Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

New York! New York!

Hello, dear friends.  While I was on my blogger hiatus, the Mister and I enjoyed a weekend in NYC.  We lucked out with clear, cool weather.

Cute little Mister with his backpack.  He looks like a boy scout doing a good deed waiting in line for coffee for his fairy princess so she won't be crabby on the 3-hour ride.

I love taking the Amtrak to NYC.  It is so relaxing.  We always sit in the quiet car - which means no loud conversations in person or on the cell.  It's like sitting in a rocking library.

No sign of Jerry.  
Guess he's in the Hamptons with all the other celebs.

My guess?
A swimming pool that's gone rogue.

Meanwhile, while I am scrounging the city streets for movie stars...

... my petsitter at home ran into this guy down the street.
That's what she said.

We always like to try new restaurants when we are in NYC.  I did some research and chose Michael's on West 55th.  It did not disappoint.  The food and service were exemplary.

After some cardio shopping, we headed back to the hotel and got ready for dinner.  Our dinner reservations were at 9PM, so we stopped for a cocktail at the King Cole Bar which is rich with history and ambiance. 

We walked across the street to the Polo Bar and enjoyed a glass of wine and waited for our table to be ready.  It's a charming, small bar that will not let you in unless you have dinner reservations.  

Great wine and bar snacks.

Unfortunately, no star sightings.
I wasn't as lucky as last time.

But one dapper gentleman picked up my dinner tab.

That dapper gent told me to put my phone away after I took this pic.  Take my word for it - the food and service were superb.

The next day we headed to Bryant Park.  

This gentleman was looking for a challenge.
My middle name is challenge.
Too bad I don't know how to play chess.

While we were people watching and waiting for the restaurant to open, our #1 called to check in and remind us not to spend her entire inheritance.
I've got news for #1 and it's all bad. 

We sat on the terrace of Bryant Park Grill and enjoyed a delicious lunch.

Next stop was the theater.  The Mister and I smiled from beginning to the end of An American In Paris.  We both said that it was the best play that we have ever seen.    The music, acting, set design, and costumes were beyond exceptional. Granted, we have yet to see Hamilton.  We'll have to take a second mortgage on the house to see that one.

We caught the early train home which was practically empty.

These two hooligans were waiting for us.  We got a good report from their sitter, none of their usual shenanigans this weekend.

As my dear departed Mother used to say, it's nice to go away but even nicer to come home.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, this looks like the perfect weekend! The Polo Bar is on my list and it looks wonderful! Your photos are beautiful by the way!

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and wonderful description of your fabulous trip to NYC! You look lovely, and your style is impeccable. I appreciate your play, restaurant, and Polo Bar recommendations and photos in addition to travel information and seeing adorable Chowdah and Chili waiting for Mom to bring them treats from the City. Hope you have an enjoyable Sunday.

    1. Thank you southernmum! I appreciate you always taking the time to leave a sweet comment. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Oh Katie Girl....this is MY kind of get-away! Just perfect in every way! Will you please let me tag along next time! Just marvelous!

  4. Oh that Polo Bar. I love the décor in there. How wonderful to just be able to catch the train to go to NYC. Thanks for bringing us along! -Jenn

  5. I always so enjoy your getaways! They are exactly like i would want to do,if i lived in the USA that is..
    You look fab!

    1. Thank you, dear Esther. You've got to come visit the USA!! Have a great week.

  6. I haven't been to NYC in a long time. Every time you go and write about it, I am inspired to THINK about going. The restaurants and play sound great too.

  7. One of the greatest things about living "back East" as we Midwesterners say, must be the number of great cities you can get to quickly. And on the train, no less. Loved getting to tag along with you!

  8. Had lunch at Michaels last year; my son works around the corner and said it is a huge mecca for media and finance types. Agree with you about American in Paris; loved it. Where did you stay this time? We are in Manhattan 2-3 times a year as our son lives there, and are always looking to try a new place. Sherri

  9. We tried to get in the Polo for a cocktail and were disappointed that you have to have dinner reservations - so we ended up at the Baccarat! (I think on the way out of the Polo I mumbled Ralph's real last name!! - google it!!) I love Bryant Park, so lovely! It certainly is a fun city and you made the best out of a few days there! Haven't been to a play in a while :-(

  10. SO< it is TRUE you drink COFFEE from DUNKIN DONUTS???I heard THAT on the AIRPLANE!!!!!!That there are LINES AT the drive-in's.........being from CALIFORNIA where WE ARE coffee SNOBS that somehow AMUSED ME!He is SUCH A GOOD HUSBAND!MIne would NEVER have let me SNAP the photos in the first place SO 10 POINTS FOR YOU!HAMILTON,I heard that my GREAT GRAND DADDY is mentioned in a HAMILTON SONG!!!!!
    NATHANAEL GREENE...........YOU must listen when YOU GO!AND YOU WILL!
    I am pounding out a POST about my trip..................it is way TOO LONG!

  11. Really fun weekend diary and pics. You have a stylist? You look great.

    1. I wish! Thank you, dear Carol, for always leaving such sweet comments. They always make my day.

  12. You live in such an awesome place to grab an adventurous weekend here or there. I'm 2.5 hours from New Orleans, but New York and Boston are so great!

  13. awwwwwww...kinda put a lil tear in these ol' eyes. You have no idea how much I LOOOOOOVE NYC and I vicariously live thru your stories and so cool weekends there. Can't imagine how cool it would be to just get on a train and be there in a few hours...especially since I'm about one million states away from it. Last time I was there, I took my brand new daughter in laws and treated them to a trip they will never forget (nor me!)
    Thanks--sniff,sniff--for taking us with you..

  14. oh, seeing these makes me want to return to NYC. And, isn't it amazing that we all have camera's that just happen to be phones as well. Happy week!

  15. What fun! Nothing better than a weekend in the city! Have a lovely week, my dear! xoxo

  16. Now that looks like a fun day:) You certainly hit all the right bars...lol and I too enjoyed American in Paris very much as well...thanks for your fun recap!!

  17. What a lovely little getaway! So glad you had nice weather :)

  18. I don't think I'll ever get to NYC, so please keep showing the city to us. I loved looking for celebs and prowling with you.

  19. I'm a bit envious of you New Englanders who can hop the train into New York and not have to suffer the trials and tribulations of flying to LaGuardia. I've never seen American in Paris but upon your recommendation it is at the top of my list, ahead of $Hamilton$. Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  20. Beautiful, beautiful pictures! I am so jealous, I am dying to go to NYC! There are "talks" of a trip next year to celebrate Kendall's senior year of high school. I'll have to get you to share some of your favorite places with me. I hope you have a fantastic week!

  21. Oh Katie what a wonderful getaway! And what a handsome date.;-)

    1. Ought of - the Mister reads the comments. He will be just full of himself after he reads yours, Lisa. Have a great week!

  22. LOVE seeing your getaway and photos of the big city and big city doings!! It all looks so glamourous as do you! What a fun time with the Mister! Glad to hear the pups behaved themselves!

  23. Love NYC...haven't been in a couple of years. Your photos are spectacular. No biggie not seeing anyone famous; you are famous in your own right.

  24. Wow, this sweet post about your trip to NY sure brought back memories. We too love NYC. I would love to see "An American in Paris." How lucky you were to visit such a wonderful city. We saw 'Mama Mia' and 'Moving' On' quite a few years ago. It was a couple of years after 911.

    Thank you for sharing your great trip and joining Blue Monday.

  25. Your getaway looks delightful. I would love to be able to take the train for a weekend excursion as you can there on the East Coast, but here in Dallas, it takes that long just to drive to Houston! You and The Mister always looks so elegant. It is refreshing to see people dressed beautifully for a night out together. As always the "hooligans" make my day. They are adorable. Happy day to you! Sherry

    1. Thank you, Sherry, for always taking the time to leave a kind comment. I miss lots of things about Dallas - everything is so convenient and 3 out of 4 seasons have great weather. Also, your restaurants, especially Mexican ones, are fabulous. Have a wonderful week, dear Sherry.

  26. Looks like a fun getaway. I miss NY. Bryant Park is one of my favorite parts of the city and I love the Grille there. NYC on a summer day. Sigh.

  27. What fun! You must have picked the perfect weekend weather-wise because most of the summer has been a scorcher! Love seeing where you hung out and now I am putting that Broadway Show on my list! Thanks for sharing your New York adventures! Love the Seinfeld reference...huge fan here.

  28. I cannot wait to get to NYC again - will be there in April! Dying to try the Polo Bar and hoping to be able to squeeze that in. Thanks for the vicarious trip to a favorite place with two of the chicest travelers!

  29. Looks like such a wonderful time -- it's been years since I've been to NYC and I would love to see Ämerican in Paris. The photos of the restaurants are wonderful and you're looking pretty uptown yourself!

  30. Sounds like you really had a great time in NY with your Mister♥ Hugs♥


  31. Katie,
    Pure joy was received from this delightful, enlightening and witty post!
    Sitting and here and rereading it all!

  32. Katie,
    Long time reader and first time commenting. Your trip to NYC sounds great. We live in Michigan and try to visit the city 2 or 3 times a year. We have had lunch at Michael"s and drinks at the King Cole Bar. We stay at a lovely small boutique hotel on the Upper East Side. Have tried to secure a dinner reservation at the Polo Bar several times...can only reserve at 5:30...even with the help of the Concierge. Is it worth all the hype? Did you have an early reservation? We love RL in Chicago and Ralph's in Paris.
    Love your blog! Always a fun read!

  33. Katie- your adventure sounded/looked wonderful!
    There's a quiet car on Amtrak?
    You look very chic in your pearls.
    Enjoyed visiting as always!

  34. Bryant Park looks amazing!! Love the guy waiting for someone to play chess with, just like on tv ;) and the pool gone rogue....made me laugh. Tell #1 that I am sorry you spent the inheritance, but good for you two..enjoying yourselves is much more important!! Thank you for sharing your adventure on TaDa Thursday!!

  35. What a fabulous get away! You look all gorgy in your 'little black dress' :) Hubby and I travel a lot, but can you believe that we have never been to NY? On my bucket list. The chess player just made me chuckle. Thanks for sharing with SYC. I too love to travel, but there's no place like home!

  36. Welcome to TaDa! Thursdays! Love being taken on a trip with you. Too bad I didn't get to eat and enjoy the theater with you too. I wish I was an amtrak ride away from NYC. But you inspired me because I am an amtrak ride away from Chicago or KC. Sounds like a great weekend trip!


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