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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, July 1, 2016

Show Us Your Master Bedroom

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Friday.   We are looking at another  long weekend packed with beautiful weather.  Every time I mention the weather, I think of my #1 telling me that I talk about it too much.  I told her that after you pass the ripe age of 50, it is a requirement that you mention the forecast and at least one ache or pain once a day.  

Today, I am linking up with Kelly's Corner Every Day Real Life  Master Bedrooms and a few other wonderful bloggers.  I am doing this for a couple of reasons.  The first one is  because the Mister gave me a new camera for my anniversary this week and Chili and Chowdah are sick and tired of being models.   And lastly, if I may be candid, when it comes to Friday's Favorite Things my well is dry.  I don't have any. 

Welcome to the Preppy Empty Nester love nest.

The former owners knocked down the wall to another bedroom to make it larger.

I use that desk for answering emails as well as spinning my magic with mounds of make up.

My side is closer to the TV, naturally.

I had this bedding made in Dallas.  The duvet cover is really heavy.  I'm thinking about going with all white bedding but the jury's still out.  Your thoughts? 

We are thinking of replacing the stove, which came with the house, with a fireplace.  There's a chance that we may move again so we are holding out before we do a renovation on the master bath which we need desperately and install the fireplace. 

This is where I do all my intellectual reading and watching educational housewives TV.

My buddy, Kate the Great, sent me this beautiful silver bowl for my last birthday and I love it.


Yesterday, I met Beemie from A Milkman's Daughter blog for lunch.  It was the first time that we met in person but it seemed like we knew each other forever.  She is a great lady and so darn funny.   
Have a wonderful 4th of July!

Until next time...

Beemie made these darling patriotic scarves for Chowdah and Chili.

Proudly linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh my goodness. What a perfectly darling retreat. I love that room and all its many uses. You've made a beautiful room!!

  2. Your love nest is beautiful! You could put a white coverlet on the bed and then fold the duvet down. Honestly the room is just perfect as it us. No need for changes.
    Where did you find your rugs? I'm starting on our master in NJ and could use a rug.

    1. Hi Melissa! I got the big rug through the Home Decorators catalog and the little one at Homegoods. Have a wonderful 4th!

  3. Your room is beautiful! I love how big and open it is. I also love the color on the walls and that duvet cover is beautiful as well. I love all of your little touches and the desk in the corner with perfect light. Have a great weekend.

  4. the room is beautiful, soothing and inviting, maybe a white duvet would brighten the space up, but I love the blue duvet, I would just fold it at the end of the bed if you do all white. I can't believe you might move again, you sure are a trooper wife with all of your moves. Maybe somewhere warmer? Happy 4th to you, mister and the pups.

  5. Ya know? I've been a "blue" gal forever. Waaaaay back in the day when it wasn't so trendy. Just has always been so soothing to me and your bedroom is definitely proof of that. I swear...I would spend MANY quality hours in that retreat!
    You met Beemie????????!!!!!!! How cool is that? I bet you two had a ball together. It's really cool when we get to put real faces to the friendships we've formed. Did I ever tell you about the time I had 26 women, from all over the world, gather at my lakehouse? We were YaYa's from the Divine Sisters book site. Had talked on an online board for years before I finally bit the bullet and said....ok, ya'll~~come on!! And they did......boy did they ever come. First time we'd all ever met face to face. Could have been scary but nope, every single one of us jelled and had the time of our lives!!!! Man, oh man....did I ever cook alot for that group!!!!!!

  6. Ditto on the weather and aches conversation...and I haven't quite hit 50 yet! I love your blue bedroom...it looks classic and cozy. Our master could definitely use some decorating love. Right now it still houses Albie's crate, which doesn't add to the look! Have a fabulous fourth!

  7. Blue love nest = GORGEOUS!! I adore the duvet cover. I wouldn't change a thing; however you could always do white for the summer monthes just for a change of pace. Also don't go moving too quickly, we need to make our lunch at least a yearly gig unitl I get this pesky teaching career of my back!

    Had a marvelous time...the pooches look positively Patriotic! Enjoy your 4th of July.

  8. What a beautiful blue room--so clean, crisp, and classic. Speaking of which--I am swooning over your gingham blog background!!!!!

  9. Oh my -- what a beautiful master retreat! Blue is my favorite color! Have a great weekend! Hope your pups aren't scared by fireworks! Am pulling out the doggie valium for our Scottie!

  10. What a wonderful room. Perfect for the perfect trophy wife. I love everything I've seen in your home. As lovely as it sounds, white bedding and dogs :-( Replacing the stove with a fireplace with a white mantle and white stone/marble would look stunning. But, there's always that ugly B word to consider ( 'budget' ). I love your blog and your ironic humour. Best, Cathy

  11. Your master bedroom is exquisite! It is both beautiful and functional. We have a gas fireplace in our master bedroom and enjoy its warmth and charm. I am beginning to switch to all white bedding and love the crisp look. Chili and Chowdah are adorable with their holiday bandanas.
    Is your bedroom paint color the same as your dining room?

  12. Oh I don't think I would ever move! Love, love your master bedroom. Do you mind sharing the paint color?

  13. I love it! Also the sitting room, I want a space like that.

  14. Katie your bedroom is perfect! The navy is very chic and I wouldn't change a thing! Personally I find white lovely to look at but difficult to live with. ;-)

  15. Your master bedroom is gorgeous...and huge! How nice to have all that space! I love the blue and how it makes the plantation shutters stand out. The color is so soothing and perfect for a master retreat! Enjoy your 4th!

  16. I think white bed linens would look fabulous during the summer months. Happy 4th of July to you and your family.

  17. Lovely, lovely, lovely. All of it. And you met Beemie. Such a charmed life, Sis. Have a wonderful July 4th!

  18. BEAUTIFUL!!! Just all so perfect! I love the idea of a fire place though. Every master bedroom should have one. :) Will you share the brand and color of paint? It's gorgeous!

  19. Holy gorgeous! Wow, you have a knack for decorating and that blue is fabulous! It looks like a real "owner's retreat!"

  20. The blue and white is beautiful! I'd definitely do white bedding in there, but I love your dust ruffle too!

  21. I've found my inspiration for my master bedroom redo! Would you mind sharing the paint color with us? Always enjoy your blog posts and love seeing pics of that gorgeous home.
    Happy 4th from the great state of Texas!!

  22. I wouldn't change a thing!! Beautiful!! Have a great weekend.

  23. What I want to know is how the Sam Hill do you have good enough arms to show after 50?? You really are making the rest of us look bad. :)

  24. Just gorgeous! Have a happy 4th of July!!


  25. Katie- you made me smile/laugh once again!
    Thank goodness.
    Your bedroom is lovely and looks like a restful haven.
    I too watch the same intellectual television and tru to spin my magic makeup.
    I always enjoy visiting.
    Where are you moving?

    White Spray Paint

  26. Beautiful, restful space. i wouldn't change it. We have all white bedding, and with Sadie, the duvet cover has to be washed frequently. '-) Do you know the color blue that you used on the walls? It's striking!
    You and Beemie look adorable. I lunched with Kathy from Tartan Terrace yesterday. She is in town from Dallas. Happy 4th of July!

  27. Dearest Katie,
    How did I know that you would have the perfect love nest? This room is simply gorgeous. Believe me, I am JUST getting the urge to play decorator in my own house. Yes, you may check for a pulse. Would you mind sharing the paint color and brand name?
    Thank you.
    Bronco Mom

  28. I am so glad that I found your beautiful blog linked to Kelly's Korner. Your home is just so pretty. I will be checking back soon.

  29. Oh, my, I just thought I had a big bedroom. My goodness, what a lovely retreat you and Hubby have there. I love everything about it and if you want white bedding then I say "go for it." My intellectual reading consists of blogs lately. I've got to change that. Happy 4th!

  30. Beautiful and BIG! I of course just love all the blue and white, one can never have too much! Thanks for sharing your love nest, happy July 4th!

  31. Your bedroom is as big is mine! Mine is over the garage so it is way to big. Love the color on your walls. I think all white bedding would be gorgeous!!

  32. I have size envy (of your room, of course). I love that you have a seating area and a stove, too. Our old century home just doesn't have rooms that big and the long windows make furniture placement difficult. Your colour scheme is lovely. -Jenn

  33. Hee hee mounds of makeup and educational housewives tv. :) Love this room, the blue is fantastic!

  34. I love your bedroom! May I ask what is the paint color? I think maybe keep the dust ruffle and make the duvet white.

    Love seeing chili and chowder!

  35. Gorgeous and spacious master. Get a white coverlet you can wash for a fresh seasonal look. I have similar dilemma...TV facing bed OR sitting area. I chose bed. Does your TV swivel and face either?

  36. Your bedroom is fabulous! Finally a private space big enough I could dance with no one viewing! Lol. I love the stove or a fireplace!! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  37. I will feature this tomorrow at Home Sweet Home!

  38. Your master bedroom is gorgeous. I love it!!! The blue wall color and accents are beautiful. You have done a wonderful job!!! It looks like it belongs in a magazine!!!

  39. Hello! My name is Debbie and I am stopping over from Kelly's Korner. You have a beautiful bedroom and have done an amazing job of placing everything. Even though it's so big it still has a cozy feeling to it. I think the blue color has something to do with it. Great job. I'd keep the bedding....just saying! :)

  40. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful - both your master bedroom and that photo of two gorgeous blogger gals!

  41. I really appreciate the content, thank you for sharing such a nice content with us.
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