Talbots Spring Essentials

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sista's Thanksgiving Table

Hello, dear friends.  I hope this finds you enjoying a fabulous pre-Thanksgiving weekend.  Today is a big day for the Mister and me.  We are off to the airport to  pick up our #2.  Our #1 doesn't arrive until Wednesday because she has a big girl job.  Both are arriving with their usual accessory - a big fat ugly cold.  No holiday should be without one.

This week I am running some posts from the past.  This particular post comes from Sista's beautiful antique home in Connecticut a couple of years ago.  

Such a pretty place setting.

Love, love the tortoise horns in sterling silver holders with the gorgeous ostrich feathers and mercury pumpkins that illuminate the gorgeous tablescape.

The china is Christian Dior. Love Sista's place card.  

Darling sterling silver baby cups hold a small arrangement at each table setting.

If Sista's doodle spots that little squirrel, that gorgeous table is history.

Stunning horn of plenty.

 Birds eye view.

Every year the fireplace is lit to set the tone for a beautiful holiday.  

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Are you headed to you sister's beautiful home again this year? Or are the girls keeping the presents (colds) at home rather than giving it away.
    Beautiful post, Katie. Have a wonderful Sunday- xo Diana

  2. I loved this Katie! Such unique little decor items on display! What a beautiful gathering it must have been. Thank you so very much for sharing! Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving!

  3. Gorgeous and so festive and warm! Are you getting treated to another dinner at her house this year? Hope the girls are on the mend soon....as gross as it sounds, crushed garlic in apple juice (the apple juice is just to camouflage the taste of the potent garlic) I swear really can ward off a full blown cold (if you catch it early enough) my mom was right......as usual:) Gobble gobble....enjoy your Sunday.

  4. Looks so warm and festive! Hope the colds are short lived.

  5. So lovely! You and Sista have a flair for tablescapes and decorating. Did you two inherit it from your mom?

  6. Beautifully and thoughtfully done, Katie, I love the baby pumpkins!
    Will you be at Sista's this year again? I know it will be a special Thanksgiving no matter where you celebrate!

    The Arts by Karena
    The Blink of an Eye

  7. Wow -- gorgeous table! Have a wonderful week and Thanksgiving with your family!

  8. In a word...STUNNING! A real New England Thanksgiving. So happy your girls are joining you for the holiday...can't wait for my two to get here also.

  9. I love a formal table, especially for the holidays! This year will be a bit . . . um, casual for us. We're eating at my bachelor brother in his new house, and as of yesterday, he didn't have the stove installed. I'll close my eyes and think of your sister's table while I eat!
    Happy Thanksgiving week to you!

  10. Ok so now I want to celebrate Thanksgiving all over again. Now that our Canadian one is toast can I come to yours?

  11. I love it! I can see you and Sista having a fabulous time there!!xo K

  12. I need a CLOSE UP of the CHAIR at the HEAD of the TABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HAPPY DAY TO YOU!YOU must be THRILLED........one arriving and one on the way!

  13. Gorgeous! And I LOVE pictures taken through a window. Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Just lovely! Sure hope the girls get well before turkey day! Have a wonderful week!

  15. Have a WONDERFUL week with your girls and a very Happy Thanksgiving! xo


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