Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, November 9, 2015

this n' that

Hello, dear friends.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  Mine was fabulous because my old college buddy, Kate the Great, came for a visit.  If you missed the home tour that I did of her gorgeous home in Santa Fe you can find it here

We did our share of shopping, lunching, and site seeing.  The Mister prepared delicious feasts both nights for dinner and also managed to come up with bail money when we needed it.  I threw my Fitbit to the wind and enjoyed every minute.

Chili positively adored KTG.  Unfortunately, Chowdah spent the weekend at sleepover camp.  Sometimes Chow loves people too much.

A couple of weeks ago, I won the drawing over at one of my favorite blogs, Cranberry Morning.  This soap smells so darn good - I don't know whether to wash with it or eat it.  Judy has many scents.  These soaps would make a great stocking stuffer.

I positively loved Rescue Road.  This is the story of Greg Mahle, who drives homeless dogs from the south to meet their new families up North.  Greg drove our little Chili to Connecticut.  You can read about it here.  We got to meet this dynamic hero when we picked our sweet girl up.  Greg works with wonderful rescue groups such as Houston Shaggy Dog Rescues, where Chili is from. It is such a wonderful story that pays homage to all the unsung heroes of the dog rescuing world.  I highly recommend it to all people who love animals.

One of my favorite books of all time is Me Before You.  The sequel, After You, just came out and does not disappoint.  Now, I am counting the minutes until Jojo Moyes releases her next book. 

My friends, Anne and Beansie recommended this fabulous little gem of a book to me.  The Bee Cottage Story has it all - fabulous before and after photos of this darling house as well as an inspirational story detailing the author's life, Frances Schultz, who also happens to be a blogger.  You can read her blog, right here.   

This is a very honest memoir of Senator Ted Kennedy's youngest son's battle with substance abuse and bipolar disease.  A Common Struggle also includes the history of health care regarding mental illness in this country.  Very interesting at times and a bit wordy at others.

Thank you, Nana Diana, and all the wonderful people who recommended Doc Martin to me.  The Mister and I are just loving this series. I wish I lived in Doc Martin's town of quirky characters.  The best part is we are only halfway finished with Season 1 and we have five seasons to go! 

Do you have any book or TV recommendations for me?

Until next time...

Chili got a new lambchop and somebody decided to put his dirty paws on it.  Chili is not happy.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a wonderful post, (and not just because you mentioned my name-lol). Looks like you had a wonderful time with your friend. Every penny your hubby spent on your bail was worth it, I know.
    I think people in the rescue "business" like that are some of God's angels on earth. I cannot even stand to watch those commercials about the poor pets and their misuse and abuse.
    Have you watched Call The Midwife? One of the best series I have seen in years! Don't know if your hubby will like it but lots of men do. xo Diana

  2. How fun a weekend with a fabulous friend! I love those weekends so much! I have one coming up real soon and I can't wait! So funny you put your dog in doggy day care for the weekend- I have to do that sometimes too! My husband and I were in the Napa Valley this weekend and saw Wynonna Judd at dinner. I thought you would like to know that based on the number of celebs you saw at your dinner in NYC recently. I'm in the process of booking a trip to NYC for spring break next year. I'm definitely going to book dinner reservations at The Polo Bar! Thanks for the tip on the show! I'll have to check that out. Have a great week!!

  3. I am a dog lover for sure. And you have two cuties. The AGA, Atlanta Golden Rescue is flying golden retrievers from Turkey to Atlanta, and getting them healthy, then out for adoption. http://www.adoptagoldenatlanta.com/ The Turkey Goldens or Golden Turkeys has their own facebook page too. ha. Love that you have a personal chef! You are so lucky! Sheila

  4. I'm with NanaDiana and highly recommend Call the Midwife. We no longer have cable or satellite TV, but we chromecast previous seasons from Netflix, and our entire family loves it. Definitely worth an hour of your time.

  5. Hubster and I love Doc Martin...we have watched all seasons. The book recommendations look great...I am especially interseted in reading the Kennedy book as I had a brief meeting with Ted's two sons the year I graduated from college. Poor Chili and older sibling can be so bossy.

  6. Have you read The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein? Great novel, especially for dog lovers.

    1. Cathy.... absolutely one of of my favorite books of all time!! Have a great week.

  7. Yes, if you have not watched Call the Midwife then you should, it is wonderful. I do hope that PBS will keep it going. I'm thinking Hubby and I would enjoy Doc Martin. Poor little Chowdah! You have a great new week!

  8. Fun weekend! I am so long overdue for a weekend with my college girlfriends...I think once we make it to empty nesters it will be a lot easier to get together. Sadly, the last book I read was last summer unless you count "Suicide and Self-Harm in Prisons" when I was reading up about new career. The Kennedy book sounds really interesting since I am working with both addicts and mentally ill. I am a big non-fiction reader. Have you read "I'll See You Again" which is a memoir written by the mom who lost her three young daughters in the Taconic Parkway Crash? Terribly sad but an amazingly inspirational story. Have a great week!

  9. I love your dogs SO much.....they look so huggable, dirty paws and all!!

  10. Great books! I will have to check out that soap too I love pumpkin anything!

  11. Yes, Call the Midwife--all seasons--is a must see. Have you read David McCullough's book about the Wright Brothers or a book called The Boys in the Boat (about the 1936 Olympics rowing team)? Both are must-reads. Oh, and I love your dogs and their antics. I think people who don't have dogs must lead boring lives. Ours is worth every poop we have to pick up off our dining room rug (his toilet of choice--luckily he's a teeny dog).

  12. The Hubs and I are on the sixth-episode of Doc Martin (Acorn TV) ~ one of our all-time faves (perhaps, even more than Downton Abbey), Last Tango In Halifax, Indian Summer, and particularly, Home Fires are all great-shows (the Intro theme for Home Fires by Samuel Sim is transcendent!). I found 'Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy' to be an enthralling AND tragic read. Love you being honest and sharing the relationship with Chili and Chowdah...as a fellow Empty Nester (Helicopter Mom, Tiger Mother;) I can attest that pets provide that much-needed company that doesn't abate when our human kids fly-the-coop (I have a beautiful Sheltie fur-child named Amanda;). Just love your posts Katie:)

    1. Nickie..Thank you for giving me the heads up on Indian Summer and Home Fires. I never heard of them! I was going to download "Rosemary" on audible but went with fiction instead. I will definitely listen to that next since you found it interesting. The great thing about pets is that they give you so much love and never talk back. Thank you, Nickie, for taking the time to read my blog and make a comment.

  13. I love your blog!!! It's my favorite of all that I subscribe to!

    We LOVE Call the Midwife too. Also, Murdoch Mysteries (turn of the 20th century Toronto where you'll meet history's inventors and innovators woven into the story), Bletchley Circle (secret women decoders in WWII), Broadchurch, Father Brown and Midsommer Mysteries.

    1. Janet... I loved Call the Midwife. So sorry that pretty girl was written out. Have not seen the Murdoch mysteries, Bletchley Circle, Father Brown, or Midsommer Mysteries. They all sound great and also sounds like the Mr. and I can agree on them! Thank you so much, Janet, for your sweet words. They made my day!

  14. YOU covered them ALL I would say!I too enjoyed BEE COTTAGE.THE SON arrived home last night and he came VIA SANTA FE!I have wanted to go there for YEARS........and now that both HE and YOU have given me a thumbs up I think I will GO!!!
    YOUR PUPS are the BEST!!

  15. Sounds like a perfect weekend with your friend Katie the Great! Thanks for the book and tv recommendations! Hubby Mr. Miata is looking for some new shows after he just finished some scary series that I opted out of watching! Love your blog -- so fun and your pups are adorable!

  16. Read two recently that were good - Disclaimer by Renee Knight and Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll. Thanks for the series recommendation - just caught up with Homeland and started Orange is the New Black, Doc Martin and Call the Midwife will go in the queue!

  17. So glad you had a fun time with your girlfriend (AKA partner in crime!) Your dogs are adorbs, Katie! Lucky you winning a giveaway over at Judy's place...I need to check out those soaps!

  18. I loved the book Me Before You and I have been wanting to read the sequel, good to know it was just as good! My parents have been telling me to watch Doc Martin but so far haven't found time to! If you haven't already read The Light between Oceans by M.L. Stedman I highly recommend it, and have tissues nearby. Have a lovely evening!


  19. Always like seeing what you are up to......how fun to have your very own built in chef! I bet Kate loved her visit, sounds like a fun one:)
    Thanks for the book recommendation did not know her new book came out also liked Me Before You so will get her one for sure. My mom raved over the Kennedy book, A Common Sturggle and I will most definitely read it too.....don't know if you saw his interview on 60 minutes, very impressive and moving. Hope you are having a great week!!

  20. Well first of all, thank you so much for mentioning my soaps!
    I know I would love to read Rescue Road. Your Chili is a cutie. As for Doc Martin, there's no better Saturday night viewing (or any night, for that matter) for fun! Martin Clunes is hilarious and frankly, I don't know how they get through filming sessions at all. I just hope they keep making more episodes. We've already gone through all 7 series. Now, on in an entirely different vein, if you like British mysteries (and who doesn't!) and love the NE England accent and the city of Durham (with its beautiful cathedral!), then be sure to watch 'George Gently.' I think we've gone through all of those too, but British TV is our thing, so... And we subscribe to Acorn. Be sure to let me know if you try out 'George Gently.' :-)

  21. Hi Katie my dear
    I am just catching up with all the fun on your blog, its always lovely when you feature an English tv show and doc Martin is a hoot :) im glad you like it.
    I don't know if you have the final season of Downton Abbey yet , they showed the last episode here on Sunday...and it was really good, Im sure you will enjoy. There is so much about it that is still true of English life today... I am very nostalgic!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and Im sending love to all across the pond

  22. ps. Katie, you would also love 'Midsomer murders' with lots of quaint English villages and rose covered cottages.......and if you know of 'Last Tango in Halifax' you can see the actress Sarah Lancashire...she lives nearby to me :)) love to you xx


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