Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, August 12, 2016

It's Time for a Kitchen Tour

Hello, dear friends.  Today I am linking up with Kelly's Corner and a few other wonderful blogs.    If you are new to my blog and missed our kitchen renovation, you're lucky.  I wish I had zoned out during that time, too.  If you're still interested, you can find the posts here and here.

Here are a few pics of the house when it was on the market and when we moved in.  

This photo shows you what you see when you walk in the kitchen door.  We took out the above closet and replaced it with this cabinetry.

Here's a word of advice for anyone going through the kitchen renovation process.  The kitchen designer told me that everyone is placing the microwave in a lower cabinet.  If you are over 30 years old, don't do it.  It's a pain in the neck to bend over and attempt to read the numbers.  I now consider microwaving part of my cardio. 

We took down the wall to make the kitchen look larger.

I wanted to show you one thing.  Do you see the beautiful handpainted pumpkin?

My friend, sweet Karolyn, from The Relished Roost, gave that to me and a few other lucky bloggers a couple of years ago at luncheon.  

All the lighting fixtures, as well as this beautiful planter, are from The Enchanted Home shop.  What can I say... I'm a Tina wannabe.

There was a chimney where that cabinet is placed on the wall.

This area doubles as blog central when I am not in my office and need to keep an eye on the hoodlums.

We took the above closet out and added cabinetry to the right in this photo.  

It has slide-out shelves, which I love!

These are the last of my hydrangeas from my garden.  
I wish I could freeze them.

We kept the original cabinets and wood in the pantry.

Very seldom are the toys found in this basket.  Chowdah and Chili watch me painstakingly bend over to pick up all the toys and put them away.  They then take them out one by one, scatter them around, and chuckle under their breaths when they spot my expression.  

It's not easy being me.

The watercolor on the right is a house portrait that I had done for the Mister's birthday.  The artist is Terry Choate.  

 Terry surpassed my expectations with her talent.
Chowdah and Chili are even featured!

This is a terrible picture, but I wanted to show you my favorite thing about the kitchen.  This wooden area is original to the house and holds bucket loads of cutting boards and baking sheets.  When we move again, this is a must-have in my new kitchen.  Otherwise, I'll just leave all our stuff for the new owners.

The butler's pantry is another favorite area of our house.
The drawers, cabinets, and wood are originals.
If you doubt me, come over to my house and try to open a drawer or window. 

We liked Mom better when she took time off from blogging.
Please tell her to stop taking pictures of us. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...

Proudly Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your kitchen is so beautiful!! I love the blue and white. Love the windows looking out at the wonderful trees. Love the white cabinets and the layout. I could keep going and going!!

  2. Can you ever go wrong with blue and white? Never! And a blue and white kitchen is so classic and timeless. I love the wall of windows over your sink! The wreaths are so perfect!

  3. Gorgeous kitchen Katie! I love it...so light, bright, and cheery! Are you getting ready to move again? I was so hoping you two would stay and eventually open an Inn or B&B. And that house portrait is beautiful!

  4. Your kitchen is gorgeous. While updated it stills holds that "older" charm. I too have wondered about the ease of having the microwave lower.

  5. Here I sit in my kitchen on the morning-after a fig jam making session. Comparisons of our two kitchens are not a good thing at this moment! I love the blue and white, of course. It is just a beautiful scheme for any room.
    From what direction does the light come through your kitchen windows? Are your counters always so beautifully bare? So many questions..........

  6. A lovely, bright, cheerful kitchen that suits your traditional home perfectly. A kitchen remodel reminds me of having a baby: Months of pain and then you forget it all once it's over and you see the outcome. My microwave is lower and it's not a pain at all to access - and I like how it isn't prominent. After the fact, someone mentioned to me that a family with young children wouldn't like a microwave placed low. Stay cool and have an enjoyable weekend.

  7. You have such a flair for decorating . . . your kitchen and surrounding areas are so lovely! Happy weekending!

  8. Do you happen to remember where you purchased the three metal canisters that are to the left of the sink? I purchased on a few months ago at a local thrift store, and would love to find my own complete set! :) Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Kelsey... the canisters are actually ceramic and I got them at ceramicadirect https://www.ceramicadirect.com/Products/search.asp
      Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Your kitchen is lovely! Such a classy look <3

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  10. For the next few weeks, I am going to walk around my kitchen with my eyes closed and pretend I am in your kitchen...the blue and white is a classic...also I have wondered about that microwave below the counter thing, so that is pertinent information for anyone getting ready to remodel.

  11. Beautiful, Katie! I love how light and cheery it is! The original wood is stunning, too! And, oh my goodness, that watercolor is something you will cherish forever.

  12. Fun seeing your beautiful kitchen, Katie. I see lots of things that make us "sole sisters" ~ blue and white, Quimper, Mackenzie - Childs, roosters, etc. The difference is that our kitchen is a very small galley kitchen. What a wonderful space and all that storage is making me want to move. '-)
    Enjoy the day!

  13. Stunning! I love it all of course and the blue and white against the white is simply beautiful....it looks like a happy home. Hope your summer is going well......

  14. What a beautiful transformation! I love everything about your kitchen.

  15. ok...several things...
    first, so glad to see your recommendation of house artist. been looking and looking for someone to do our lakehouse.
    secondly, plz tell me your countertops do not always look that tidy and void of any junk. plz! (on my to do list for fall...get the crap off my countertops) ((your kitchen is gorgeous, by the way. and butlers pantry to die for!))
    thirdly, are you kidding me????? you're gonna move again????? wha??? that's torture for sure!!
    have a good weekend. Mess that kitchen up!!!!

  16. Katie, This is such a wonderful kitchen! We just finished a kitchen remodel and I am searching for bar stools....I would love to know where you found yours??Thank YOU!!!

    1. Hi Becky... We got ours at Restoration Hardware. Enjoy your week!

  17. How beautiful!
    It looks like a magazine feature.
    Are you moving? (Which is absolutely none of my business!)

  18. I can think of 500 things I love about this kitchen, but I always come back to the dainty little wreaths on the window. Such charm! Such elegance! Such simplicity! I'm looking for a house now with kitchen windows so I can do the wreath-thing. I also appreciate the tip about the location of the microwave. I've always thought the lower placement would be good, but maybe not. I can't read the panel of my new microwave now and have considered using a Sharpie to mark "start" and "cancel." I can't see a thing!

    Thanks for showing us the details. I just love it all.

  19. Katie, I do presses when I microwave as some kitchen designer put mine over the double ovens. Surely there must be a way to compromise! White kitchens are my favorite~~they are truly the only timeless ones. And of course anything from Tina can come and live in my house. You have exquisite taste and I'm in love with your chickens and roosters. Linda

  20. Katie, your kitchen is beautiful. So classic and traditional, yet plenty of new. I love your windows and curtains. Blue and white are awesome colors!!!
    Thanks for sharing it all in one place.

  21. Your kitchen looks absolutely beautiful! I love all the blue and white touches and the pendant lights above the island! I also love your window treatments, and it looks like you have such beautiful views out your windows!

    DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.............I caught it ONLY because I am in the KNOW NOW!
    WE do not own a microwave.............I DONOT WANT ONE!
    But I would agree with YOU.MY WASHER and DRYER I have to bend to load and unload and I HATE IT!Plus, they are in my pantry and it is narrow...............YUCK!FLAW FLAW FLAW............
    YOU have beautiful kitchen.......and I LOVE THE OLD PART!

  23. Your kitchen is beautiful. I love it all. I have to admit I threw out my microwave and I am cooking and reheating the old fashioned way again. xo Laura

  24. Katie, I'm Kelly's mom from Kelly'sKorner blog and I just wanted to 'fess up to you that I have read your blog for a couple of years now and just think it is grand! I am a blue/white lover and dog lover also! You make me smile with your musings! I haven't blogged for over a year now. After blogging for many years, I just got unmotivated!
    Thanks for your tour of your beautiful kitchen!

  25. Love your kitchen and so fun seeing the before and after pics! I understand why your hubby enjoys cooking so much!

  26. Beautiful kitchen!! Love all of the white and my next kitchen will certainly be white!! And the blue is so pretty (I have NO blue in my house and I don't know why - lol. I also love the fast that you can see all of your special dishes in the butler's pantry - easy access - I get my exercise from searching for mine! I like the microwave over the stove, but then I am tall and it's perfect for me. I can not imagine going thru a kitchen renovation - but it looks like it was worth it!

  27. Absolutely beautiful kitchen--even your dogs match! I have been using a drawer microwave for the last 8.5 years and I love it!!!

  28. Beautiful!! So bright and cheerful! I wouldn't even mind cooking - or better yet, sitting at the counter watching the Mister whip up something fabulous!

  29. Wow -- you have a beautiful kitchen! It turned out fabulous!

  30. I love the new look, it's so fresh and welcoming! Thanks so much for sharing with #FridayFrivolity too. :)

  31. Love everything about your kitchen. AND, you are so right about the microwave. We put ours up high and we'll just have to deal with it if it ever becomes a problem. Also, love all the blue and white.

  32. This is perfect, perfect, perfect! Oh my, I so very much enjoyed this tour. Your redo is BEAUTIFUL! I love everything about it!

  33. We are in the middle of a DIY kitchen remodeling. Right now my husband is dismantling a tiny pantry we added in 1986 to make room for the new pull-out drawers pantry 30" wide. I have a small house, lol. But seeing yours all done, (we are also going white with the same handles only in dark bronze/black) and I can't wait. So fun to see a finished project and just dreaming of the how and when, OMG when, it will EVER be done. Thanks, Sandi

  34. This kitchen is absolute perfection. I love that pumpkin.

    Annie G.

  35. What a lively kitchen remodel! Love all of your blue and white...a timeless classic!

  36. Your kitchen is beautiful! I love all of the built-in sotrage features! Especially the Butler's Pantry. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  37. Your kitchen is gorgeous! I love all the storage and the blue and white pieces. I am a Tina Wannabee too! So funny about the dog toys. My Rosie always takes hers out and I just cannot train her to put them away!

  38. Gorgeous, Katie! And you confirmed what I always thought about lower placed microwaves. They just seem so inconvenient to me. I like them at eye level! Although I could use some cardio.

  39. Hi Katie! Wow..you have had a great and busy summer! I loved the kitchen tour! Your home is beyond beautiful! There is everything to love about your kitchen! The blues were always my mothers favorite! I absolutely enjoyed your photos and the magical transformation! Very, very tasteful! Have a wonderful weekend love!

  40. Beautiful kitchen and the light that filters into your lovely home is magical.
    I have a treasured pumpkin too:)
    Thank you for joining us today at TOHOT.

  41. I love to see a good before and after, yours is amazing. What a bright and pretty place to cook in.

  42. There are too many great ideas in your kitchen layout not to share! I will feature it today at Home Sweet Home!

  43. There are too many great ideas in your kitchen layout not to share! I will feature it today at Home Sweet Home!

  44. OMG, YOUR KITCHEN IS STUNNING !!! You talk about moving someday? After having this kitchen reveal I would never go anywhere else !
    I love every detail and all you bought from Tina. Yes, Tina is amazing.
    Congrats and enjoy your awesome kitchen !

  45. Hi Katie ,, i love you blog ,, you have a new follower

  46. First of all, I think we are all Tina wanna bes:):) Your kitchen is a dream! Would LOOOVE a butlers pantry as I have a dish ROOM for all my dishes and table things. I love to do tablescapes:)

  47. Your websites are really good. I appreciate your work.
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  48. Learning to acquire the skills for kitchen remodleing will have the highest return of any skill you can learn.


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