Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, August 10, 2012

My Favorite Things

Depending what mood I am in, I will post some of my favorite things and some not-so-favorite things.  You're in luck - it is a good day for me, so here is a list of some of my favorite things.

I have been waking up to this rich, chicory coffee from N'Orleans for about 12 years.  The company states that it is a stronger, darker, less bitter brew with less caffeine than pure coffee.  So if you are like me and love your coffee just like your men - strong and bold (put that one in for you, Mister) then give this cup of joe a try.

This almond milk will do wonders for your boring bran flakes.  After tasting this I will never go back to skim milk plus it is a more calcium rich choice with a lot less calories! BONUS: it's positively delicious.

I love these things.  No blue liquid mess on the machine or laundry room floor and great portion control.  When you have teenagers in the house using cleaning products that they haven't paid for, they can be very heavy-handed with their usage.

This is a great invention!  You just stick this cute little bar on the inside of the dryer and you are static free for three months!  No dryer sheets all over the laundry room floor (can you tell I'm a little uptight about teenagers in my laundry room)?  

So, as you can see, it doesn't take much to make this girl happy.  Don't tell the Mister... I don't want to see any of these "favorite things" under the Christmas tree!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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