Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, September 15, 2023

Pink or Blue?


You may have noticed that I was a bit vague when reporting details about my family in My Summer In the Rearview post.  There was a reason for it.

 This beautiful couple is expecting a bundle of joy in March!

I'm going to be a Grandma!

Last weekend, we hosted a family gender reveal luncheon.
Is it a boy or a girl?

All attendees were asked to wear the color signifying their guess of the gender of the baby. 
Millie could barely control her excitement.
She was very confident with her choice.

I was delighted to find this darling pink and blue tablecloth and napkins.

The Mister ordered these rattles and pink and blue M&M's.

Butter board ala the Mister.
Whipped honey ricotta board
Roasted cherry tomatoes, garlic and crushed chilis, lemon zest, chili threads

The future Mommy and Daddy arrived with the cupcakes that held the well-kept secret of the gender.
I used every ounce of self-control not to tackle them at the door.

We could barely wait until they put down the cupcakes, let alone wait for dessert.
We all grabbed a cupcake and took a bite.
There was no better time to eat dessert first.

It's a GIRL!!!
Not only did we find out the gender, but the happy couple shared her darling name. 
I can't share that detail, but I will give you a hint.
The middle name is after a family member.

Ok, now we can eat!
This was the Mister's menu.  

Asparagus, gnocchi, mint
Basil mint pesto vinaigrette

Grilled veg platter
Charred feta dip

Peach and arugula panzanella salad
Pickled red onions, prosciutto, strawberries, candied pecans

Tomato and burrata, pine nut platter
Asparagus, gnocchi, mint
Basil mint pesto vinaigrette

Spatchcock Chicken
Fun Fact... I had never heard of Spatchcock Chicken before.

Our #2 has wonderful news, too!
Her newest addition is named Clementine.
But you can call her Lemmie.

Mrs. Adorable and I are already counting the days!

Adorable Michael spoils the Mommy-to-be rotten. 
I have a feeling that he will do the same to the new baby girl. 

So sweet!
Btw... Mr. Adorable and the Mister were also present.
The Dads were probably in the garage looking at all of the Mister's gadgets.

Three happy Mamas.

 How could this baby girl miss with two adorable parents?
And I am not biased in the least.

I guess Miss Millie was covering all her bases.

I've got to scram.
I have a lot of shopping to do!

One of my fellow picklers told me she was looking for a long-sleeved top to layer over a sports top.
This one's for you, Laurie!

I ordered these because they come in Petite!
They also look flattering.
But sometimes, what is flattering on a 5'11" model is not always flattering on me.
I'll keep you posted.

Cashmere and lots of colors.

Comes in petite, too!

I'm pretty sure I have this light sweatshirt in every color.
It's perfect for the Fall in Texas. 

I have these sweaters in every color and wear them all the time.
It may be hot in Texas, but it is freezing in the restaurants.

I ordered this because I tossed a lot of my old sweaters last year.

And this.
The prices are great.
This comes in petite too.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie! So over the moon for you! We are going to be grandma‘s of girls together! My twin granddaughters are coming anytime now! So glad to see you back it’s been a little bit of a scare and whirlwind these last couple weeks but I wanted to let you know I’ve read your blog posts since you’ve been back and my heart breaks for your loss! I know how much you loved that sweet pup! The gender reveal was the best I’ve ever seen you really know how to throw a shindig my friend! The kids look so happy and that warms my heart with such joy for you!

  2. Congratulations! You gonna be an awesome granny!

  3. Well this gender reveal has to be the most chic I have seen! How lovely! I am so thrilled for your family and know these next months will be so fun and exciting as you prepare. The Mister really knocked it out of the park with the menu, I am drooling!

  4. How great is this? You'll love being a grandma to an adorable wee girl! Congratulations to you all!

  5. Congratulations! There is no greater joy! So happy for all of you!

  6. Congratulations! March girlies are the best


  7. Congratulations to everyone! Exciting times ahead!!

  8. Congratulations!!! So happy for you and your family. I think this every time you post their pictures: your daughters are stunning! Hope the mom-to-be is feeling well. She is glowing. :)

  9. Congratulations to all. We are so enjoying our first granddaughter and she was born March 6th.

    1. No way! Only one day away from ours!! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Patricia from Charlotte.September 15, 2023 at 8:16 AM

    Congratulations on your very happy news! You are going to love being a grandmother. It’s simply the best. I always so look forward to reading your blog and I am happy you are back.

  11. Congratulations and best wishes to the happy parents to be and of course the grandparents, plus aunt and uncle! My first will arrive in January, but the gender is still under wraps. You are so lucky that they live within visiting distance. Mine will be far, far away, and it will be awhile before I get to visit. Your daughters both look so beautiful. Ellen Shook

    1. Thank you so much, Ellen. I am so happy for you. You and your hubs will have to stay for some long visits. Have a great weekend.

  12. Congratulations!!! It’s a wonderful club to be a part of !

    1. I'll say!! I've been waiting patiently or at least somewhat patiently!

  13. Congratulations! What a stunning gender reveal luncheon. We're also expecting our first grandchild - a baby girl - in December. So much fun!

    1. Julie - Congrats, so happy for you. We will be doing a lot of pink shopping!

  14. So happy for you and your family! I have 6 precious grandchildren. You are in for so many fun adventures!❤️

    1. Six? Wowza, you are really blessed!! Have a great weekend!

  15. Congratulations! You are going to be the most glamorous grandma! Do you have a name? I'm thinking not Granny, perhaps GiGi or KiKi?

    1. Hi Pamela! So great to hear from you! I do have a name picked out and will let you in on it very soon!! Happy weekend!

  16. What an awesome surprise! Huge congratulations to all of you, you have no idea how your lives are about to change, all for the better! The only warning I can give is your checkbook and credit cards will be getting a workout (LOL)!

    1. I've already done some damage. Don't tell the Mister! Have a great weekend.

  17. Congratulations...Gramma!

  18. Congratulations, Katie, what wonderful news for you and your family. That little girl is going to be beyond adorable and beautifully dressed up sure. I’m also sad for your loss of Chowdah but happy that Lemmie is now there to keep #2 occupied and out of trouble (trying to keep the puppy occupied and out of trouble). As a fellow doodle owner, I know their joys and shortcomings. So happy for you all! Thanks, as always, for the wonderful posts.

    1. Thank you, Susan, as always, for your kind words! Lemmie is definitely giving #2 a run for her money! Have a great weekend.

  19. Woohoo! Girls rule! Congratulations! it's so fun!

  20. Such wonderful news…being a grandma is the best thing ever! And the new grand-puppy is pretty darn sweet, too! Congratulations to all!

    1. Thank you. Can't wait until we meet the baby girl. As for Lemmie she has me wrapped around her paw!!

  21. Best wishes to your family! How exciting.
    Dana-Marie S
    Dallas, TX

    1. Thank you so much Dana! Hope you are enjoying these cool Tx temps as much as I am!

  22. Congratulations to everyone!! Wonderful news!! Let the baby clothes shopping begin!!

    1. Hello Sweet Mary! So wonderful to hear from you. Hope you stay safe in the storm!!

  23. Oh Katie, congratulations! I am so excited for y’all.

  24. Best gig ever ❤️ I am so happy for you and the Mister. The next question is….What will you be called??
    Cookie G

    1. Hello dear Cookie... Thank you so much. I am actually taking a name from a book I read about 10 years ago. I will write about it soon. Hope you are doing well!xx

  25. I’m thrilled for you and the family. Wonderful news. Beautiful family and the joyous celebration was extraordinary.

  26. Congratulations!! I am excited to read all about the rest of the count down to March. What do you plan to be called? My friend recently became a grandma and she decided to be called Grammy.

    1. Hi Carla! Great to hear from you! I plan on writing about my new name soon. Have a great weekend!

  27. Oh my stars! I didn't see this coming - how exciting! The meal was beautiful and I love the maternity dress. So many pretty things ahead. Best wishes to the cutest grandma in town!

  28. Maureen from the Irish RivieraSeptember 15, 2023 at 1:05 PM

    Congratulations!! I thought the beautiful couple might be having a baby soon. You will absolutely love being a grandmother. There really is nothing better. My hint is to offer to take her for a weekend so the adorables can have some time together. It is good for them and lets you have her all to yourself!

    My husband and I have four grandchildren and have taken all four for many weekends. We have special times with them that we all will remember for many years.

    1. Hellooo Maureen... I am very familiar with the Irish Riviera!! Thanks for the tip on babysitting. Have a wonderful week!!

  29. Woohoo! I was thinking boy when you had the blue bow graphic! on your blog the other day how exciting! you better get her pickle all gear! the food looks amazing!!!!!!! Congratulations to everyone! 🌸💕🌸💕🐾

    1. Thank you Laura! Can wait to see more pics of your daughter's beautiful wedding! Have a great week!xx

  30. Congrats!!! Wonderful news.
    Pleaseee share the details/brands of the girls’ dresses. Both dresses are simply adorable! (Of course, they could wear anything and look fab)

    1. My #1 - Pink City Prints and it's not a maternity dress. And #2 - Zara. Have a great week!!

  31. Congratulations, there is nothing better than Grandchildren! So glad everyone is close by.

    1. Me too!! I am so happy I am so happy that we are only 40 minutes away from the girls. Have a wonderful week!

  32. Congratulations! Such exciting news!

  33. First let me welcome you back! It was wayyyy too long without you! Thank goodness for Instagram.
    Oh my goodness! Congratulations to you, your husband, and the proud parents.
    I’ve been with you for a long time and knew this would be the natural order of life, but still the joy and excitement you must have experienced!
    Plus a girl??? Are you kidding? The outfits? Can’t wait to see! When does she get her first set of pearls?
    All the best,

    1. Hi Jennifer... all along I kind of thought it was a boy. I was in total shock when I looked at the cupcake! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Have a great weekend!

  34. Katie, this bundle is going to be the luckiest little girl ever. Just like her grammie she will be pretty in pink! God Bless

    1. Thank you! I just put a baby counter on my phone and I am getting more excited by the day!

  35. Well well well! I am so thrilled for one and all. I have one grand, it's the best time of our life.
    The nice thing is time flies and March will be here before you know it.
    I hope the lil one has your sarcasm. Start working on that right away.

    1. Her mother will do a fine job with that. She learned from the best. Have a great week!

  36. Congratulations! I’m interested in who makes the adorable dress your momma to be was wearing?! Thanks. Bonnie White

    1. Hi Bonnie! The Momma to Be was wearing a dress by Pink City Prints. Btw... it wasn't a maternity dress. Enjoy your Sunday!

  37. GAH! Bessing and congrats !

  38. Aw, congratulations! What fabulous news!!

    1. Thanks Joanne... I'm hopping over to your blog later.

  39. Congratulations and many blessings to you all. Enjoy ever minute it goes so very fast.

    1. Life is going so fast now!! The only place that it slows down to a snail's pace is in the dentist's chair where I'll be this week. Enjoy your Sunday!

  40. Congratulations. You all must be so thrilled. I’m here for the Mister’s AMAZING food.

    1. Thank you. The Mister better start figuring out how to make baby food! Have a great week!

  41. How FUN!! Congratulations to all!! How exciting and thanks for including us with the news!! xo

    1. Terri... Thank you... I am on my way to stopping over to your blog.

  42. Congratulations! Being a grandma is the best! We have a grandson who is two now and expecting one more at Xmas. We can’t wait . You will love it and I know you’ll be the greatest grandma. I’m so jealous of your chef hubby. Enjoy your news every time.

    1. Thank you so much Sally. I will pass on your compliments to the Mister.

  43. I cannot imagine any more wonderful news. Congratulations, pretty grandmama-to-be. 💚

    1. Thank you so much for writing such lovely comments. Have a great week!!

  44. Congratulations! Being a grandma is the BEST thing ever! You will love it!

  45. Congratulations! There is nothing better than being grandparents!!

  46. Congratulations Katie! You are going to love being a grandmother! I have a suggestion for you, pick your own grandmother name so you don't end up being called Gaga or something terrible! Your gender reveal party was so fun, the table looked so pretty with the pink and blue and cute rattles. Mister's food was amazing!!! Wow! I hope your daughter feels well and they certainly look happy!

    1. She's feeling much better now, Jenna. Thanks for your sweet words!

  47. Congratulations Katie!
    We are expecting our first grandchild, a girl, in 6 weeks.
    I haven’t been this excited in a long time.
    Praying for good health for Little Mama and her baby.
    Have you chosen a grandma name?

    1. Congrats Pauline on your first grandchild!! Six weeks will come before you know it. I am planning on writing a post on my gma name soon!.

  48. Congratulations, Katie! I have to tell you I have been waiting for this wonderful announcement. Our 6th grand was born on March 3 and is a girl. We all stood on our heads hoping for a baby forever. She will turn 2 next March. I am so excited for you. You are going to be the best grandmother. BTW: Have you chosen your grandmother name?

    1. I have chosen my gma name and will share it in the near future. Thank you for your sweet note. Six grands? You are one lucky lady!

  49. Best news ever! Are your sons twins? I'm fairly new to your blog so don't know much about your family.

    1. Adorable Jonathon is my SIL and Adorable Michael are twins. My #1 lucked out _ two great guys for the price of one!

  50. Oh, my goodness, what fun lies ahead for you and you already know girls so well. Our girls are 8 and 14 now and so much fun. So excited for you. Now, let us in on your "Grandmother name."

    1. Lea... Thanks for your kind words! I will write a post about my grandma name, Hopping over to your blog later.

  51. So very happy for you, Katie! I can imagine you are just beside yourself with joy! Such wonderful new!

  52. Cutest post ever! I’m excited for you!

  53. Congratulations on your new role as a grandma! There is nothing like it! This is my first time commenting although I've been reading your blog for the past year or more because I love your spin on things so much! Last November, a dear friend (and fellow retired kindergarten teacher) and I started our own blog, "Our Grand Lives." We share our ideas for creating memories to share with our own kids and grandkids as we celebrate this wonderful season of life as Grands to our Littles! You will absolutely love all that is to come! Here's to the Grand Life!

  54. Such exciting news! It's a girl. Kudos for being a Grandma to be. I now have 4 Great-Grandchildren. Enjoy.

  55. Congrats and best wishes to all!

  56. Congratulations to all! What will you be called? Looks like a fabulous feast and celebration to mark this very special season in all of your lives.

  57. Congrats to you all! 🩷 Carolyn

  58. Katie! You have raised the bar forevermore with your gender reveal dinner party! If my eyesight is correct I see #2 even donned a pink and blue dress?! Thrilled beyond words for your beautiful family and thrilled for the newest member Sweet Lemmie 💗💗

  59. Congrats! What a nice party and love the menu. You are going to have fun spoiling your granddaughter!
    Julie’s Creative Lifestyle

  60. Congratulations to you entire family! Grandkids are the icing on life's cupcake! Have fun, this will be easy with a darling baby girl on the way.
    Karen B.

  61. Wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!! xoxo 💕🧸🎀🍾 Marlena

  62. Congratulations on this very happy news!


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