Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 20, 2015

This n' that

Hello, dear friends.  We woke up to a dreary, wet day but this afternoon promises sunshine.  Here is a post chronicling a little of this and a bit of that.

Moi, Kathy, Mo of Mocadeaux, and Mary

My buddy, Mo from Macadeaux was in town and we had a lovely lunch with the Sudbury sweethearts yesterday.  We met at the Rustic Kitchen, which never disappoints.

Wednesday, I went to my first book club meeting.  Most of the ladies have lived in their town for many years and go way back.  They could not have been more welcoming to me.  This is a group that cherishes a good laugh as much as a delicious book.

The hostess was lovely and her waterfront home was positively breathtaking.  I smiled all the way home.

Last but not least, the group gave One Thousand White Women a very enthusiastic thumbs-up.  I would never have chosen this book to read but I enjoyed it tremendously.  That's the beauty of book clubs.

The next book that will be up for discussion is In The Garden of Beasts.


One of my favorite websites, Buzzfeed, did a post on 31 Books that will Restore your Faith in Humanity.  After watching the depressing world News this past week, I knew I had to look at the list.  I placed a few on my must read list.

Everyone I know who has read this latest novel by Kristen Hannah has loved it.   

This is one of the few that I have read on the list.  I enjoyed it tremendously.

This one sounds like an interesting story and has piqued my interest.

The Book Thief was one of my favorite books of all time.  Hopefully, this one is just as good.

I am really enjoying this new sitcom.  Almost as good as Modern Family.

Season 2 is on fire!!  
Never a dull moment in this series.

I think that season 3 of Below Deck was even better than the previous seasons.  Lots of twists and turns and Rocky really knew how to rock the boat.  I'm looking forward to the reunion.  Don't tell anyone, but I have a mini crush on Captain Lee. 

I don't get it.  I thought Barbara Walters retired.  Remember that really long two weeks of flashbacks of The View and 20/20 that was on about a year ago?  She's baaaaack!  She will be interviewing the Donald and wife of the week tonight.  I'm sure it won't be a tough, news-breaking interview due to the fact that Barbara and the Donald are good buddies.  

Last but not least, my #1 texted me this photo yesterday with the comment: I found the perfect gift for Dad.  I think she's right.

What have you read lately that has restored your faith in humanity?

Until next time...

The Dodo
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I always feel warm and squishy deep down in my heart after reading Jan Karon books. Oh, and The Bible. Had to say that. I live in Alabama and you know how we love Jesus. And bookclubs. We love a good club any day. And wine. We love that too. (off track).
    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. What a great roundup of books!! My bookclub is currently reading the Nightingale.....I can't wait to start it! Nothing like lunch with a great group of ladies and especially ones that are so welcoming....love that! Thanks for the tip on the new sitcom.....I've always liked James Brolin! I wonder how he and Barbra are doing? Haven't heard much from them lately. I have to say that Modern Family isn't as good as it used to be....or is it just me? My girlfriends and I ran into Julie Bowen, Clare on Modern family, a few years ago at our hotel in NYC. Great lady and so approachable. I posted a pic of us all together in my City Bike Tours post just in case you want to see a pic of her. My dog has been acting up a bit lately so I decided to drop him off at doggy day care yesterday. He came home sooo tired! He has so much energy I can't keep up! Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. 1000 White Women was my first pick ever for my book club and I think we are on year 8 or 9. I agree that book clubs are the very best for reading out of your comfort zone. Happy Friday Katie!

  4. That sounds like a great list of books, Katie. I have read a couple of them. The trouble is I have not had any time to read lately. I have not heard of that new sitcom. I am so far out of the loop (tv)that it isn't funny.
    Hope you have a wonderful, wild, fun weekend. xo Diana

  5. I jotted down your book recommendations because my book group is always looking for a good book to read.
    I agree that Below Deck had its best season. I am sure that after the charter season ended, Rocky headed directly to a job as a chef, a diving instructor or conductor of the Crazy Train.
    Lunch with friends you don't see regularly is always enjoyable!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I loved One Thousand White Women! Read it years ago! Thanks for the other recommendations.

  7. I liked in the Garden of Beasts, but preferred Devil in White City by the same author...so interesting. Lately, my faith in humanity has been difficult to find, Thanks for the wonderful book ideas. 1,000 White Women ...just the title has me wondering.

  8. Oh gosh Katie...I am so out of it (due to elder care and work) that I don't have a clue what is good to read or watch. Thank you so much for filling me in. I did read Devil in the City years ago by that author...Thanks for keeping me in touch with the real world...Donald & Barbara ...yuk...sorry!

  9. 1,000 White Women, read years ago and recommended it to my bookclub this year...all thumbs up. Checking out your others though we've been on a bit of WWII and WWI run. Great goodreads.com reviews though. Below Deck, love your taste in entertainment...a bit disappointed in Eddie. So glad you're in a bookclub, you will enjoy it!

  10. Hard to believe that in today's climate a book titled 1000 white women would even make it to the publisher's. I'll have to check it out. Garden of Beasts is good. I liked Devil in the White City even better and have another of his in queue. I love that style, a bit like Michael Shaara's Killer Angels. A couple others on your list really grabbed my attention too. Thanks for the recommendations. Right now I'm reading Justification by N.T. Wright. I've been on a run of Wright books lately. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Hard to believe that in today's climate a book titled 1000 white women would even make it to the publisher's. I'll have to check it out. Garden of Beasts is good. I liked Devil in the White City even better and have another of his in queue. I love that style, a bit like Michael Shaara's Killer Angels. A couple others on your list really grabbed my attention too. Thanks for the recommendations. Right now I'm reading Justification by N.T. Wright. I've been on a run of Wright books lately. Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Love that Jimmy Fallon pocket square phone case. Perhaps my son would love one as a gift. Hmmm.

  13. Love your blog! Thanks for the book recommendations. I've read a few of them and look forward to the others.
    Katie, is that your picture of "the dodo?" If so, may I paint it! Sooooo cute? I love to paint dogs.

  14. I'm currently reading Alone on the Wall (because I'm fascinated by daredevils because I'll never be one) but my next read will be In the Garden of Beasts, I love Erik Larson's books. The Jimmy Fallon pocket square phone case will be perfect for my son's birthday in January! Thanks for the recommendations.

  15. I have not read any of these books but i now have them on my list! Thanks for the suggestion! I hope that you have a great weekend!

  16. Thank you for the book recommendations, I am way way behind in reading....haven't even been to last 2 or 3 book club meetings, bummer. I love how books can take you away, and I hope after the holiday hoopla to make 2016 a year of more reading!
    So wish we were going to be home to see the interview, and like you....my first thought was didn't Barbara retire a while ago? And there she comes rearing her head once again.....guess she believes in 9 lives:) Have a great weekend!!


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