Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, August 7, 2016

What I did on my Summer Vacation

Hello, dear friends.  Fret no more. I am back.  I wish that I could tell you that I went on a fabulous vacation or spent my time doing good works in some far off country, but I did not.  

I spent my leisure time doing a lot of stuff that I didn't want to do.  I got a mammogram, a bone density test, my teeth cleaned, my eyes checked, painstakingly kept my flowers watered,  purged clothes that mysteriously shrunk in my closet, and I got a facelift.  OK, that's not true.  Let's just say it was wishful thinking.
 Or maybe I just wanted to see if you actually read the text on my blog and not just look at the pics like my family members.

This one's for you, #1 and #2.  
Next time you'll read the text.

The last few weeks also held some very enjoyable moments,as well.

I took photography lessons.  Yup, that's me.  Not only did I get a faux facelift, but I also lightened my hair and lost 40 lbs.  I told you I was a compulsive overachiever.

I also took photoshop lessons, which I think is as difficult as learning brain surgery.  At least for me, it is.  It's worth it, though.  Who needs plastic surgery when you've got Photoshop?

I don't know whether I shared a family secret with you.  After grooming Chili for a couple of years, her groomer felt it would be best for all if Chili found a new groomer.  I felt like I was at the principal's office and she told me that my kid was the school bully.    

After numerous phone calls and a gentle touch of bribery, I found Heather who grooms in her van.  The minute I met Chili's next victim stylist, I was confident that Chili was about to meet her match.  We "helped" Chili to get into her new salon and I checked on them periodically.  The very long two hours were filled with high-pitched yaps and deep-throated stern words.  I couldn't tell who had the upper hand, or paw, in Chili's case.

My money was on Heather all along!  As you can see, Chili was bursting with enthusiasm over her new 'do. 


I enjoyed a fabulous lunch in Dedham catching up with my two Sudbury sweethearts. 

A magical afternoon was spent with my Texas friend, Sarah from Hyacinths for the Soul and her dear friend, Phyllis, who lives in this charming home on the Cape. 

Phyllis and Sarah met each other years ago through the Quimper Club International.  Phyllis' home was so beautiful that it gave me heart palpitations.  I'm sure Sarah will have great photos so check out her blog periodically. 

I spent another fabulous evening with my book club buddies at an exquisite waterfront home.  We all enjoyed this book by Sejal Badani.

Cozy Little Kitchen

Nancy, the hostess with the mostess, served delicious dips and deserts and in between presented these mouthwatering sandwiches that were the hit of the night.  They melted in my mouth like buttah.

The Mister surprised me with dinner reservations at my favorite restaurant in NYC.  We also saw the best Broadway play that I've ever seen.  Hint:  it wasn't Hamilton.  More on that in a future post.

We had a great lunch at a new place (to us).  Rye Tavern is in Plymouth and features charming New England ambiance as well as delicious food.

Another fabulous literary luncheon on the Cape was in order with my two favorite Annes.  More on that in a later post. 

The Mister and I finally finished the entire series of Monarch.  We should have quit after the 4th season when most of the stars abandoned ship.  It lost its steam after that.

The only word I can think of is chilling when describing Bloodline.  The second season is as good as the first.

Suits is back and is as captivating as ever!  Oh, how I love that Harvey!

Slim pickins' at the movie theaters this summer.  Of course, the Mister insisted on seeing this one on opening weekend.  Jason Bourne uses the same familiar formula as in the past.  It is a two-hour chase scene with about two pages of dialogue.  Needless to say, the Mister loved it. 

I designed my own bitmoji.  I love that double chin wasn't an option in the design process.

August 7th is 
National Sisters Day

Happy Sister's Day to my Sista and partner in crime!


I chose this day to come back to blogland for a reason.  Four years ago today, I sat down at my kitchen table in McKinney, Texas and wrote my first blogpost.  These four years have been nothing less than delightful.  I have met so many wonderful people in person as well as virtually, readers as well as fellow bloggers.  I consider you all friends. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this silly little blog.  You continue to make my day with your sweet notes and kind comments.

Until next time...

This is exactly how it rolled when I wrote my first post.  
It hasn't changed much, either.

Proudly linking up with:
Amaze Me Monday
Monday Madness
Thoughts of Home on Thursday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie,
    So glad that you are back! I've missed your posts but it sounds like you had a lot of fun.
    Can't to hear which play you saw. Is it hard to get reservations at The Polo Lounge?
    Why does Chili have a hard time with the groomer? I can't believe that the other groomer suggested you part ways. Pretty sure that our Wheaten, Sadie, is wiggly on the table and I hope that we don't get fired as a client.
    Look forward to your next post.
    Oh, where did you take Photoshop lessons?

    1. Hi Melissa... It's very difficult to get reservations. Not so bad during the Summer because all the rich and famous are in the Hamptons. Chili's problems probably are a result of being a rescue. Poor thing lived on the streets for a long time. Her problem wasn't being wiggly with the groomer... it was more like she wanted to take a finger home with her. I took photo lessons and photoshop lessons from a very patient young man at a camera store. Thanks for always leaving sweet notes. Enjoy your week.

  2. Welcome back! I certainly missed your posts. It looks like you have been busy with the mundane (dr visits etc) and the delightful. I can't wait to hear what your favorite broadway show ever was! We just booked tickets to the Houston Broadway season. My daughter might have twisted my arm on this one since it is just about the only way to score Hamilton tickets for the 2017-18 season. Have a great week, and thanks also for the viewing and reading recommendations!

  3. Well, thank goodness you made such a sensible decision four years ago - it has given many people many hours of pleasure. I so enjoy your writing and am quite amazed that we may have been separated at birth as I, too, have dumped George for Harvey! Great excitement on my home front as I am making my first trip to the East Coast and have included the delightful Chatham as our base on Cape Cod after you recommended it so highly. I trust you've left me some lobster rolls and merchandise in the gorgeous shops! Glad you had a pleasant summer break - now get back to work and write, write, write. :)

    1. Gee... so YOU were the other one who dumped George for Harvey. I hope that you have a wonderful time in Chatham and your weather is picture perfect! Make sure and stop in to the bookstore Where The Sidewalk Ends - the Mother and Daughter that own it are darling. They sponsor the literary luncheons that I go to. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me.

  4. Glad to see you back Katie. You find the most delightful looking places for lunch, dinner and drinks :-)

  5. I was so excited when I saw your instagram post this morning! You never fail to brighten my day! Its sounds like it has been a busy and wonderful summer (loving Sarah's home, and wishing I could take a peek inside!), but so happy you are back! Happy Sunday!

  6. Welcome back to blogland. Love that first picture! Makes you wonder why people do it. Your doggy looks very sweet and innocent with that new haircut. -Jenn

  7. What a delight to open as I sit here with my morning coffee. You have had a busy summer, and the best part of your summer for ME was the afternoon together at Phyllis'. You were so dear to drive over to have lunch. It was a treat for both me and Phyllis. She is serious about you returning for a visit, so I hope you do. My week was way too short, and the overnight in NYC just reinforced my desire to get myself back up there for a real visit. I want to see American in Paris before it leaves. '-)
    You definitely don't need to be scheduling a facelift. Actually if that photo doesn't discourage one, I don't know what would. Ha!
    Enjoy the remainder of summer. Wishing I were back up there enjoying the quiet and cool breeze of the Cape. Congratulations on the blog anniversary. Keep it up. You keep me laughing and smiling. '-)
    Hope to see you this fall here in TX.

  8. I have been on "vacation" from my blog, too! So glad you are back because I won't be back until November! I have a wedding to deal with so blogging is out of the question right now. I am so glad you are back to help me laugh my way through these next few months. Congrats on 4 years!

    1. I miss your blog Melissa but I am sure you have a lot on your plate. Good luck with the wedding and keep me posted.

  9. Soooo happy you're back! You've been missed, girl! Looks like you had loads of fun during your time away and your pup looks gorgeous!! Congrats on 4 years blogging!

  10. Happy blogiversary! So happy you were able to meet up with Sarah, again - lucky women!! Our paths almost crossed on the Cape, but I left a few days early, sad to say! Chili is adorable - shame on that whimpy groomer!! Enjoy the rest of the summer - it has been a perfect one!! I might return to the cape again in Sept and if so, maybe we can meet for lunch!

  11. Having met the beautiful you in person, I am glad you have not changed your beautiful you. I designed my bitmoji last summer and it took me hours to decide on chin, hair color, eye shape, etc. (very stressful). We love Bloodline also...makes my family seem quite normal. Have a great week...welcome back and congrats on 4 very funny years of blogging.

  12. Thank you so much for returning! You were missed!!! I love everything about your blog! Your make up info, your recipes, your beautiful home and your darling family. I love your book review, travel information and movie tips!! You are simply the best!! Thank you for sharing your fun life with us!!!

    1. Texas Rose, thank you so much for your kind words. You have truly made my day. Have a wonderful week.

  13. Welcome back - my but you accomplished a lot!!! The closet cleaning was what twigged me that you might have been joking about some of the things you did because we know that NO ONE gets rid of clothes that 'might fit if I lose ten pounds'. I am deeply envious of your afternoon with Sarah and her friend *sigh*. Looking forward to hearing more about your summer!

  14. Welcome back Katie! You have had a busy, busy summer! I can imagine keeping the flowers watered and keeping up with Chili and Chowder is a full time job. As for the medical test, I hope they all came out well. All necessary evils to keep women healthy.

    I am happy that 4 years ago you pressed post! IT has been a pleasure to follow along on your adventures! Happy Anniversary and Happy Sister day!

  15. Welcome back and happy 4th anniversary! Your blog is a delight and opened up a whole new world for me! xoxo

    1. Thank you for always being so supportive, Julie. It is truly appreciated. Have a great week! I love following you on Instagram and keeping up with your glam life and gorgeous new home. Can't wait to see pics when it's finished! Have a great week!

  16. Replies
    1. Dee... you're the best. Love following you on Instagram. Enjoy your week.

  17. Glad you are back with us! You have ben a busy bee for sure. I clicked to read your first ever blog post and had to chuckle about necessities...and the bill you presented when she came home! And how she made a trade. See...she is a clever girl! Love it. Sheila

  18. I am so glad you're blogging again. Your wit and humor make my day.

    1. Bonnie.. and your kind words make mine. Enjoy your week.

  19. I've missed you and am so glad you're back. And glad you weren't taking a break because of something serious or tragic. Thanks for returning and treating all of us to your wit and great sense of humor.

  20. Oh, Katie, so glad you are back, I've missed your posts. And, yes knowing/learning Photoshop should qualify anyone as a Brain surgeon. I failed the course. :o)) Poor Chili! Can't wait to hear more details about all the fun you have had the past month. Happy week!

  21. Well welcome back! I have missed your sass and spunk . . . and cute dog photos . . . and fabulous house photos . . . and yummy restaurant finds and New England fun!

  22. So happy the blog is back! I missed all your adventures!

  23. Welcome back, you are a hoot! Our first sweet Golden would be at the groomer for 6 hrs. It was like having a babysitter and I'd get a lot of floors cleaned while he was gone. Our current Beast is at the groomer for 40 min. and I get the call "he's reeeadddy". They can't wait to get rid of him - ha!

  24. Yay - welcome back Katie!! And a big Congrats to you on Four Fabulous years of blogging- you have such a great knack for it and it is always a special treat to follow your shenanigans!! So glad your summer has been special! xoxo

  25. Katie- i need your patient computer guy for remedial technical support.....ahhhh!!! I was so excited that I was able to comment - until I saw my name appear as Allie! This is hysterical- this comment is really from your friend Jenny in North Carolina! Oh my.....😬

    1. Jenny, there's nothing wrong with an alias (ahem). Thanks for your sweet words. Enjoy the rest of your summer, Allie, I mean Jenny!

  26. Welcome back! I enjoy reading your posts. We are spending our summer with Monarch of the Glen as well but aren't that far into it. Our daughter recommended it to us. Not sure what books your clubs enjoy reading but I just finished Valley of the Moon, reminiscent of Brigadoon, by Melanie Gideon that I liked a lot. Happy August to you!

    1. Thank you so much for your book recommendation. I truly loved Monarch up until one of the big stars left. Won't tell you who. Enjoy your week, Sharon.

  27. Dear Katie, I am so glad you are back!
    I missed your funny and lovely post!
    Your emoji is the icing on the cake!!��

    1. I had so much fun creating that emoji. I even showed it to my photo teacher. He wasn't impressed. Oh well. Have a great week.

  28. Hi Katie,
    We are ALL so glad you're back, missed you girl!

    1. Thanks, Pamela. It's great being back! Have a great week.

  29. So glad you are back! Love reading about your adventures in Boston. I lived there many years ago (when I was a flight attendant!) and loved New England. Congrats on four years of blogging, wishing you many more- to keep us all entertained.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Lisa. I hope that you enjoy your week.

  30. I'm thrilled you are back!!! I have missed all of your great humor, advice, recommendations, recipes, photos, etc. very much! I am reading "Trail of Broken Wings" (per your recommendation) and am going to recommend that our book club reads it. Your recommendations are ALWAYS excellent. Can't wait to try your sandwich recipe and all of your viewing recommendations. What are you currently reading? I'm stocking up on books for our upcoming beach vacation.

    OFF AND RUNNING TO EXERCISE...................XX

  32. Welcome Back!!! You and your charming, witty ways were missed. So glad that you are back to the blog.
    Have a great rest of your day, Katie!

    1. Thank you so much, Ann. I hope that you are enjoying your summer!

  33. Your blog brings light and laughter to my day and is one of the few blogs I ALWAYS read. My little Yorkie-poo, Baxter, too, is a challenge at the groomer's - all nine pounds of him. As your Chili is, he is a rescue, too, and is scared of practically everything.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Debbi! Those poor little rescues have been through a lot! Enjoy your week.

  34. Yay! So glad you are back! I missed your funny stories and seeing those two rascal dogs. Sounds like you have been busy enjoying life!

  35. Welcome back! Chili looks so handsome now - I'm glad his new groomer had the magic! Looking forward to your upcoming posts!

    1. Thank you dear Kansas girl! I pass your compliments on... Have a great week!!

  36. Katie, Katie, Katie where have you been my blog life? Seriously, this is the first post I have read and I'm telling you I LOVE it! I was giggling under my breath and out loud and wow the photos of your summer events (aside from the surgery shot) just grabbed me! I love the architecture of New England. Well you're my new blog pal, woo hoo! xoxoxo Amanda

  37. Katie, Sounds like you need a vacation now after all your adventures! I'm so jealous you had the time to visit with Sarah and her friend in that wonderful house on the Cape. Next time I must go too! We haven't started Monarch yet but we are currently obsessed with Midsomer Murders! Looking forward to hearing about the play! Linda

  38. Where did my original comment go????
    Glad you are back from your blogging vacation; your blog starts my day with a smile. I look forward to hearing more about your summer adventures.
    Chili looks more handsome than ever.
    A friend took a Photoshop class so she can "fix" her eyes and neck before posting Facebook photos and printing family photos. Score!
    I look forward to seeing the new Bourne movie; your description sounds perfect.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Paige. I look forward to seeing you soon.

  39. I came upon your blog today, Katie, and it must be serendipity that you have just again started posting! I loved hearing all about your summer. I've been blogging friends with Sarah for ages. I love a blog that recommends books and movies as well.

    I look forward to more visits!


  40. It sounds like you had a wonderful summer! I've had a lot of time to kill lately, so my son got me hooked on Bloodline. I binge watched it over a few days. It definitely made the time fly by, but everyone else in the house was teasing me about the language they heard every time they walked by the t.v.

    1. I know... but it is so darn gooood. Hope you have a great week!!

  41. National Sisters Day? Gosh, I look mighty good, even if I don't remember you taking the photo, Sis. And thank you for the Monarch of the Glen update. I was so confused when I watched it recently. NOBODY was the same. Loved the days of the old guy and his gorgeous wife and their dog and their son ... However, I had no idea they ran that many seasons. Good to have you back.

  42. So glad to see you're back!!! Ready for more clooney stories!!
    I have to drug my sophiejane before her grooming appts!!! She's been kicked out of...um, or asked not to come back...to no less than EIGHT 8 groomers. She's bad and she's 16. She really does think she rules the world......(she kinda does!!)

  43. So glad you are back and happy you had such a fun and educational break. Almost like blogger summer camp! Have you ever considered using bloglovin' so people can be notified of your posts that way? That's what I love to use, and hate it when I'm the last to know you've updated. Last girl to the party syndrome. Sad.
    Can't wait to hear more details of your time off!

  44. Katie, I have to meet you in person one of these days!! Hopefully I'll come your direction instead of you coming here where it's hotter than Hades. You should definitely not be missing that about Texas.

    Looks like you've been having a wonderful summer!! :)

  45. Katie
    You most certainly get around! Da do run run! I just got caught up on Suits. Harvey is dreamy isn't he? And Jessica is the ultimate lady boss. So chic and bad-a**.
    PS The cape cod cottage is adorable! I hope Sarah gives a tour!

  46. Ok.
    I have had my Katie fix.
    I have laughed and I love your recommendations- always.
    And yes-
    we are all friends ! Isn't it cool?

  47. Wow, you sure have been busy!!! I LOOOVE your sense of humor, I had a few GOOD laughs on this one. I know I am going to love following you!

  48. I spend my Summer vacation near maldives. Beautiful Place. You should visit.


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