Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 1, 2015

anatomy of a dinner party

Hello, dear friends.  I hope everyone enjoyed only treats on Halloween.  As always, we overestimated the number of trick-or-treaters, so we have quite a lot of candy left.  Lucky us.  I told the Mister to put all the leftovers in his car so he can take it to work.  I don't even want to look at it!

Any bets on how long it will take me to stroll out to the garage?  

We had a great time on Friday evening.  An old tennis buddy from Mckinney and her family were vacationing in the area.  I asked them for dinner.  I had not seen them since we moved a couple of years ago.

My only jobs are setting the table and clean-up. I always try to look really worn out after I complete my tasks, so the Mister thinks that it's a lot harder than it looks.  He usually just rolls his eyes and then ignores my moans and groans. 

There are no such words as low fat when the Mister is in charge.  

The Mister prepared an Ancho Chili Nage for the chicken.

Old stand by -  Charcuterie board.

Truffle cream with blueberries and red wine and black pepper sausage.

Olive tapenade.

Brie with apple and raisin chutney.

The entree was roasted butternut squash and brussel sprouts with grilled chicken and the Mister's special sauce.

And last but not least, a mixed berry granola cobbler.

A great evening with some wonderful peeps!!

Until next time...

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen...

Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, you and the Mister have the gift of making everything fun, even entertaining together!!
    Happy November 1st!!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. What fun!!! Do you hire the old boy out? My hubby cannot cook water without burning the pan and that is NOT an exaggeration. Everything looks GREAT and that table setting must have wrung the life right out of you. lol Great job BOTH of you. You and I would have SO much fun at a dinner party---I just know it! xo Diana

  3. What an elegant and brilliant blue table. Dinner looks fantaxtic!

  4. Oh, my goodness, how impressive. Does the Mister hire out?

  5. Wow! The food looks amazing! Love the blue color and table settings. :-) Have a lovely evening!


  6. ok. this is not EVEN right!!!! You know I am a foodie...big time....taught nutrition classes most of my life and absolutely LOVE a dinner party more than any other form of socializing. So, you can imagine the drool I have going on right now reading about your evening. Add to that the fact that HE DOES ALL THE PREPARATION!!!!! Truffle cream???? r you kidding me?? that special sauce??? I can only imagine!!! and what was the cream/topping with the cobbler?? Somebody plz help me praise the beauty of this meal!!!!!!! To be married to a chef would be the end of me.....I would never give that man a break!!!!! hahahahahahahhahaa
    Beautiful presentation and I'm tasting the food thru this crazy computer......I swear I'm calling you if and when I end up in yankeeville again!!!!

  7. What a fabulous table and everything looks delicious! We have way too much Halloween candy around here - both leftovers and collected by the kids. I made my hubby hide it from me indefinitely. Luckily we can donate a lot of it to the school for use in concessions at the play in a few weeks. Have a happy Monday.

  8. Another impressive meal prepared by Chef Mister - and another lovely table set by his assistant.

  9. How lovely you did a great table scape and well please send Mister here I could use a chef in the kitchen!! xo K

  10. Your table looked beautiful not to mention the delicious meal and to share it all with friends is the icing on the cake!

  11. Beautiful tablescape! You two know how to throw a dinner party (butter!). Nothing's worse than getting served ground turkey at a party.

  12. The food looks so scrumptious! Beautiful table!

  13. Wow -- beautiful table -- your hard work shows! That meal looks pretty amazing!

  14. Katie,
    So happy that your friend from Texas came to see you! You know I am a Texas gal too and we do love our friendships.
    Your table and meal looks marvelous!

  15. Whoa! That looks amazeballs, as all the kids say!

  16. This sounds ridiculously delicious! Can we trade Misters..mine doesn't cook!!

  17. Such a pretty table Katie! Your mister's spread looks delicious:). Take care, Tara

  18. I need to come to a dinner party! I'll bring wine. I love your table...so pretty!

  19. Wow! Everything looks beautiful! From the table setting to the food. Perfect!

  20. Wow what a beautiful table and what a scrumptious meal! You are so lucky to have your own built in chef...I am so jealous!

  21. I loved all your ideas dear and I am thankful that you shared about them here. Even I am also looking for best event space nyc for my party and it will be great if you can share some decoration ideas with the venue as well.


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