Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Summertime Reading


First of all, I want to thank everyone who took the time to comment on my first post back from my sabbatical.  Your sweet words concerning Chowdah's passing really warmed my heart. I also loved the parts where you said you missed me. 

I answered every comment.  I received a lot of anonymous comments through no fault of yours. I know that many readers are frustrated with this.  If you want to identify yourself, I have two options. The first is to adjust your name through Google.  My friend Linda, my blog designer extraordinaire from Life And Linda tells you how to remedy this through Google right here.

The second option is to sign your comment with your first name or initials, and if you choose to remain anonymous, that is fine, too.  I love hearing from my readers.   

On Saturday, we had Adorable Jonathon's family for lunch. 
We meet his parents every month or so for lunch, and this time, we decided to include our offspring. It was so much fun, as always, and I will fill you in on the deets at a later date. 

Here is a rundown of what I read this Summer.  I did not include the books that I didn't like or didn't finish.  The Mister added his favorite books as well. 

I loved this story so much!  It is about a popular, aging author of children's books.  He is adored by fans, and he arranges a contest for them.  I added this one to my GOAT list.

I have read almost all of Elizabeth Berg's books.  If you read The Story of Arthur Truluv, this is the prequel. I find myself smiling through her books. They are wholesome, sweet stories about people with the best intentions.

A lot of times, I tend to stay away from the books that are commercial successes because they never live up to the hype.  In this case, it lived up to the hype.  It is the story of a woman scientist in the 1950s who ends up being on a TV cooking show.  How she gets there is a journey that is filled with lots of challenges.  I found myself chuckling at a few scenes.

This is a character-driven novel about growing up and love.  Nobody does it better than Ann Patchett when it comes to family dynamics.

I am a huge fan of Fiona Davis.  The Dollhouse is the Barbizon Hotel in the 1950s. It was an all-women's hotel for aspiring dancers, actresses, and students at the Katherine Gibbs secretarial school. I loved it because I attended Gibbs after I graduated from college. And my mother was a graduate of the Academy of the Dramatic Arts and stayed at the Barbizon Hotel.

Oh, how I loved this book that revolves around Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes.  My parents took me to the Christmas show, and I was in awe. 

The movie that was showcased was Charade with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.  Incidentally, Cary Grant was my first crush.  I had great taste at five years old. 

I am a big fan of Sally Hepworth's; she didn't disappoint. This novel centers around three foster children, one murder, and one wackadoodle of a foster mother.  This one doesn't come out until next year.  

This book was written by the author of one of my favorite memoirs, Wild Game. Little Monsters is about a brother and sister who were raised by the father due to the mother's premature death.  There are plenty of family secrets entwined with twists and turns. 

I really enjoyed this novel about a woman with high-flying dreams.  And what better setting than Laguna Beach.

If you are looking for a feel-good story, this book is for you.
This book was a freebee a couple of months ago with Amazon First.

There were mixed reviews of this novel.  It centers around a woman who has raised two children and tries to jumpstart her career as a garden historian. She not only finds herself in the perfect project but also finds romance.
Who doesn't like a middle-aged romance?   

I had cooled on Lisa Jewell a couple of years ago.  But no longer.  This page-turner kept my attention by placing the twists and turns in just the right spots.

Another fantastic domestic thriller, ala Shari Lapena.
Who is telling the truth, and who is lying?
I kept changing my mind.

If you enjoyed Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine as much as I did, you are going to love this book. I had several LOL moments. 
Hellooo, Reese Witherspoon??
Please buy the rights to this and make a series.

Behind Closed Doors was one of my favorite domestic thrillers. This book is about a house guest that never leaves.  Be prepared for a huge twist at the end!

Beatriz Willams can do no wrong in my book.  This book begins in 1946 and ends about 10 years later.  This novel has everything - suspense and love - the perfect cocktail that never loses its taste.

Michele Campbell is another favorite author of mine.  This story is about a woman who interns for a judge. A few surprises in this one.

I loved this clever thriller.  There are two mothers - one is a divorcee dropping off her daughter at college, and the other is a pregnant assassin.  I would tell you the rest, but then I would have to kill you.  

 The Mister's Series of "Thrilling Summer Reads"



"David Rivers Thriller"
7 Book Series

"The Spy Game"
7 Book Series

"Atlas Hargrove Thrillers"
7 Book Series
And then... There was a little Historic Fiction 


The Mister's Pre-orders for Fall and beyond

Also, here are a couple of products included in today's promotion at Ulta

50% Off Tuesday

50% Off Tuesday

Other Lauder products are also included.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I really didn't want to read Lessons in Chemistry but I did. And I'm so glad I did. It's a wonderful book and sticks with you long after. Tom Lake is on my list. I'm so sorry about Chowdah. I missed that post, Katie. That's a big loss so big hugs to you.

  2. Some of my favorite authors are on your list - Fiona Davis, Beatriz Williams, Jeffrey Archer - and I'm going to check out the historical fiction titles, my favorite genre.

  3. First missed you over the summer. Your book reviews are my absolute favorite. I just use your refs. Did enjoy your Instagram posts over the summer. I too am a Gibbs girl. I write out all my lists in shorthand. However, sometimes can’t read them🤦‍♀️

  4. Welcome home! 💚
    I missed you ! My favorite things about your blog are your stories (and photos) about your family -- including Millie, of course; pics of your home and how you've so beautifully decorated it; Mister's fabulous meals & sometimes his recipes; great buys, including gift suggestions & makeup. You make our hearts happy. XO

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Marilyn. I always appreciate your lovely comments. Have a great week.

  5. Ooh more great books! I just ordered The Wishing Game on Audible - can't wait to listen to it on my commutes. Maybe I could leave now ... ?! And oddly, I was just thinking about Charade. Maybe your mentioning it is a sign that it's time to watch it again! One of my favorite movies.Thanks for all the great recommendations!

    1. I have seen Charade at least 20 times. I hope you enjoy The Wishing Game as much as I did. Have a wonderful week, Barbara.

  6. I love Elizabeth Berg. Arthur Trulove is a gem. FYI My high school French teacher appeared as an extra in Charade. Judith Beliveau was studying in Paris in the 60s…and was the woman in the way in elevator. She was from Maine and a wonderful teacher. Love your book recommendations. We are rewatching Longmire…and still love it!! Stay safe!
    Holly in NH…for a while.

    1. Wow... I love that your French teacher was an extra! How cool! If she were my teacher I'd tell her to shelf the French lesson and let's talk about Cary!! Maybe that's why I never won any awards in school. Thanks for your comment, Holly and have a wonderful week.

  7. I LOVED The Spectacular! It sounds like you had an amazing summer of reading.

  8. Thank you for your sweet words, Elizabeth. You made my day!

  9. Loved most of this book. Do you read for Netgalley also? (Brenda)

    1. Yes and I love when I get an advanced copy of something that I am dying to read. Have a good week, Brenda!

    2. Love Netgalley. My daughter told me about it. Not only does she do Netgalley, she receives tons of real books to preview. She was just invited to fly to Houston to attend the premiere of the movie made from Katherine Center’s book. We love her…she went to the movie cocktail party also. I mostly read psychological thrillers and historical fiction. Loved Lessons in Chemistry. Enjoy your blog of books.Brenda
      “No bookend in sight” is my daughter’s Instagram and Facebook.

  10. So many of these were "under my radar." I'm excited to add them to my TBR list!

  11. Welcome back! Just finished reading The Wishing Game, definitely on my GOAT list! Truly just a wonderful story. Now to look at your other summer favorites! Happy Reading! Ellen

  12. Welcome back! I always enjoy your blog and have followed you for years. You have been blessed with such wit and talent! Always look forward to your book recommendations very much as I am an avid reader. I was sorry to hear about Chowdah. Our pets are like family and it is heart wrenching when they leave us. But, oh the wonderful memories, you made together! Leigh

  13. Welcome back, Katie. I'm wondering how you went with your Pilates with Beth at My Pilates Time? I'm hooked! Suz

  14. I made notes on several of these, Katie! I need to step up my reading list. I get to hooked on Cozy Mysteries which take no brain power at all. Thanks for the recommendations!

  15. Katie, glad that you are back, and I look forward to stories of your summer adventures. This is the first time I'm reading about Chowdah - so sorry for you loss. Did I miss an earlier post where you mentioned it??

  16. To enter your name with your comment, select Comment as: Name/URL... and then enter your name.

  17. Ok so I am so not a reader. Either I can’t read or I just don’t have enough time. ( hopefully the second) I do get books on tape twice a year when I drive down to High Point NC. During the rest of my windshield time on the road, I’m either on the phone with customers or white knuckling the steering wheel in MidWest weather. But with all of that being said, I do appreciate all of you that read and I will see if I can pickup one of your selections for my trip coming up!!! Your humor is just worth the read alone so thanks for making my day!!

  18. Thanks for the reviews and suggestions Katie, Happy Reading!

  19. I'm Lynn McClain, a computer illiterate and don't know how to eliminate anonymous. I follow all your recommendations and have never been disappointed. I have already read "Lessons in Chemistry," which I adored. Now, at the overripe old age of 79, I might have just read the best written book of fiction - "The Anomaly" by Herve Le Tellier. Order it today! RIP to your pup headed over the rainbow bridge - you gave him the good life.

  20. I love a Grisham novel, thanks to the Mister. I loved Lessons in Chemistry too. Thank you for all the recommendations. I need to visit Buttonwood and stock up for the storm. Annie G.

  21. R.I.P. sweet Chowdah 🐾. Congrats to your family...you're going to have a baby girl to spoil! Our granddaughter is moving into her college dorm in California today! Need I say...time flies? Love the book reviews and glad to see you back!

  22. I immediately purchased the kindle version of The Wishing Game when reading your blog post. I just finished it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing it with us readers.
    m in hi.


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