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Friday, November 6, 2015

Halloween Hangover

Hello, dear friends.  A week late and a dollar short.  This post covers the remainder of last weekend.  If you missed my post on our Friday evening dinner party, you can find it here.  

As you well know, last Saturday was every dieter's nightmare, Halloween.  I always put off buying the candy until the very last minute so I won't inhale it before the wicked holiday.

This is our second Halloween in this house.  I couldn't remember how many trick-or-treaters we had last year, so I put the Mister in charge of buying the candy. He made sure that we had enough candy for the entire South Shore.

We sat in the perfect place to spy our ghosts and goblins  approaching as they flew up the driveway.  

We were well prepared for the cast of thousands.

It seemed like hours later that we decided to do some reading and nibbling on appetizers while waiting for the troops.  We both wondered if there were any children that actually lived in the neighborhood.

The Mister begins to google... 
Is Halloween still on October 31st?

Our security detail is in place.

At last!  The doorbell rang.

We had lots left over even though we told every kid to take as much as they wanted.  Now the Mister knows what he'll be having for dinner all week - frozen Snickers with a side of M&Ms.

Saturday, we went to see a movie.  What a disappointment this movie was.  Instead of naming it Burnt, they should have called it Over Done. The main character, played by Bradley Cooper, was a narcissistic, temperamental, jerk with no redeeming qualities.  There were some raw scenes of his temper tantrums which were difficult to watch not only because of the subject matter, but rather Bradley Cooper's talent for over acting.  The screenplay was disjointed with silly subplots.  

On Sunday, we were going to venture to the Cape but the weather was dreary.  So, we went back to the movies to see Truth.  I thought the movie was very good and Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford gave their usual stellar performances.  It would be a good movie to watch at home on a cold winter's night noshing on some left over Halloween candy. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We get no trick or treaters so I don't buy one piece of candy. My waistline always says thank you. LOL I would really like to see Truth, but will probably wait until I can watch it at home. xo Laura

  2. Well, I don't know what DREAM WORLD you are living in -- but here ----no Halloween candy would last until a cold winter's night....unless the snow started to fly the day AFTER Halloween.
    Great post. I have no intention of seeing Burnt -sounds like it might win a Raspberry award.
    This was fun, Katie--as it always is coming here. xo Diana

  3. Loved seeing more pictures of the interior of your house! Our street gets a lot of trick-or-treaters but few venture down the slight hill to our house. This was the first year that my boys didn't go out. Missed having my own trick-o-treaters.

    1. That's how I feel - I really miss having trick-or-treaters. Have a great weekend!

  4. Katie you, the Mr and the pupsters were definitely prepared.
    Going to have to see Truth this weekend, it sounds like a good one!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Carrier and Company

  5. We had a threat of rain, so our trick-or-treaters were scarce as well. I still have a giant basket of candy left over, but it will be reinvented as Christmas stocking stuffers in another month or so. (If I can keep myself away from it until then!)

    Happy November weekend to you and the pups!

  6. Wow -- you had the good candy! I gave our little boxes of Nerds so as to avoid eating any -- but did have a couple bags of Nestle crunch bars that I did nibble on! Frozen Snickers - YUM! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. We have a very steep uphill driveway (and a beautiful view, but that's an aside) so we've resorted to full size candy bars to lure repeat customers on Halloween! We too were patiently waiting when the first group arrived after 6:30. Back in Chicago, if the holiday fell on a weekend, we were out all day trick or treating!!?? Lots of leftovers here, I like the stocking stuffer idea! Loved the beautiful shots of your home, and witty post.

  8. We went to the Cape (where my parents get no trick or treaters) and left the house to my stepson, his girlfriend and their friends. Apparently the kids were not scared of drunken gorillas and sexy French maids, since they gave away all the candy.

  9. Beware of movies with one-word titles. Did you see Bridge of Spies? Excellent! Anyway, nary a single trick-or-treater came to our spooky house with the long driveway way out in the middle of nowhere. Wonder why. Anyway, I always buy Halloween candy I'll like if we have any leftovers, so it was Skittles and Heath Bars at our house. Mr. C. buys Charleston Chews too, but I don't know why. Maybe he just likes the name. Anyway, LOVE your sweet guard dogs. I am sure that a standard poodle needs to come live at my house. Have a great weekend!

  10. We are use to having lots and lots of trick or treaters but not here on the hill. It is a much more isolated area and I sort of like that. We had 6 children come, the ones that live here on the hill. Happy weekend!

  11. Thanks for the update on movies I shouldn't see! I'm looking forward to seeing A Walk in the Woods and I'm hoping it is as good as the book. Have you done a review on it? We never get any trick or treaters in our neighborhood. So sad because we used to get loads of them in our old neighborhood. Always so fun to see the cute costumes. I know what you mean about the candy-keep that stuff far away. Have a great weekend!

  12. We live in a neighborhood in the country...and not a single little goblin stopped by. We had some candy just in case...and now it is lingering in a cookie jar. The mini Baby Ruth's are disappearing! I may or may not be the culprit. ha. Our small town sponsors trick or treating down on the old town square so I believe most of the goblins were there. They were safe and had easy access to candy! Sheila

  13. Ok. Chiming in here as the minority voice of one who loved Burnt.....saw it today! I spent many years in cooking classes that turned into that exact type of environment...which our professors exclaimed to be the way to garner respect from their student chefs. Respect for our kitchen and our chef was what they were trying to teach us...left up to each student to determine if it was the right way.....
    and I'm sorry but Bradley cooper could have just looked into the camera all day long with those baby blues and it was enough for me ........... acting abilities or not!!!!!!
    and I loved the presentations of the foods.....really did remind me of some Parisian restaurants I've been lucky enough to eat in.
    To each his own....eh??!!!!! I'm definitely going to re-watch this movie and re-trace my initial thoughts!!

  14. We've been getting no one which made us sad. So we went to our daughter's where there were plenty. Next year, join us! Anne

  15. Thanks for the review on Burnt because I really thought that was one I wanted to see. Dear Husband was talking about the one about Moby Dick, forgot the title (I hated the book but he said Ron Howard directed it so it much be good. We'll see)

  16. It rained here so many of the kids made the rounds on Friday night. We had zero on Halloween so there is a bucket load of candy left over at my house. I wonder if Goodwill takes candy?!?! Have a great weekend!

  17. Our trick-or-treaters were blessed. The weather forecast was ominous. "Torrential downpour" would be one of the milder predictions. However, there was a window of dryness right through the bewitching hours. Magical. As for my leftover candy? Fired 'em into two ziploc bags and mailed 'em off to my college two. Did I have any treats at all? Certainly not. By the way, did you notice how small the Reece's peanut buttercups were this year? Asking for a friend.

  18. Our trick-or-treaters were blessed. The weather forecast was ominous. "Torrential downpour" would be one of the milder predictions. However, there was a window of dryness right through the bewitching hours. Magical. As for my leftover candy? Fired 'em into two ziploc bags and mailed 'em off to my college two. Did I have any treats at all? Certainly not. By the way, did you notice how small the Reece's peanut buttercups were this year? Asking for a friend.

  19. You have a top notch security team...

  20. For future candy-buying, I keep track of the number of trick-or-treaters every year on a (neon orange) notecard, and interestingly the number has varied by only a handful for the past ten years!

    1. Pam... that's amazing! My only problem would be that I would forget where I put the notecard! Enjoy your Sunday!

  21. No trick or treaters for us. Elementary school teachers with full moon, Halloween excitement, parent conferences, dress-up for Red Ribbon Week and a flash flood here in Central Texas. Turned out the lights....party week over.
    My husband, best friend teach with me. So after a week like that, my best friend (fellow empty nester) are ready to plan our girls' vacation the week after school is out in June.
    We need your help. I've been to Boston several times and have seen the usual historic sights. We are looking for something different. Can you help?

    1. Would love to help, Gena. Email me @ preppyemptynester@gmail.com.

  22. We were home with the lights out for Halloween since my husband just had surgery the day before...not our best holiday ever but it was cozy. Those dogs of yours are just toooo cute. I'm sorry to hear Burnt was such a disaster. I always love the combo of a hot guy and food in a movie. ;)
    Happy Sunday dear Katie!
    xx, Heather

  23. I can never buy my Halloween candy until the 31st or I eat it all, but we had waaaaay too much left over this year. Where were all of our trick or treaters? Someone had to eat all of the leftovers...


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