Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Waffling Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope y'all are enjoying your week.  We have been blessed with gorgeous weather and even got some significant rain a couple of nights ago.  The excitement is in the air for my #1 and Adorable Jonathon's visit Labor Day Weekend.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for sunny skies and cool temps.  

It is not only hump day, but it is also time for Hodgepodge.  Stop by From This Side of the Pond and read some other blogger's answers to Joyce's thoughtful questions.

1.  It's National Waffle Day (August 24th) ... what decision are you currently 'waffling over?  (or share what you recently waffled over).

Annie's Eats

The last thing I waffled over was this morning's breakfast.  
Thanks for the inspiration.

2.  It's the middle of August, but I'm already seeing lots of autumn-related posts.  Do you think we rush the seasons?  If so, does that bother you?  I saw (here) an end of summer bucket list included -


I have gone to two blog conferences.  Both of them urged bloggers to start writing and pinning for the next season six weeks before the season's beginning.  If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know I'm not organized enough to do this.

Make s'mores, read a new (or favorite) book in the park, eat something delicious and bad for you at a state fair, be a tourist for a day, have a potluck picnic, book a last minute summer getaway, relax by or in the pool, take a hike to watch the sunset, have a day o the lake, try a new summer recipe.
Which activities on the list might you squeeze in before summer officially comes to a close? 

I'd like to sit on my patio and finish this delicious book.  I understand now why this one got so many 5-star ratings!

3.  Your favorite summertime 'art' found in nature?

The Graceful Gardener

In my eyes, the beautiful summer flowers are nature's art.

4. Stephen R. Covey is quoted as saying 'We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions.'  Agree or no?  Do you define yourself based on your intentions, your actions, or something else?

I'm afraid I'm a bit too shallow to answer this question.

5.  Are you useful in crisis?  

You should ask these two young ladies about how well I handle a crisis.  During their teenage years, it seemed that I needed to be in charge of damage control every week.

I don't miss those years in the least.

6.  What's been your go-to dish this summer?  Is it something you'll continue making as the seasons change?

My go-to dish is whatever is on the Mister's menu.
The above are photos of his latest creations which he served for Sunday brunch when my lovely cousin and her gentleman came over this weekend.

7.  Adult coloring books are a thing now.  Have you jumped on the bandwagon?  If not, is this something you think you might enjoy?

Not for me.
I'd rather read a book rather than color in one.

What have you been waffling over lately?

Until next time...

Love that Pet

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Ohh I just want to respond to so much here! I do think blogging communities rush the seasons and I hate it! I'm not ready to post about fall yet. Yes, we are getting some things in order for fall but I just don't feel the need to swarm my readers in pumpkins, sweaters, and Halloween quite yet! Agreeing with that quote of how we judge others and ourselves, that is so on point! I can admit to doing that. Maybe I'm alone? Nature's beauty in the summer is so very much the flowers but also the birds...my goodness aren't they gorgeous in the summer?I love the food shots - grown up food! What is that like? Have a wonderful day!

  2. I am in agreement with so many things you listed! I also love flowers as my summer art and would definitely rather read than color! Thanks for the book recommendation! I am visiting from Hodgepodge and look forward to reading your blog in the future! Annster's Domain

  3. Posting 6 months in advance of the season, or what? I'm lucky to come up with anything for the moment. I love summer's flowers too, and the only thing that's blooming here now are the rudbeckia. Must plant more Echinacea next spring. Enjoy your own personal chef's creations. Lucky you! :-)

  4. Yes, please don't rush the season. Let's just enjoy the present. Cute video. Someone who shall remain nameless once thought that clothes turn themselves right side out in the wash! -Jenn

  5. Hydrangeas definitely say art to me! So many gorgeous colors and varieties! I've put that book on my to-read list so thanks for the recommendation. Enjoy your day!

  6. I think I am safe to say you have sufficiently established yourself as the envy of all the Hodgepodgers today. What do we need to do to get on your Hubby's meal preparation list? My oh my! Now about the blogging posts being done 6 months in advance. Who can do that? I'm lucky these days to get the Wednesday Hodgepodge post done before 2AM on Wednesday. Loved the video.

  7. Reading is way better than coloring in one of those adult coloring books.

  8. I think my answers would pretty much echo what you've said here. Everything seems to be rushed these days, but I'm not one to be that eager! I like to savor the moment, rather than planning for the next. As for waffles, I'll take French toast for my breakfast of choice, but I have been waffling over what to wear to an upcoming wedding. I loved coloring books as a child, but give me a good book to read or needlepoint in my hands and I'm a happy girl. Oh, that hydrangea garden is making me envious. I see nature's art in gardens and also beautiful lakes. I say that now that Lake Travis is once again full. '-) Loved the video!

  9. Thanks to you Katie I'm going to eat a waffle for lunch while I order Ms Hoover's book.;-)

  10. TO MOVE or NOT TO MOVE...........SO I can be closer to YOU!
    DONOT RUSH THE SEASONS PLEASE..................I have yet to put the swimsuit ON!Plus, I bought a NEW HAT in NEWPORT!A SUN HAT...............MUST have time to STRUT and PRETEND i'm still IN NEWPORT!
    Lovely meeting YOU and THANK YOU for driving down to find me!!!!

  11. I would eat bacon at any meal, it is a must at breakfast. As an Annie, I plan on co-opting all of Annie's Eats. That brunch menu is worth weeping over. Such a gorgeous meal. Totally agree on reading over coloring. I do not excel at that which is why I am not allowed to buy or apply my own makeup. Oddly enough, many of my beach reads are stories that involve seaside communities. I just finished On the Rocks by Erin Duffy. A very quick read that 30 some-things will relate to easily. Love the photo of your girls!!!

  12. Am always excited to see what everyone is reading- adding this to my list! If summer weren't so fleeting around these parts- maybe I'd be looking at fall type things- but fall is just a pre-cursor to the overabundant snow and cold to come... so please let us enjoy summer a tad longer!

  13. I'd rather do my own art than color someone else's but sometimes the books are useful in my quest to learn how to draw better. And as for jumping the seasons, no thank you. It's one thing if it's something more complicated -- say a holiday project that you need to begin well in advance to complete. But I want to suck the juice out of summer for as long as I can before I change it up to fall -- and then the same for winter. I saw Christmas stuff in a store and freaked!

  14. My article I'm turning in to the newspaper for next week's column is how I hate to see the seasons rushed. Enjoy what's in front of you I say! When I click over to a blog doing fall things in August, I avert my eyes so I don't get confused. It's hot as hell-o kitty here through September, so I'm all about living in the present and not trying to wear pumpkin patch sweaters with the air conditioning turned to 65°. Good for your un-organization!

  15. I am posting about fall from last year if that gives you any indication about how far ahead I am. Ha! This teacher is retired and I try to avoid deadlines these days 😊 Now that video...love it. And he is insane. I picked up some fancy coloring books for our grand when she visited...and I sent them home with her. Guess I am not coloring...but I was obsessed with coloring when I was a kid. Give me a new box of crayons and I was in heaven.

  16. OMG! I want to come to your house for Sunday Brunch!!! The selection looks scrumptious. Hydrangeas are my favorite summertime flower, I love your photo of them. Thanks for the book tip, I'm an avid reader and I'm always on the lookout for a new book. Hope you have a great week!
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  17. I am not ready to decorate for fall yet - my kids don't go back to school until after Labor Day so I will be in denial that summer is ending for awhile. Thanks for the book recommendation! I am always looking for something new to read. I just started Gone with the Wind so it will be some time before I start another...over 900 pages -what am I doing? But I never read it before so why not? Your husband is quite the chef - lucky you! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  18. I am already in a Fall state of mind but only because everywhere I do there are pumpkins, mums, cinnamon wreaths and more.

    Your husbands creations are fabulous! May I ask what was served with the chicken?

    Im with you, the coloring book thing escapes me. I hated it as a child and it would make me crazy as an adult. Although they say it is excellent for mental stimulation.

    Enjoy your beautiful girl this weekend.

  19. Hmmm now you have me curious about this book....I'm going to look it up lol. I love to read and always looking for recommendations.


  20. I identify...all over. Decorate 6 weeks before the season? Imagine if we dressed that way? Sweaters and Hunter's in July!

    I have a huge pile of books but your quote on ratings for this novel had me over at Amazon and its on the way. May get to it by next February but at least I have a good stack. ;-D


  21. Wow -- whatever your Mister makes would be on my list! That all looks magical!! Planning blog posts in advance -- what is just crazy! :) I'd rather read blogs (like yours!) than color! Have a great day!

  22. I love seeing seasonal items before the season actually starts because if you are making things, you need to see the new items so you can prepare them in time for the beginning of each season. I took a day in July and began pinning things I wanted to create for the Christmas season. If I don't start preparing now, I will never be ready in time!

  23. Ok, so I didn't soak up that seasonal advice in SLC. Where was I? Probably focussing on trying not to laugh or make eye contact with you or Mo in the mirror or some such equally as serious endeavour. Perhaps that's why my darling blog runs by the seat of its pants? And the damage control years? With you on that one, Sis. I don't miss them one weensy bit.

  24. I almost scolded two ladies at the grocery store for wearing fall clothing but realized that would be inappropriate behavior�� As fabulous as Fall is, what happens after Fall is not pleasant. After a crazy summer (two family weddings) I have finally made it back to our summer place on Lake Michigan to squeeze in every last drop of summer.
    Brunch at your house looks amazing.

  25. Ha ha...I do not rush the season unless you are referring to the end of the school year; then rush away! I don't have time to write at present so I am glad I can read something fun...thanks for being that fun!


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