Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, July 8, 2016

My Visit to the Tar Heel State

Hello, dear friends.  A couple of weeks ago I flew to North Carolina to visit my #2 who is attending graduate school at Duke.  I had never had the pleasure of visiting the Tar Heel state before.  For all you North Carolina residents reading this, I have two words for you:  I'm jealous.  Although I have only experienced a small portion of North Carolina, I found it to be picturesque and the residents to be warm and friendly.

After picking me up at Raleigh/Durham's pristine airport, my #2 chose the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill for brunch.

The food and service at the Carolina Inn were exemplary.

The next day, we walked through the Duke gardens to get to the campus.  

My photos do not give these gorgeous gardens justice.

For years, I have been seeing pictures of the Duke campus.  My Dad is a very proud Blue Devil.  Observing it in real life made me feel like I was on a movie set.  The buildings are breathtaking. 

Duke Chapel 

My girls are very different.  It's like pulling teeth to get my #2 to allow me to take a picture of her.  My #1, on the other hand, has traveled with full photo-ready make up and lighting since she was five years old.

My #2 is excited about attending a wedding in the Fall of one of her buddies from college in this Chapel.  I don't blame her.  Wish I was going.

I think that we were pretty close to visiting every Homegoods in the area.  This is another reason that I am envious of you people in North Carolina.  Look at the amount of stores in your area!

We found that the Homegoods located in the Apex area was the holy grail of Homegoods.

We also spent a lot of time at Southpoint Mall in Durham.  It is a treasure trove of great stores and restaurants.

Before my #2 left for college four years ago, we went to a pottery place to paint mugs for each other.  Before I arrived for the weekend, my #2 looked up a pottery place for us to visit.  Again, we painted coffee cups for each other.  She had such a good time, she even allowed another picture! 

We also went to see Me Before You.  We were two of five people in the theater.  We thought it was delightful and even shed a few tears.

I do have one comment though.  For anyone who saw the movie... were you at all distracted by Louisa's exaggerated facial expressions?  At times I felt her eyebrows took on a life of their own.

Yesterday, my #2's mug arrived in the mail.  This morning, I sipped my bittersweet cup of coffee and reminisced about that wonderful weekend I spent with my girl in the beautiful Tar Heel State.


FYI:  I'm taking some time off to refresh my supermodel trophy wife spirit.  It ain't easy, but somebody's gotta do it. 

Stay safe. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a wonderful visit with #2! I imagine you'll have lots of trips to NC in the future and what a beautiful place it is! We fell in love with the Asheville area when we visited last year. I love that she painted another mug with you...what a great memory and something you can use frequently and think of her. Have a wonderful "bloggy break."

  2. I love the connection between your Dad, daughter and Duke. So very sweet. Also, what a great idea to paint mugs for each other. I'm telling you, sons don't think of things like this. I'll mention it to my boys and see what reaction I get . . . who am I kidding?
    Enjoy your break. You'll be missed!

  3. Isn't it funny how two daughters can be so different. Your number 2 sounds like my oldest and your number 1 sounds like my youngest :-)

  4. What a beautiful campus! Thanks for sharing your special time you had with your daughter. Enjoy your break (don't stay away too long!) -Jenn

  5. Your daughter is so lovely and looks to be thriving in NC! What a beautiful campus. It's so great you got to spend some quality time with her. I can see you two had a ball and shopped enough to single handedly boost the local economy. Well done!

  6. What a beautiful campus! It reminds me of the old movies we'd see on TV when I was a girl - they were always about a pretty co-ed on a gorgeous campus with lovely old houses and enormous trees. You two look to have had a really good time together!

  7. Wonderful trip and memories. I spent some short time in the Raleigh area about 10 years ago...loved it.

  8. What a wonderful visit with your beautiful No. 2. Your girls look so much like you! Wow -- the campus and that chapel are stunning! Have a great weekend.

  9. Sounds like you both had a fabulous visit! Love that you painted mugs for each other again.

  10. As you know, one of us is a Blue Devil so this post took us down memory road! North Carolina is a treat and your #1 is lucky to spending some time there. We hope your summer is off to a great start, Katie - we've missed our blogging BFF's!
    C + C

  11. North Carolina is gorgeous . . . I'm from VA and live in GA so have criss crossed it a time or two! And Duke is amazing . . . fabulous school! Hope you come back refreshed and feeling fine . . . sometimes we all need that!

  12. Looks like you had a wonderful visit! Painting mugs for each other is such a special idea! Enjoy your break!

  13. Thank you for the tour!! looks like a wonderful time and I hope you are enjoying your summer!

  14. I am thrilled you took delight in our home state! It is a lovely place, for sure. I hope your #2 thoroughly enjoys her time here; maybe she will decide to make this her home. My daughter lives very near that Homegoods you loved, and we visit it quite often! ;-)

  15. I've never visited Duke campus, but I've long wanted to see the gardens. Nice that you have a reason to return again and again. We have 3 Home Goods now, but none are close by. Probably a good thing! ;-) Love the tradition of your hand painted mugs for each other. Sweet!

  16. Katie, I was just reading yesterday about the Carolina Inn in a Victoria magazine tea classics special edition and it sounds wonderful!! Another thing, along with the Duke Gardens, to add to my travel list. Your daughter is beautiful and it is wonderful that you were able to share this time with her. I love the mug idea! Enjoy your refurbishing time! Linda

  17. This is where we live! But…. we are UNC people. Sorry, but one has to be one or the other around here! We've been in the area for five years and just love love love it. I even love the hot, humid weather! Yes, the Carolina Inn is very special: they renovated it about a year or two ago and it's quite an improvement. Y'all come back!

  18. I'm relishing the last weekend of my oldest sons last summer break...off to the real work world many miles away in MN. And we didn't even paint a mug yet?! Love that mug and your sweet tales and pics. Can't wait to see what the future brings for our adult kids.

  19. I'm so happy that your #2 is all settled into her new adventure at Duke. I love the idea of the coffee mugs. So sweet! Enjoy your well deserved time off. We will be anxiously awaiting your return! XXOO

  20. I love NC and still miss it. I lived in Salisbury and Charlotte for about 5 years, although I did visit the area you did. Your daughter is so pretty -- she really ought to be happy to get her photo taken! I read your comment about your other daughter to the husband -- he laughed -- said "who does that sound like?" (Me of course!)

  21. My Mom was from NC. You are always up to something fun and there's no better fun than with a daughter. Happy weekend!

  22. Lovely pictures of Duke, NC and your daughter.
    Rest up; I await your triumphant return!

  23. Looks like you had a wonderful time. What a beautiful inn! I am looking forward to seeing Me Before You because I just loved that book! I will take notice of her eyebrows... Enjoy your week!

  24. You have such lovely daughters Katie. I know how proud you must be! She looks SO much like you! Happy to see and hear you had a lovely visit! I so would love to stay at the Inn....have a great week love!

  25. It sounds like you had a fabulous time - your photos are glorious and #2 is so sweet. Have a lovely week, my dear! xoxo

  26. I love that you painted coffee mugs for each other. What a sweet souvenir to remember your time together. That chapel is beautiful. That is every bride's dream setting for a wedding. I'm glad you had a great time together. The older Kendall (age 16) gets, the more I'm reminded to cherish our times together. Have a great week, Katie!

  27. Yes, what is it with the good folks of North Carolina? A few years ago, my two and I popped down to Seattle. Met a lovely lady at the zoo who was calling out to her daughter with the same name as yours and mine. Still with me? Anywho, she was from Charlotte, NC and offered up a plethora of suggestions as to what we should do whilst in Seattle. Everything she suggested was golden. Had the best time because of her. I have wanted to visit NC since then and now you've sealed the deal. Thanks, Sis.

  28. Isn't North Carolina a lovely state and of course Duke University-well, how can one go wrong with that choice!
    Lovely photos and I know what you mean about photographing gardens, sometimes they just do not pop in the photo like they should.
    Rest, relax and enjoy your time off, we are heading to Colorado in a few weeks to get of our Texas heat.

  29. North Carolina is a favorite place of mine as well! When you visit the next time take a weekend with your beautiful daughter and visit Pinehurst it is fabulous, the town and the resort!

  30. Hi Katie, I love NC and what a beautiful campus Duke University is. Such a great choice for education. Your photos are wonderful. Enjoy your time to recoup and rest. Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. Blessings to you. xo

  31. Oh my gosh! You were at my Homegoods! We will have to get together next time you are here!!

  32. you know i love georgia (my home state) and Texas (my beloved but adopted home now) but i've always said North Carolina is God's country...to me that's what heaven is going to look like. plus it has four seasons unlike the 10 month long hot summer here with two months of one day its 60 and the next its 30. hope you're getting some much deserved rest but cant wait to hear what you're up to.


  33. NO...you have to let us know the next time you are in NC!! The Carolina Inn is our home away from home during football season (for Carolina of course!). Duke has such a beautiful campus - the chapel...amazing! Next time you're visiting, take a few extra days and come to Beaufort! We'd love it!

  34. And of course, I meant to stay with us!

  35. Katie...you left a message on the blog asking about backlighting issues. I am not the best but I found an article link I am including for you here. You might email me, mykentuckyliving@gmail.com and I can chat with you more. What kind of camera do you have? I have a canon and can explain some things as relates to Canons. I have had several ask for photo tips, so I may need to form a support group for us. :-) sheila

    1. The link. https://www.digitalphotomentor.com/three-ways-to-fix-dark-backlit-people-photos/

  36. Katie,
    NC is such a beautiful place, so glad you got to spend time with #2! Duke is so gorgeous, the chapel, amazing! NC is the first place I lived after moving away from CA in 1981 and lived there till the early 90's. I lived in an old "haunted" farmhouse 30 min outside of Charlotte in Concord, home of the Cannon family and their mills where they produced the Cannon textiles. Charlotte and Concord are both beautiful towns and I loved living there. At the end of his tour, Aaron was stationed outside Raleigh for the last year. I enjoyed visiting him and seeing the area, didn't get to Duke but after seeing your photos, sure wish we had!
    Hope you're not cooking like we are down here in TN!

  37. Hello Katie! I'm finally catching up with my favorite bloggers after our time in Italy and France. I've missed your humor! NC is a beautiful and friendly state--love your pics. What fun to visit your daughter in her 'stomping grounds'. I didn't see the movie but did read that book last summer-loved it. You are reminding me to see that movie too.
    Happy summer!
    xx, Heather

  38. Duke gardens look so beautiful ♥ Nice photos


    THAT CHURCH................OMG!OUR churches are SO UGLY in CALIFORNIA!
    GUESS WHO IS jetting IN...............MOI!

  40. I hope that you are enjoying every minute of your summer! I have missed your posts but know from Instagram that you are busy living life! Have a great day.

  41. Hi Katie! Hope you are having a wonderful time somewhere! I'm missing my Wednesday Hodgepodge news and advice! Linda

  42. Loved this post! Found your blog via Emily @ Simply a Rough Draft! I've been to NC countless times, but never to this area!! Your post makes me wanna get there STAT!!

  43. Well I'm Carolina born and bred and I'm pretty proud of my state's breathtaking beauty too! A Duke girl is a good girl - this coming from an NC State girl but believes in the ABC's of life - Anybody But Carolina. I cannot tell you how many weddings I have been in in the glorious Duke Chapel ok I can - 4. Every time it is fun and exciting and makes me feel (now) a bit Downton.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. What?! You’re taking time off?! And, just as I'm returning from my year-long blog sabbatical. Ah well, timing, as they say, is everything. So, first of all, I love your new blog header . . . what a lovely drawing of your home and pups. I suppose it’s probably not exactly new . . . and will give away just how long I’ve been out of the picture. Well, never mind, the good news is I’m back in your absence I’ll be catching up an all I’ve missed. Binge blogging, similar to binge watching my favorite shows. You aren’t kidding, Duke is a breathtaking campus. Wow! Enjoy your super model, trophy wife private time!

    1. Ha! Just realized I clicked back to an older post . . . and apparently I’m as technologically challenged as ever. Well, Duke is beautiful - last August and last week.


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