Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Fall Decor You Can't Ignore


Did you have a good weekend?  We spent Sunday celebrating our #2's thirtieth birthday at Georgie's, which was lovely.  Unfortunately, the birthday girl did not allow photos. 
Don't shoot the messenger.

It's lucky that I'm not sensitive.

Anywho, when we made the big move from Massachusetts to Texas, the Mister strongly encouraged me to lighten the load since this was the first time that we were picking up the tab.  The Mister explained to me that Holiday decorations were not a necessity and, therefore, they needed to find a nice home at the Goodwill.

One day, about 25 years ago, I relocated my cardio workout to the aisles of TJ Maxx.  I was perusing all the Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving treasures when I spotted this sweet little pumpkin girl.  For some reason, she reminded me of someone.  

By George, I think she's got it!

None other than my #2!

I told the Mister that I considered that darling pumpkin girl a family heirloom and promptly placed it in the box of stuff that was hiding all the other treasures that I was supposed to donate. 

Over the weekend, I was on the hunt for a Fall wreath.   I hate to shop alone.  So I am bringing you along with me.  You can help me hide the bags.

Etsy has a lot of pretty wreaths.

On sale.

On Sale!

How cute is this oyster wreath!

On Sale!

On sale!

On Sale!

On Sale!

What a great way to keep the kids' table happy!

That's it for now.
I am off to knock my pickleball opponents right off the court!

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happiest of birthdays to number two!! Katie, you always find the best decorations, it’s hard to pick just one!!

  2. Beautiful décor! Love the wreaths and pillows.

  3. I'm the queen of culling except when it comes to seasonal decorations. I consider it vital to joy in life! 😉
    Karen B.

  4. Ah, some lovely things! Now, when are you going to do a reveal on your finals?!

  5. I thinned out my holiday decor with this move, but now I'm ready to stroll the aisles of Home Goods again.

  6. Happy birthday # 2! I love autumn and all of your selections, so many pretty wreaths!

    30..........baby!Mine will be 34 and 36!HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!
    I think I may may BUY a FAKE WREATH as I looked at your PICKS!

  8. I like TwoInspireYou wreaths on Etsy

    1. ...more specifically, I like the the more natural TwoInspireYou wreaths without all the silk flowers

  9. All of the wreaths are perfection. Sorry I can't pick just one. Lovely decorations and your family heirloom is precious!! xo

  10. Happy birthday to your beautiful #2. I love all of these beautiful decorations! I need a wreath for the door and think I will peruse your choices to pick one or 2.
    Hope you are seeing signs of Fall and cooler weather.
    Have a great day Katie.

  11. You know how excited I get about the fall Decor! I cannot wait to share my porch with y’all in a couple weeks it’s a good one! I love your Title and happy birthday to your precious number two!

  12. I remember many of your beautiful mantles throughout the years with lights and pumpkins and beautiful greenery so I hope your forever home will have a mantle reveal too. I’m most in love with the oyster wreath! What a treasure that little pumkin doll is, priceless 💗 KTG


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