Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Say Hello to The HighBoy

Hello, dear friends.  During my blog hiatus, I not only caught up on Real Housewives and Fixer Upper, but I also spent a lot of time on the computer.  I did some pinning, blog hopping, Instagram ogling, and oodles of googling.  I found a few great websites - one that I will share with you today and the rest at a later date.

If you've read my blog for awhile, you know that the Mister and I enjoy browsing antique shops.  We may or may not be looking for anything in particular.  We just enjoy the hunt, especially if it includes a fattening lunch.  

The HighBoy sent me a link to their site.  You may have heard of it from other bloggers.  Evidently, I came late to the party because this site is hot. The HighBoy is an online curated marketplace for antiques and fine art.  It deals with the most trusted dealers.  The Wall Street Journal, as well as many other stellar publications, have written glowing reviews about this groundbreaking company.

Let's go shopping!  

Maison Janson Ebonized Louis XVI style desk

I have the perfect spot for this table in my den.  Now all I have to do is break the good news to the Mister.

English Mahogany Butler's Desk 

Love the desk.  
Now all I need is the butler!

19th Century English Mahogany Tilt Top Table

Adore this table.  It's perfect for the room that has just enough furniture but can always use another table when entertaining.  

Louis XVI style Mahogany and Marble Top Bouillotte Table, 19th Century

My parents used to have a side table just like this one when I was growing up.

Spanish Catalan Desk or Writing Table

On my wishlist!!

I'm trying not to overuse the word "love" too much, but it's becoming more difficult.

I could use a pair of these.  Stunning fabric!

I could tell my needlepoint friends that I graduated from my sad little Christmas ornament worked on this all summer. 

Did I mention that they carry estate jewelry, too?

French Vintage Gilded "Butterflies" Chandelier

And breathtaking chandeliers?

Pair of Blue & White Double Knob Delft Vases
And lamps and lighting fixtures?  
Be still my heart - some more items for my wishlist! 

The HighBoy also posts a blog called The Weekly which covers the marketplace, personalities, and style guides.  Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop.  There is an article about Eight Jawdropping Vintage Kitchens and the photos are to die for.

Enjoy your Monday.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It's funny, growing up in a home filled with antiques which I called "old stuff", I had no desire to own antiques. Once I owned my own home, I have come to treasure all my "old stuff" and seek out fabulous pieces like the kind in your post. I gave Highboy a peek...I am afraid to click too far in because I may not get back the time I could lose just ogling the goods. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a fun site Katie!And what great inventory! Perfect place to while away an afternoon.;-)

  3. I recently started hunting for antiques and really appreciate your sharing this amazing website! The lapis and pearl ring would be a perfect gift for our anniversary - if only I can convince my Mister ... Do you have a favorite piece of antique jewelry?
    Hope you have a wonderful day.

  4. I love browsing The High Boy site! You have highlighted some real gems. That butler desk - love it! By the way, I think you could totally pull off that "started with a Christmas ornament and graduated to a gorgeous needlepoint chair" story. Fake it 'til you make it! Have a great week my friend!

  5. I'm a fan of High Boy. I say go for the needlepoint chair and also throw in the gorgeous yellow Louis XVI for good measure. You know you have just the spot!

  6. I know that if I go there it will be like a trip down the rabbit hole and I may never find my way out!

  7. oh my...such nice pieces! I am hoping over to High Boy in a minute. wow. sheila

  8. Oh, sounds like my kind of spot but I'd better steer clear as I need no more temptations for sure!

  9. Thanks for sharing that website. It definitely looks like a good one!

  10. I like the yellow Louis 16 chairs. Yellow always looks good with blue.

  11. Oh boy, Katie! I made the mistake of clicking over to that site and I just spent all my allotted morning blog time enjoying it! I have the Pierre Deux version of the catalan desk (no drawers, stained not painted, same legs, rods, size etc.) in my own study and I love it and everyone wants to know where I got it so if you have the place for it, it is fabulous. Now if you did the needlepointing on that chair would you let anyone sit there, especially with a cocktail in hand? No, not I! It's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the site and I can't wait to see what else you show us! Linda

  12. High Boy is SUCH a great site!! My mister and I also love spending our days antiquing (and then enjoying a delicious lunch or dinner!) Hope you are staying cool and enjoying summer! xoxo

  13. Wow -- you always find th coolest stuff!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oh my! This website may get me into trouble. What beautiful things! Thanks for sharing, and I hope that you are having a wonderful week!!!

  15. Wow -- pretty gorgeous stuff! Thanks for sharing, Katie! (I've been in your part of the world of late. How I love the East!)


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