of patience, and where do you lack patience?

I look great, don't I?
Gosh, I love photoshop!

The only time that I am patient is when I am shopping for moi.

But then, before I know it, I'm back to my old crazy impatient self by the time I'm back in the car.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Whenever I am at a loss as to what to write about or what random thought I should come up with,  I consult one of my favorite sites for inspiration.

Lucky for you and me today is:

National Cream Filled Donut Day


National Eat a Hoagie Day!

Who doesn't love donuts and hoagies?!?
September 14th is my new favorite day of the year! 

Also, lucky for us, Hodgepodge didn't fall on Thursday.

It's National Felt Hat Day!

What book has changed your life?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Now I'm wishing I had a donut! I don't know you in person, but I'm pretty sure you are not boring : )

  2. I love the wedding pic of you two in your felt hats. Lol You are so fun to read! Your mister is an amazing man. I'm glad you made him the happiest man in the world those few years back. It's probably a good thing I don't live next door. Although I'd dog sit for free, I'd want to eat all your leftovers. Have a great week!

  3. Oh, and I'll try to track down that book. Thanks!

  4. Oh, and I'll try to track down that book. Thanks!

  5. You are so funny, I love your blog! A book that has been life changing for me is: Loving What Is, by Katie Byron. (the author's name happen to be a combo of my daughter and her husband's names, LOL). Learning to be happy with your circumstances in life. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation,Santamaker. Anybody who makes Santas has got to have great recommendations! Have a great week.

  6. Oh great. Now I want a cream filled donut. And a hoagie. :)

  7. I'm not sports fan but I'd sit through the Super Bowl to enjoy that fabulous looking cheese plate! And yes, classical rocks! Rick is a classical guitarist and on the board of our chamber series so I couldn't get away from it if I tried. But I don't try too hard!

  8. Love your wedding pic and music. I love to have classical music playing. Somehow calming. But then I like doowap too! Ha ha. Must find the book. Anything with a golden is my kind of book. Ha.

  9. Our family specializes in the trifoodathon. Training for it is particularly grueling, especially choking down those Italian hoagies from Barron's Country Store, our local hole in the wall.

  10. I wanted to walk down the aisle to classical music but I was talked out of it. I attended a lovely wedding once where the bride walked down the aisle to "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker. I could only assume that the groom insisted on this choice.

  11. The book sounds fabulous! We have a cheerleader in the house this year -- so fun and exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. LOVE cream-filled donuts -- must get one soon if I can sneak it on my diet plan. Mini-golfing is my sport of choice! The rest of the fam does real sports like tennis or golf or running!

  12. What? National donut and hoagie day! I love them both and could eat a plate of them right now.

    Not really into sports myself but I would love to have some of the cheese on the Mr's board, it is beautiful!

  13. Seriously National cream donut day?? Who knew! I loved the book The Art of Dancing in the Rain, it was very sweet. Did you ready Racing in the Rain? I ordered it and it's in my "waiting to read" pile, a very big and growing pile! And eating is a sport....isn't it? Wishing you a great day.

  14. You have me on the floor laughing - where on earth do you find your photos - hilarious! Now, I am feeling compelled to get a cream filled doughnut and a hoagie for lunch! Have a happy Wednesday! xoxo

  15. I loved that book! I could use a donut right now. Your sweetie has quite a talent for cuisine; we had a meat and cheese board for dinner last night, but it was pale in comparison to his amazing arrangement! Love your blog, have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  16. Don't laugh at my choice, but in Feb of 1995, The Bridges Of Madison County forever changed my life when I was 45 years of age. Hate the movie by the way! The book took me 5 or 6 hours to read and 10 hours to stop crying. When I stopped crying, I realized I wanted a Robert Kincaid. So I broke up with the selfish lawyer I was dating and the next month, on an out-of-state business trip, an old friend who had moved away 3 years before was at a business meeting. When I left for home 10 days later we knew we would spend the rest of our life together. That was almost 22 years ago and he bought me yet another copy of the book last anniversary and wrote in it "...I'll be your Robert forever."

  17. My husband loved that book! I still need to read it.

    1. The Bridges of Madison County? A woman cheats on her husband and leaves the story of her infidelity for her children to read? Great - make that NOT! If you are unhappy in your marriage, there is this way to solve your problems. It's called divorce. As for your children; there are some things they do not need to know.

  18. I just hope you video those tuba sessions, Katie! YOU always make me laugh! Now I'm hungry and want a doughnut-- bummer that I just gave up carbs (again!) after 3 weeks of indulging in pastas in Italy. ;) Have a great week!

  19. i can't wait til my boys get home to show them your post today. one of them is learning how to play the tuba in band. no bueno is the only nice thing i can say about his choice. ha! and who knew it was doughnut and hoagie day? they'll be thrilled.. its also their birthday :)

  20. Not into sports here, but I could definitely embrace National Cream Filled Doughnut Day. I may need to make a run to the bakery! Love seeing the photo of you and your sweet dad! ;-)
    Can't say that any book has changed my life, though I too liked The Art of Racing in the Rain. Love classical music. We used to have it on all the time. I think we need to reinstate that pattern.
    Thanks for an entertaining read. I'm off to the doughnut shop..........

  21. I love the tuba idea. I have some neighbors I would like to try that on. xo Laura

  22. Loving your pink hair. My mother always swears she's going to change her "champagne coloured hair" (her ever hopeful description) to pink. Just to shock people. Been saying it for decades. As for that filled doughnut number, well! Guess who I watched yesterday? Martha. And guess what she taught me to make? Filled pastry. I shall have to make them for you and Mo next time we meet. Of course, I can make them after just the one viewing. I'm like that. As I suspect you are too, Sis.

  23. I worked at Dunkin' Donuts in high school so I suppose today is an homage to the girl who woke up at 4:30 am every other Sunday to fill the freshly baked Boston Creme filled in time for doughnuts after Mass for every Catholic Parish in Jamaica Plain.

  24. I love reading your responses....boring...no way. I picture you as a very outgoing person and fun to be around!

  25. WHAT BOOK....changed MY LIFE?
    I once again have to give that SOME thought.............there is a book about an AMERICAN in ITALY.......but HECK I cannot recall THE TITLE!BUT I LOVED IT.Maybe because I TOO WAS THE AMERICAN IN ITALY!!!!!WHO knows...........I soak up the BEAUTIFUL PHOTO TABLE TOP BOOKS.

  26. I can always count on you for a good laugh or two or three...I don't know which books has changed my life but I usually get something out of almost everything I read. I have The Art of Racing in the Rain on my stack to be read. I think I put it off because I heard it was very sad but now that you recommend it so highly, I will read it next! That is, after I finish Gone With the Wind - which will probably be in like...a year?!!..

  27. A day behind, but I just finished eating a Kris[y Kreme filled doughnut with a silver fork at my desk. It was an indulgence totally worth it. You are precious!

  28. Oh, that donut looks good enough to eat right off the page. And, so does the hoagie! Have a great weekend!

  29. Love the idea you shared to give a favorite book as hostess gifts. I will have to do that.
    Thank you for all the smiles today.

  30. Love your beautiful wedding photo and the wonderful music! That pink car, etc. Is a hoot.


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