Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, August 17, 2012

My Favorite Things - Take 2

It's no secret to anyone that knows me that I love chardonnay (almost as much as Ramona loves her Pinot).  This is a great-tasting, reasonably-priced bottle of wine and a staple at all of my happy hours.  

Forget Shades of Grey -- these little bites of ecstasy put a smile on my face like nothing else and for 240 calories for 15 pieces these are a dream come true.  My favorite are the ones that are chocolate filled but I wouldn't turn my nose up at the vanilla bites if that's all we had in the house.

Ask my friends - I am never without one of these Wishbone Salad Spritzers in my purse.  They add just enough flavor to a salad with one (1) calorie per spray.  Best invention since Yummie Tummie (holla!). 

If you don't have a Trader Joe's near you, you have my condolences.  My #2 is a real foodie and when she found out a Trader Joe's was coming an hour away she had to investigate.  It also happens to be just minutes away from #1's casa de don't-ask-any-questions.  Anyway, my #2 weaved her way through Trader Joe's like it was a candy store.  She stocked up our cart with some new - never had - but don't-know-how-I-lived-without items. This yogurt dip is definitely one of the must-haves at Trader Joes; great taste and low cal - doesn't get any better! 

So y'all have a great weekend.  See you Monday! 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment today:) I am so glad to discover your blog. I am dying for those almond bites right now!!!! Where do you get them? We do not have Trader Joes yet in Houston but one is opening. I cannot wait.

    P.S. Your girls are so cute. #2's smile jumps off the screen and #1 looks so chic in her convertible!



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