Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, September 8, 2023

My Summer in the Rearview


I hope that you had a great Summer.  I am happy to report that all is well in our Emptynesterworld.  All my family members are happy and healthy; that is the only thing I ask for.  

The weather guy reported that a lot of the country experienced Texas temps for a lot of the Summer.  For that, you have my condolences.  While some people are bidding adieu to their porch/patio season, we will finally be able to enjoy ours.

We had a fairly quiet Summer.  We adjusted our routine around the weather.  Early walks at dawn and never-too-early indoor happy hours. 

After re-reading this post, I told the Mister that I just realized that we had a fairly dull Summer.  I warned him
 I may make some stuff up so I don't lose any readers.  

I'll fill you in on the Mister's arrest and my pole-dancing class at a later date. 

The Mister and I took a little getaway to one of our favorite places, St. Barth's.  We had a direct flight to St. Martin and then took a puddle jumper to St. Barth's. 

It is no secret that I hate small planes.  I asked the Mister if he was trying to kill me.  He rolled his eyes, and I took that as a yes.

And then I spotted Gray Malin!  He was one of the 9 other victims passengers on this vomit comet.  I felt better - I wasn't the only celeb going to go down.

I told the Mister that Gray and I would fly private next time.

We visited L'Atelier on our previous visits and decided to return because of the fabulous food and service.  I also needed a cocktail(s) after that rollercoaster of a flight.  

We went to Restaurant La Petite Plage one evening, and the food, service, and ambiance were stupendous.  

Another wonderful restaurant where we had dinner was Bonito.  The handsome staff had loads of personality, and the food was magnificent.
The staff also did a fab job keeping the paparazzi away.
I didn't see one photographer.

We stayed at a boutique hotel called Hotel Barriere La Carl Gustaf.  Every patio had a plunge pool, which appealed to the Mister.  I won't bore you with the deets, but I'll put it this way... 5-star prices for 2-star service.

The trip back home was eventful.  The Mister and I experienced a new "first." No, not that... we've been members of the mile-high club for years.  Our most recent first was spending the night at Miami airport.  

Believe it or not, one can find a comfy spot to camp out for the night, as you can see from the Mister's new crib. 

And the Mister is not the only creative one in the family.
Here I am in my brand-new cutoffs, getting my beauty sleep. 

Who knew that baggage claim could be so full of opportunity?

Despite the heat, I spent every Tuesday at 7AM with my picklebuddies.  The ratio of laughter to making contact with the ball was about 90% to 20%.
Actually, 20% is a bit of a stretch.

Sista came for a visit!  I am happy to report her shopping skills have remained solid and steady.  We spent a couple of hours around our Town Square.  As we were leaving and putting her bags in the car, the shopkeepers came out, waved, and thanked Sista for helping them make their quota for the day. 

The first night, the Mister asked Sista what she would like for breakfast, and she told him she didn't eat breakfast.  This is what she came down to the following day.
Food is love!

We dropped Sista at the airport and were halfway home when my phone buzzed.  It was Sista, and she asked if we were still in the area.  She said her flight was canceled, and she couldn't get a flight out until the next day.  She said she felt awful about asking us to come back for her. 

I told her no worries - we'd been driving around the airport for the last hour and a half, reacquainting ourselves with every terminal and gate.  

So that night, we took Sista to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, and she put on a brave face and asked if we could make a quick stop before the airport at our Town Square to pick up one more thing that she couldn't live without. 

The shopkeepers rejoiced when they witnessed the second coming of Sista!

I enjoyed a few catch-up luncheons with some of my gal pals.
Here I am with my buddy Lady Madonna, one of my old tennis buds from another lifetime.  

The Mister got his eyes done!  It's not the way that I want my eyes done.  I would like more of a cosmetic approach.  He had cataract surgery.  We call it Cadillac surgery because it sounds so much fancier.  No more glasses for the Mister!  Along with a play-by-play oral diary of his journey on an hourly basis, he tells me he feels like a changed man.  He's worn glasses since he was a young boy. 

We went to a few movies, and we usually had private showings.  When you're retired, you can see a movie any day of the week. 


My favorite!

I read some great books!  I even added this one to my GOAT list.  I have a post in the works coming soon for your viewing pleasure.

We found some great TV shows.  We decided to re-watch the entire series of Succession over again, and it was amazing how much we missed the first time around.  Watch out for my TV rundown post.  My CEO, Chief Entertainment Officer, is working on it now.

Millie has become an accomplished sock stealer and paper shredder.  She constantly watches our every move while thinking... how can I drive these old folks crazy?  By the way... her eyesight has improved immensely since she ate my glasses.

Last but certainly not least, we lost our beautiful, lovable goofball, Chowdah, to cancer.  Someone once told me that for the first year of a dog's life, you take care of him, and for the rest of his life, he takes care of you. 
No truer words have been said about our sweet boy.

Eyebrows included! 

I ordered this one.
Side slits are my friend.

50% Off
Sunday only

I have this lamp - good quality.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I’m very happy you are back! Very sorry about adorable Chowdah🙏🏻

  2. So glad you are back...I so enjoy your posts.

  3. You've been missed! So glad you're back. So sorry about Chowdah. He and Chili are back together and having a great time.

    1. That's a great way of looking at it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Ginger.

  4. Welcome back, Katie! In a future post, can you please share the story of you signature pearl necklace and gold pendant? Are they family pieces?

    1. What a great idea! I love getting suggestions for blog posts. Have a wonderful weekend.

    2. Agree. Would love to know more about your necklaces and other pieces too

  5. Welcome back, what a fun summer! So sorry to hear about Chowdah, what a sweetheart, such a part of your blog posts, he will be missed.

  6. Welcome back after your incredibly hot summer! So sorry about dear Chowdah! Always enjoy all your posts!❤️

  7. I am sorry to hear that you lost Chowdah. It is heartbreaking when we lose a furry family member. Welcome back after your hot summer. I hate to see summer end.

    1. Me too, although an awful lot of Texans are pretty happy to say goodbye to the hot temps. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. So sorry to hear about Chowdah. May your precious doggy rest in peace. So glad you are back to blogging. I missed you, Can't wait to read about your book recs!

    1. Thank you. I read a lot of great books and a few stinkers. I can't wait to share the list with you!

  9. So happy to see that your blog was back up and running (despite the fact that means summer is over…) But, I was devastated to read the news about Chowdah - I’m simply heartbroken for you!

    1. Aww thank you. I am glad that he didn't suffer. Have a good weekend.

  10. Katie, I have missed your humor. I’m so happy you are back and keeping me in stitches. I want my eyes done too, like the mister. I would love to be able to see without assistance.
    And my heart breaks for your loss of Chowda. So sad, I bet Millie feels the loss too.

    1. Thanks Kellyann! I followed you and your darling outfits all Summer long on Insta. I may have even bought a few things! Have a great weekend!

  11. I am so very sorry to hear about Chowdah! Been there and it is heartbreaking. I am also very happy that you are back from summer break and posting again. On a personal note, I am also embarking on the cataract journey and would love it if you would share the process I have an issue with my eyes that needs fixing before the surgery, so it is still a ways off, but would love your honest feedback on the procedure. I, too, have been wearing glasses since I was very young. Cannot wait!

    1. Hi Genny... we are almost at the end of the Mister's eye journey. When it's done we will give you the rundown. Have a good weekend.

  12. So sorry about your loss.....

  13. So glad you are back, sounds like a nice summer. We rival Texas
    in heat living in Arizona and can't wait to get under a 100! So
    sorry about Chowdah, we lost our Maddie the same way and
    it took awhile to mend our hearts!

    1. It does take a while. I have a question for you. How many times have you heard the phrase "but it's a dry heat" from your fellow Arizonians?

  14. So sorry to hear about Chowdah but I have to say any post that starts with dull summer and moves onto St. Barth's... kind of a lie. That looks like a wonderful trip (though the puddle jumper would have me so incredibly nervous).

    1. Thanks Joanne! I will be stopping over to your blog to catch up!

  15. Katie, I am so sorry to hear about Chowdah. He was a good fine dog!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. I hope to meet you in person some day!

  16. No one will forget your Chowdah. I loved every naughty thing he ever did with that handsome face! XXX

  17. Welcome back Katie! I'm sorry about Chowdah. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet/family member! But I'm happy you had such a great, if "boring," summer and I can't wait to hear about your pole dancing class! 🤣

    1. I can't wait to hear about my pole dancing class too! Have a great weekend, Barbara.

  18. Loved your summer update...zzzzzz lol! Trips looked fab. Sympathy about Chowdah, seems I recall him joining the family. Ahhhh pickleball getting too popular, our public courts are packed! Great way to get out and have some fun. Welcome to fall. Wondering if you're rolling your eyes like, damn, gotta get back to work!! We're glad you are.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words! Spoiler alert: I only roll my eyes at the Mister.

  19. Welcome back; I’ve missed your humor! Terribly sorry about Chowdah!

  20. Replies
    1. Thanks Debbi! I enjoy watching you decorating your new/old house!

  21. Wow, I’ve missed your clever and oh so funny writing! Sorry about Chowdah tho…..

  22. Welcome back! First of all, I'm so sorry you lost Chowdah. I'm sure he knew how much he was loved. Hugs. St. Barth's looks amazing! I've been to St. Martin and Anguilla a few times but won't go to St. Barth's because of the plane situation. I think they might still run a ferry but I believe it takes a few hours. Oh well. Sounds like a lovely trip.

    1. Hi Shelley... I followed you all Summer on Insta. I love all your seasonal updates on your beautiful home! I will be stopping over to visit you on your blog soon.

  23. Glad you're back! So sorry to hear about Chowdah.

  24. So glad my favorite blogger is back!!! I am so sorry about Chowdah. He lived a wonderful life and was a much-loved member of your family.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words about Chow. And a BIG thank you for calling me your favorite blogger.

  25. I am so sorry about Chowdah…the Mister’s favorite son, you said…Missed you this summer. Our New England summer was about 62 days of rain…and it is raining now. Not sad you left? Somehow we need to even out the weather…hope your girls are happy and healthy…I dread retuning to Texas…

    1. We have had no rain for months. You should have sent some our way! Fall is my favorite season in Texas.

  26. Hi Katie,
    Welcome back! You and your delightful sense of humor have been missed.
    I’m so deeply sorry to hear that Chowdah has passed away. Fur children become such a big part of our lives.
    St. Barth’s puddle jumper must have aged you a few years in the nerve department. I’m with you on planes like that.
    Camping out at the airport in the luxurious king size bed with the lien sheets looked like fun.
    The Miracle Club movie trailer looks good. I like Laura Linney.
    Wonderful news, the mister had cataract surgery. Is he dealing with dry eye now or sensitivity to bright lights?
    I see the resemblance with you and Sista, both darling. Too bad about her airplane being canceled. Errr.

    1. I really enjoyed The Miracle Club and I want to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding Part 4 this week. The Mister is experiencing dry eye. He has one more tweak to his eyes.
      So far so good.

  27. You NEVER disappoint!! I know why I love you so. I share your greatest joys in life…excellent food…excellent wine…loving a bargain, but loving going first class more. And you make me laugh PLEASE COME HOME!! (Oh..did I just say that out loud?)
    Jim and I are very sorry about Chowdah Glad you still have a pain in the neck of a precious pup to keep you humble 🥰

    1. Hello favorite neighbor!! I miss you so much and all our shopping expeditions! And I can't believe MHGS now has an ice cream shop. I will text you next week to catch up! xx

  28. Katie, so sorry about your sweet pup...and very glad you're sticking with the morning pickleballing! Weather is about to turn, so you can play even more :)

    1. Yay! I am loving pickleball and my fellow picklers!!!

  29. Who could not miss that orneriness of a pup and all the crazy things he did. I saw this in my Vets office in her grieving room…. (One of the many times I have been in there) “It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are….. -anonymous- I know this will only make you cry more like it does my but I think crying is good for the soul.XO BTW..” vomit comet” ??? Where do you think this s#&% up. Thinking of you Michelle and Jaxx the Maniaxx 🐾

    1. Hi Michelle and Jaxx... that is the sweetest quote!I'm glad I have waterproof mascara on! Have a great weekend.

  30. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of Chowdah. I loved when you would give us the Chowdah / Chili updates. It was truly a highlight! I'm glad you had a wonderful summer, and I'm so glad you are back blogging!

  31. Oh the eyebrows on the BR are something to be had.

    1. I'll say! Speaking as a person with fading eyebrows I am envious.

  32. Katie, so glad you’re back. Your blog is my absolute fave. I laugh about 10 times each I read one of your posts. You really have a great sense of humor. Your Sista seems super-fun as well.

    1. Thanks Ellen! You made my day. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  33. Welcome back! So sad to hear about Chowdah. 😪 Love sister time. I had some myself just last week in Cincy, including the retail therapy. Sounds like your summer was well spent.

    1. Thanks Rita. I'll stop over to your fabulous blog this week to see what I missed. Enjoy your Sunday!

  34. I'm squealing ... Katie is back!! I am so very sad to learn about your sweet Chowdah. It is always so hard to lose one of our fur-babies. Hugs. Other than that, I enjoyed reading about your summer and I am glad to see you back!! I just had my first cataract surgery this week. Next one in October.

    1. Good luck with the surgery, Terri! I'll pop over to your blog this week.

  35. Welcome back! SO very sorry to hear about Chowdah, it is so hard to loose these beloved family members. It sounds like you had a wonderful summer, except the Miami airport sleepover. Love seeing you with your sister! Thank you for the movie tip, cannot wait to watch. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! I will pop over to your blog this week. Happy Sunday!

  36. Your summer recap made me LOL and I’m glad you are back. We just moved back to DFW on Tuesday and are in a furnished apt in Frisco while we house hunt. Still unpacking the 14 boxes of clothing/shoes/etc we had shipped so the actual house hunting has not started.
    Sorry to hear about Chowdah… I remember when you got him.
    Melissa B

  37. I was so sad to read about Chowdah on Instagram. They really do steal our hearts and hurt when we lose them.
    Summer has a way of flying by. Good to see you back.

  38. So very sorry to hear that Chowdah passed. I love the quote about taking care of the dog for the first year….I’ve never heard that before. So true!
    Also loved your summer recap…glad you are back. I enjoy your blog.

    1. Thank you so much, Von. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  39. Finally, you’re back and in rare form as usual and looking beautiful and well rested as ever and not a minute too soon! Nice to see the Mister and Sista doing well. You and Sista look like the Glam Squad! and what I would have given to be along for the shopping! Chowda’s passing is very sad indeed. So very sorry. Anxious to hear about the Mister’s arrest! Glad you’re back!

  40. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of Chowdah. What a beautiful sweet dog. It is always very sad to lose them. Very glad you are back!

  41. It's great to have you back Katie, you always bring smiles! So sorry about your sweet Chowdah, I know you and Millie miss him. Your trip to St Barth's sounds absolutely dreamy! Glad you got to spend time with your sister, flying is beyond tricky these days. Happy Fall!

    1. Hi Jenna! I can't wait to pop over to your blog to see all your new beautiful artwork and drool at your recipes. Enjoy your week.

  42. So happy you are back Katie! I haven't laughed so hard all summer!

    1. Cindy... I will pop over to see what you are wearing. You have the best taste in clothes and I need help with my wardrobe!

  43. Awww I know it’s tough losing our fur babies!! What is the name of your favorite Mexican restaurant you took your sister to? Always looking for a good restaurant. Thanks!!

    1. Gloria's!! The Mister and I are there at least once a week.

  44. Hi Katie, Welcome back; you were missed! So very sorry to read about Chowdah; hugs to all your family. 💔

  45. Welcome back...we all missed you. I'm so sorry about Chowdah...he was such a beloved part of your family!

    1. Thanks Tanya. Can't wait to pop over to your blog to see what you've been reading.

  46. I've missed your posts!! I'm so sorry about Chowdah! I know your hearts hurt!!

  47. Awwe, Chowdah. That must have been so hard. I'll miss your stories about him. It sounds like you had an awesome summer and stayed in some beautiful places! And time with your sister is always priceless!

  48. Our neighborhood just got pickleball courts. We converted 2 tennis courts over the summer. I haven't learned how to play yet but reading your post has made me want to learn even more! Thanks for recommending "The miracle club", I love period movies!

    1. Hi Jaynejeane... I am so jealous that you got pickleball courts in your 'hood. I hope you love pickleball as much as I do!

  49. Katie,
    We missed you. I am so sorry about Chowdah. He was a bit of wvoofball and I think that is the reason he was my favorite. Don’t tell Millie. We spent the summer inside the house. It was so hot! I feel like I wasted valuable time. I honestly did not recognize the Mister without glasses! My ophthalmologist told me this probably the last time he will be able to write a prescription that corrects my vision in my eye that has a cataract. I thought only old people had cataracts. Old indeed. I have a big birthday coming up. Katie, I just wanted to add that you look great! Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.

  50. Your are back!!!!! Made my day!!!! So very very sorry to hear about Chowdah. You have him a good life and he knew love.

  51. Colorado Laura Everyday EditsSeptember 9, 2023 at 8:14 PM

    Oh Chowdah! I love that quote. How is Miss M doing?
    Popping in for a hot minute. Exhausted ! It's official I am a MIL! xo laura

  52. Whatever you did this summer looks amazing on you! I'm so sorry about Chowdah - we're dealing with a sweet old dog with cancer, and it's so hard. Glad you are back full of good lists yet to come!

    1. Hello Leslie Anne... I can't wait to stop by your blog to catch up. I always walk away chuckling!

  53. YOU ARE HILARIOUS! I enjoy reading your posts, you’re too funny! Glad you’re back and you had a nice summer.

    1. Hello Anonymous... I don't know your name but I do know you have great taste!! Have a great week!

  54. I need to laugh more! So happy to see that you are back. Thanks for sharing your amazing vacation pictures with us. I think I will adopt your term “Cadillac” when I get mine removed.

  55. Welcome back! You've been missed and I'm thrilled to find your sense of humor fully intact. I'm so sorry about Chowdah ... he was a sweetie pie, and a character and deserved a much longer life. But back to the pole dancing ...

    1. Juliet I have followed you all Summer on Insta. I am always guaranteed some beautiful eye candy. I am headed over to your blog this week to catch up.

  56. Welcome back! It has been a hot summer and I am over it right about now!

  57. Sadly, our New England summer is coming to an end. I hope your weather improves. I loved Chow, he was a fabulous companion. Always happy to see everyone. It was a joy to have played with him. I am sure he is enjoying Gypsy and Chili's company. The new official blog photo, so charming.
    Good for the Mister, just think of all the time you will save not looking for anything. Since his eyesight is fabulous, he clearly (see what I did there?) can find items that have been hiding for decades.
    xoxo Annie G.


  59. Hi Katie...I found your blog a few weeks ago and was anxiously awaiting your first after summer blog post. It sounds like you had an absolutely fun-filled summer! I was sorry to see that your pup Chowdah passed. I know how hard that is. My summer was ok...I love going to Estate Sales and found some awesome items. Take care.

  60. I did not receive your first blog post after your summer haitus for some reason. I was so happy when I saw your blog pop up in my e-mail today. It sounds like you had a great time and saw some beautiful places. I am so sorry to hear about Chowdah. We have lost 3 dogs due to cancer. Losing one of our fur babies is like losing a member of our family. It sounds like Millie hasn't missed a beat over the summer.
    I am glad you're back because I sure do miss you during the summer months.

    Janet Inman

  61. Call me crazy but this was one of your best posts ever. I literally laughed out LOUD multiple times. So sorry to hear about Chowdah. 😢

  62. I am so sorry about Chowdah. But I’m glad you are back.

  63. So glad you are back, Katie. Heartbroken to hear about losing Chowdah. Marlena


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