Summer with Talbots

Summer Styles from Tuckernuck

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Black & White and Fall All Over

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Sunday.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

I think that I'm nesting.  Every Fall, I find myself spending a lot more time at Homegoods and on Pinterest.

One of the first things that I pull out when beginning my indoor Fall decorating is two gifts that my dear friend, Kate the Great gave me a couple of years ago.  I cherish them both because every time I glance at them, I think of Kate. 

I love mixing black and white, especially if it is the beautiful MacKenzie-Childs, with my traditional Fall decor.  So, while pinning the other day, I picked the best to share with you today.

I adore tassels and Kate gave me this one.

And this darling pumpkin was given to me from KTG too.

I used a black and white bow on my Fall wreath last year.


Hyacinths for the Soul

Sarah, is my friend and writer of one of my favorite blogs.  She has a beautiful collection of MacKenzie-Childs.


ana rosa tumbler

mes petites choses








thecharmofthehome blogspot

Is black and white check part of your Fall decor?

Until next time...

This photo gives a whole new meaning to the term lucky dog.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I've never been a fan of B&W, but I like it here in all these settings! And what is it with corrugated steel that all of the sudden we all love it. At least I do. And the raven, 'Nevermore!' Still love your dog photos, even when it's not C. and C. xo

  2. What a neat way to incorporate black and white into a design! I like all of these and love the dogs and their fashionable sweaters too lol. Enjoy your Sunday evening!


  3. I love black and white, but have never thought of putting it out in the fall. Also, I've never heard of Mackenzie childs! Hope you have a good Monday!

  4. This is so magical! Love that you have gone outside f the box and have created something new for Halloween!

    Your pup is precious!


  5. I do love black and white with lots of orange in autumn! That is one expensive tassel...darling! These are great inspirational photos Katie! Have a beautiful week love!

  6. Such beautiful Fall inspiration! I love the black and white touches on the Fall Porch! I hope that you have a wonderful day!!!

  7. Love black & is classic! How is Kate the Great? Sending her (& you) love & postive thoughts. Finally getting some fall weather here. xoxo, Dawn

  8. I love the black and white Katie! It's such a fresh unexpected choice for fall. Tres chic!

  9. So FUN & CLASSY! Black and white is so pretty and I wouldn't expect anything less than classy from such a chic and fun lady such as yourself!! A Homegoods just opened in our neck of the woods and I'm so excited!

  10. I've never used black and white checks in my home, but I really like the way it looks on the dining table with black and orange decorations. I think this may be what I've been looking for the last couple of years, but could just never put my finger on it! I'm going to give it a try - thanks for the inspiration! And who doesn't love MacKenzie-Childs!!

  11. Love all these beautiful photos. Mackenzie-childs has been a long time favorite of mine and I have been fortunate enough to visit their site in New York where you can get some pretty good bargains in the "seconds" area. And black and white is always a part of my decorating!!

  12. Love the black and white! All of those photos are just gorgeous! I use black and white a bit at Christmas, but love the fall look too! I must get busy decorating! :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. I think a bit of black just sets well with anything, but when you mix it with white and checks it is perfect. Love your front entrance..Perfect..Happy Monday..Judy

  14. Another lovely post! I love MC and I love black and white. And, thanks to you I have mercury glass pumpkins and gourds arriving tomorrow to go in my Dining Room. Thanks for assisting me in collecting more stuff. :o)))

  15. The black and white is so very fresh -- I love the various interpretations you showed!

  16. It's no wonder that you have black and white check as the background for your site. You use it well!

  17. Oh goodness Katie, I am a black and white and McK-Chds fanatic! So much eye candy here, I love love love your owl tassel and I might just have to go all black and white check this fall! LOVE it!

  18. Love the black and white, especially MC. I only have some cute napkin rings. I wished I lived close, so I could attend that lovely barn sale. Plenty of beautiful inspiration Katie.


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