Talbots Spring Essentials
Lands' End Favorites
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
It was only a week ago when our #1 moved into her adorable house with her two roommates. She had to arrive early because she had to help her sorority prepare for Rush. Usually, I hear from her every day but a few days had passed and I hadn't heard from her -- I wasn't alarmed though because I knew how time consuming Rush can be. We'd been getting sporadic texts telling us how tough her week was and how being a sorority girl is not easy.
So this AM the Mister and I received this e-mail from #1. I write this verbatim.
Good day
Sorry I haven't contacted very often. They take away our phones most of the day.
Started recruitment yesterday and it's actually really fun. Tell you deets (details) soon but having a good time.
Had a terrible dream that you two were getting divorced and I was so mad I keyed your cars.
my response:
Dear #1,
So glad you are having such a good time! So strange that you had a nightmare about Dad and me last night because I actually had a dream about you. I had a dream that you finished your degree in four years!
So I'll make you a deal, I promise that your nightmare doesn't happen if you can make my dream come true!
Preppy Empty Nester

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Hello, I'm Katie

I'm Katie. Welcome to my blog. I am an empty nester meandering through my midlife years one page at a time. We sold our antique home on the South Shore of Massachusetts in October 2020 and relocated to the Dallas suburbs and our forever home.
I love to write about books, movies, TV, celebrities, shopping, decorating, Bravo, and weekend adventures. My favorite writing material, however, is derived from my family: the Mister, my girls, #1 and #2, my favorite son-in-law, and my new little mischief-maker, thoroughly darling Millie. I love hearing from my wonderful readers.
You can contact me at: preppyemptynester@gmail.com
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