Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Every Bloomin' Thing

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  We've lucked out with another beautiful weekend in New England.

  Yesterday was the Mister's pic at the movies, and his choice was War Dogs.   It was better than I thought it would be, but if I were you, I would save my money and watch it for free on TV.

This garden post is overdue.  I took these pics while I was on my blogger hiatus.  I'm glad I shot them then because things are not looking quite as good today.

Can you tell I have an affinity for window boxes?  

Unfortunately, we did not have a lot of rain this summer.  We have water restrictions concerning sprinklers, but the field is wide open when it comes to hand watering.
Lucky me!

The most difficult part of the watering process is the second story window boxes.  I either use a watering can through the windows or the Mister whips out his pole.  Insert politically incorrect inappropriate joke here.

We took down a huuuuuge half-dead tree by the side porch.  When it was gone, it looked like we needed something there, so we put in this window box and a Japanese Red Maple tree.

We planted some more hydrangea bushes.   

And we planted a small garden of white ones, too.
We had no luck with hydrangeas in Texas, so I am making up for it now.

The rhododendrons are in the back of the house. 

I have one small peony bush that blooms for about a day.  Wish they lasted longer.  

The benefits of my hard labor.  
I wonder how many calories I burn while I water...

Until next time...

My groundskeepers who do their own kind of watering.

Proudly linking up with:
Dishing It & Digging It with Linda
Blue Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Inspire Me Tuesday
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Thoughts of Home on Thursday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. It all looks fabulous! We have been getting afternoon showers this past week, so things are looking a little less droopy!

  2. Your flowers are beautiful! Here in Texas we have been having rain every day so the plants are looking better.

  3. You have a gift for gardening - everything is gorgeous! Love the window boxes!!!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! I bet feel like you've died and gone to heaven there most days!

  5. Amazing what 6 or 7 states away toward the north will do for gardens!!! Since you know all about TX, you then also know that by August, our stuff has dried up, gone ka-put, looks terrible and died. And we are so tired of the watering, that I finally just give up around the end of july and say good riddance! But this august, we've had so much rain that my stuff has actually perked back up, the grass is green and I'm not as mad about it as usual.
    Your window boxes are to die for!.... so cape cod-ey! How long do the blooms actually last up there??

  6. Oh, this Texan is jealous of those hydrangeas and the peonies. ;-)
    Love the window boxes. Makes me want to add some to our front windows, but don't think they would get enough sun. Still having rain here in Austin. Loving every drop!
    Someday I hope to get a tour of your beautiful home.

  7. Hydrangeas, peonies and rhododendrons are among my favourites and old-dependables. Rhodos, especially, grow very well here on the Pacific Rim. Well done with those gorgeous window boxes!

  8. The flowers look gorgeous..afraid many of my mine have taken a beating with the heat and humidity..some are coming back. Peonies are my fave but so wish they lasted longer!
    Funny we also saw War Dogs (more for my husband than me) but it was actually really interesting and kept me captivated the entire time.....the brazenness of those guys was astounding. Hope you have a great start to the week.....

  9. It certainly is beautiful! Hydrangeas are my absolute favorite!

  10. Everything looks beautiful. It was dry here this summer too...until the past couple of weeks. Now we're getting thunderstorms nearly every evening. Great for the gardens, but also more weeds! Have a wonderful week, Katie.

  11. Everything looks so lush and gorgeous in your photos. Your house is beautiful!! -Jenn

  12. What beautiful flowers! I love window boxes too! They add so much curb appeal. Your garden and ground look absolutely gorgeous! I hope that you have a Happy Monday!!!

  13. What a lovely home - and beautiful flower boxes!! You certainly have a green thumb!! I love the MA blue hydrangeas - just beautiful! Enjoy the last blooms of summer!

  14. Hi Katie, Thank you so much for joining Blue Monday. I too 'love' window boxes and yours are outstanding. Your entire post, including the pups, is so delightful. Most of all thanks for the laugh with your husband watering his plants with his 'pole'. HA!

  15. I have hydrangea envy! Your whole yard looks so beautiful and I love all your window boxes! It is sad that peonies are so short lived but I think that's a part of their charm. I enjoyed this beautiful tour, Katie! Have a great week!

  16. Your flowers and greenery are spectacular - in pots, window boxes, pitchers! Hydrangeas, peonies, and rhododendrons are among my favorite flowers, and you have planted and displayed them magnificently! Thanks so much for sharing. And thanks for the heads up about War Dogs. Hope you have a great day!

  17. My gosh a woman after my own heart. I am a flower girl to an extreme and very envious of your gorgeous flowers. Of course all of those bloomed here in April and May and now we have hit the dog days and everything is looking a bi bleak! Beautiful home, love! xo

  18. Katie, you are such a crack up and I wish you were my neighbor! Your yard looks amazing and one can never have enough hydrangeas in my book. LOVE window boxes and your house has so much charm and curb appeal it should be featured in a magazine. The groundskeepers are adorable!

  19. No matter the age of your home, it is truly gorgeous. You are so blessed with a wonderful family, home and "ground keepers".

  20. Your window boxes are stunning, Katie! I'm so impressed with the whole watering situation you and the mister have figured out. I also love your humor. MsB wants to be your neighbor and so do I! ;)

  21. You had me laughing out loud with your hubby joke. The window boxes are stunning and so are the hydrangeas!

  22. Your humor is killing me! Love the window boxes, just beautiful and so welcoming.

  23. Although I love your photos, I was lost in the dream of your first sentence of what lovely weekend weather you've had in New England. So gummy, gooey hot here. I wish I could send you some of our Gulf Coast rain. I found photos today of my last trip to Martha's Vineyard and remembered how crisp and cool the air was. Sigh. Is there ever a perfect place to live? (Hawaii?)

  24. Katie! You crack me up! Gorgeous window boxes, they look so healthy and lush! Thanks for sharing and linking up at Dishing It & Digging It! We love reading your adventures each week!

  25. Wow -- love your flowers -- your window boxes and hydrangeas are gorgeous! I can't get my hydrangeas to bloom for me! :(

  26. Your house is gorgeous and your flowers are wonderful, but the window boxes are awesome, you did a great job and you got the GREEN THUMB, pal!

  27. Hi Katie, so nice to "meet" you!!! I came over from Marty's. Your home is gorgeous and I, too, love window boxes! My hubby buikt me 10 of them in our old house. (We moved here 3 years ago). I also had 15 hydrnagea bushes there and always had tons of gorgeous blue blooms. Here at this house I got ONE bloom this year:(:( I will be your newest follower.

  28. You are just too funny! Love those flowers and those gorgeous window boxes!

  29. Lucky you Katie! Hydrangeas that are gorgeous as are your window boxes too.
    Happy TOHOT!

  30. Katie- your home and gardens are amazing!
    What a beautiful haven you have created.


  31. Gorgeous!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  32. Katie, your garden is gorgeous. And all the window boxes are stunning. They remind me of the window boxes in Charleston SC. I know it must be a big job to water everything but it certainly pays off. Your neighbors must love you for providing such beauty. Thank you for sharing at Your Inspired Design.


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