Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Sunshine Award

My friend, Mo of Mocadeaux  nominated me for the Sunshine Award.   This means that I am given the opportunity to answer the 10 questions that Mo has prepared for me and nine other bloggers. And then the best part is... I get to turn the tables and ask 10 questions to 10 or 11 bloggers.

Where were you born?

I was born in St. Vincent's Hospital in the great city of Bridgeport, Connecticut.  Famous people other than myself born in Bport include:  P.T. Barnum, Tom Thumb, Brian Dennehy, Bob Crane (Hogan's Heros), Robert Mitchum, Tony Musante ( Toma), and Kevin Nealon (SNL). 

Do you prefer romantic comedies or suspense thrillers?

I enjoy both but I have a tendency to watch romantic comedies over and over.  My favorite romantic comedy writer is the late, great Nora Ephron.

What is your favorite sport (to watch or participate in)?

I've played tennis for years.  I was never been very good at it but my team mates kept me on the team for comedy relief and I also promised to host the team party.

My favorite sport to watch is Real Housewives. 

What is your favorite sound?

My first favorite sound is the combined laughter of my girls because that means they are not tearing each other's eyes out.

My second favorite sound is a cork popping from my favorite bottle of chardonnay.

Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Coke.  In high school and college I was never without a can of Tab in my hand.  Does anybody drink it anymore?

Do you have a special talent?
My friends and family have told me that I am a good mimic.  Probably because I imitate them all the time.

PC or Mac?

PC - not because I prefer it.  My family doesn't think I'm swift enough to learn the Mac.  They all have Macs, by the way. 

What is your favorite vacation spot?

I would have to say St. Martin because the Mister and I honeymooned there and we have also taken the girls.  The Mister loves the food and the girls love the beaches and shopping.

Do you collect anything?

I don't collect them, but I do admit to having a tremendous amount of roosters.  The Mister told me that if I come home with one more rooster, I will have to sleep in the hen house.

If you could be an expert in any field, what would it be?

I don't know about being an expert but I have always dreamed of being a famous romance novelist like Danielle Steel.  She spits out about 3 books a year and has homes all over the world.

I even like her clothes and jewelry.


Now it’s my turn to spread the love. The 10 bloggers (I added one for good measure) I am nominating for The Sunshine Award are:

The Enchanted Home

Life In My Empty Nest

Savvy Southern Style

Nana Diana Takes a Break

I'm So Vintage

Chatty Crone

Suburban Charm

The Westra World

Simply LJK

Around the Table

Pancakes and Beet Juice

Maybe you just want to do the questions and not forward the ten nominations. That is A-OK. This is not a chain letter and no curse will befall you, I promise. Participate as much or as little as you want.
But if you DO want to join in the fun, here are the “rules”:
  1. Include the award logo in a post or on your blog.
  2. Link to the person who nominated you.
  3. Answer 10 questions about yourself and write 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
OK Ladies... Here are your questions. 

1.  You ladies are all creative and talented.  What was the biggest blooper that you made while decorating?

2.  Which child is your favorite?
KIDDING!!!!!!  Just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.

2.  What is your favorite movie and song of all time?

3.  If you wrote a memoir, what would the title be?

4.  What has been one of your most embarrassing moments?

5.  What is your biggest regret?  I don't mind hearing juicy details.

6.  If you were awarded an all expenses paid vacation for two weeks where would you go?  Don't get any ideas... this is not tied into a give away.

7.  How many homes have you lived in?  Which one was your favorite?

8.  If you could sit next to any famous celebrity on a 5-hour flight, who would it be?

9.  What would your friends say are your 3 best qualities?

10.  Why do you blog?

Hope everyone is enjoying the Fall weather!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Good Movie & A Great Book

Last weekend, the Mister and I headed to the movies.  You're probably thinking that we go to a lot of movies and you're right.  I have found that empty nesters have a lot of time to go to the movies.  And besides, it keeps us out of jail.  We are not sure #1 or #2 would bail us out, anyway. 
It was the Mister's turn to choose the flick.  Frankly, I was shocked that he chose this one.  You see, he loves movies that include spys, shooting, espionage, car chases, and lots of intrigue with a few pretty ladies and lots of expensive cars mixed in.  The thing he doesn't like is films that revolve around psycho crazies or serial killers.  The first movie we saw together when we began dating was Silence of the Lambs.  I thought the poor guy was going to jump into my lap and it had nothing to do with the fact that I smelled good.

Every time we see a trailer for a new movie we automatically look at each other and say "yea" or "nay" as to whether we want to see it.  He has always said "nay" to this one and yet he chose it.  Hmmm... maybe he wants to keep the mystery in our marriage.  

This movie is unnerving.  The subject material is terrifying and the film is very difficult to watch in parts.  But it is extremely suspenseful and the cast is superb - especially my boyfriend Hugh Jackman and Melissa Leo. 

 Aside from the rough subject matter, the only criticism that I have of this film is it is about 30 minutes too long. But if you like scary movies - this one's for you!  

 Her newest work dials down the intricacy, and the result is a far more intimate novel. Moyes introduces us first to Will Traynor, a formerly high-flying, thrill-seeking executive now confined to a wheelchair as a quadriplegic. Twentysomething Louisa “Lou” Clark has been hired as his caretaker, despite a total lack of experience. As the prickly Will and plainspoken Lou gradually warm to each other, she learns that the six-month length of her contract coincides with the amount of time Will has agreed, for his parents’ sake, to postpone his planned assisted suicide, a subject Moyes treats evenhandedly. Armed with this information, Lou sets about creating adventures for Will, hoping to give him a reason to live. Simultaneously, Will encourages Lou to expand the expectations of what her life could be. All signs point to romance and a happy ending for the pair, but Moyes has something more heartbreakingly truthful in mind: Sometimes love isn’t enough.

My friend, Vicki, from Life In My Empty Nest recommended this book.  This is the best book that I have read in 2013.  It is written beautifully.  This book has got it all - humor, great character development, romance, and heartache.  Me Before You whips all the ingredients into a powerful, heartbreaking  love story.  
I highly recommend this book and cannot wait to read other books written by Jojo Moyes.

Have you read anything good lately?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday #2!!

Happy birthday to you...
my darling #2!

 I can't believe you are turning 20
The time has flown by.
You are so loving and thoughtful
and that is no lie!

We are so proud of all you do,
You're far away which makes us blue.
Can't wait to see you next weekend.
Whoo Hoooo!!

Counting the minutes 'til we see you!

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Real Housewife Disappointment

First of all, I would like to preface this post by admitting telling you that I am a big fan of the Real Housewives shows.    Don't judge me, I get enough reproachful looks from the Mister. 

Of all the RH shows, my favorite has always been Real Housewives of New York back in the day when Jill and Bethenny were friends and Simon wore red leather pants. 

I admit to being on Team Bethenny and never considered being a part of Team Jill.

I then watched Bethenny Gets Married and enjoyed having a birds-eye view of Bethenny and Jason's mercurial engagement and combative marriage.  For what it's worth, I was not in the least bit surprised that they went splittsville.  How much brow beating can a man take?

And now Bethenny has her new talk show.  To say I am disappointed in the show is an understatement.  The show is raunchy and crass.  No matter what the topic is, Bethenny somehow turns it around to sex; the lack of - or the act of having it. 

Ellen Degeneres is  producing the Bethenny show which puzzles me.  Ellen's own show is funny and entertaining without scraping the sewer for a laugh. 

I have always told my girls that money does not buy class and Bethenny could certainly be the poster child for this adage. 

Maybe Bethenny should listen to the Countess' song.

I was going to share Countess Luann's youtube video with you but I just couldn't do it.  
I like you too much.

Stay Classy, blogland! 

I still love you, Cookie!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Happy Wedding Wednesday!  Today we are focusing on one of the tiniest, and often the sweetest members of the bridal party - the flower girl.  I had so much fun looking at all the precious pictures.  One of my favorite blogs, Walnut & Vine, posted the sweetest monogrammed flower girl dress!  Hop over there to see it.

My #1 was a flower girl when she was four years old.  She had the time of her life and relished every ounce of attention.  She didn't even realize that there was a "bride" walking down the aisle behind her.  She thought everyone was there just to see her.  
Some things never change...

It was difficult to narrow down which photos to use because they were all so darn cute!

How could I not begin with these Texas darlings!

Great color combo.

So sweet.





Love this photo!



Jackie Bridal
I wonder if she's as much of an angel as she looks.

Awwwww..... just want to squeeze this baby's cheeks!

I leave you with the most adorable video that my friend, Ruth, sent me.  I wish I had one ounce of this darling girl's energy!

Happy Wednesday!


Monday, September 23, 2013


Last night was one of my two favorite nights in TV Land.  The Emmy's!!!  My other favorite night is the Golden Globes.  Just goes to show you how active my social life is as an empty nester.

NPH did his usual fantabulous job as Emcee with a little help from his friends.  

One of the skits included hosts of Emmy's past.

On with the fashion.  Some comments have been included by my buddy, Dude.
Just as a footnote... as I am judging these gorgeous dresses, it is only fair that I disclose my wardrobe for the evening.  I am dressed in a pair of snug Target shorts and a 2006 Old Navy  4th of July T-shirt.

Guiliana Rancic
Dude and I agreed... a home run for Guiliana.  Wish she would eat a hamburger, tho.

Kelly Osborne
What woman in her right mind wants grey hair?

Julia Louis Dreyfus
As far as I'm concerned, I would give my vote to JLD for President in this one.

Christina Hendricks
This lady sure knows how to work her curves in this one.

Tina Fey
Gorgeous color and great dress. 

Amy Poehler
Although she is one of my favorite funny ladies, this dress did not make me smile.  BTW, she did a cute little skit with her buddy Tina heckling NPH.  It's probably on youtube.

Rose Byrne
This bridesmaid is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood.  I thought she looked positively radiant.  My only disappointment is that she lightened her hair.  I think she looks better as a brunette.

Claire Danes
I'm not crazy about her dress.  I think it washes her out and I would bet that she is the only flat chested woman in Hollywood. 
Dude disagreed and loved the dress.

Emmy Rossum
Beautiful girl - great dress.

Zooey Deshanel

Heidi Klum
She looks like something from Star Wars.

Anna Chlumsky
Cute girl - not such a cute dress. 

Julie Bowen
The Mister and Dude did not like this dress.  I thought it was beautiful - I don't think I could walk in it though.

Sophia Vergara
Va-va-voom in her Vera red!!!

Carrie Underwood
Pretty - love the color.

Elizabeth Moss
I'm mad for her show but not so much for the dress.

Michelle Dockery
Another gorgeous girl.  The dress - not so much.

Padma Lakshmi

Anna Farris
She looks like a parakeet.

Julianne Hough
I think Ryan should reconsider after seeing Julianne in this dress.

Kate Mara
Another rising young beauty.  Dress didn't do it for me.

Amanda Peet
Dude thought she looked like Morticia from the Adams Family.

Edie Falco
Dude's favorite of the night!

Kerry Washington
No scandal with this one! I love it.
Dude thought she looked like a wedding cake.

Allison Williams
My winner of the night!  maybe because I have a teeny tiny crush on her daddy!!

Which one was your favorite?

May your day be filled with stars!!

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