Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Prime Time


Welcome back to my blog.  Did you have a good weekend?  Saturday was rainy, so we stayed home, and I caught up on laundry and Real Housewives.  Sunday, our #2 took us to lunch at one of her favorite places, Bellagreen.  The food is so delish.  We then topped the afternoon off at my beloved Homegoods.  I didn't come home with any goodies because most of the inventory was Christmas-related, and it was too early for me to think about decorating.

Our warm welcome home greeting.

Today, I am linking up with my buddy, Tanya, for one of my favorite parties, Prime Purchases.


Chowdah is spending time with us this week, so I had to stock up on the pups' favorite treats.

Miss Millie's favorite pastime is chewing.
I replenish her favorites every few months to keep her away from her other favorite delicacy - table legs.

I love the smell of this stuff, and it lathers up beautifully.

I have never used a lip mask or scrub before. 
This stuff really works.
No more dry, chapped lips for moi!

I ordered a few of these charming books for hostess gifts.
I love a pop of orange on my coffee table. 

I realized after weeks of red, tired eyes that I didn't need the 3.25 readers strength for my monitor.   I took it down a few notches and ordered 2.00, and they work like a charm.


The Mister threw out a lot of spices and replaced them.

And then he had to get an organizer.
The best part for him.

This cabinet was the bane of the Mister's existence.
Someone in the household would just throw the precious plastic into this Bermuda Triangle of a cupboard when emptying the dishwasher. 
So the Mister installed these slide-out shelves, and all is well in the Mister's world again.  
For now. 
Until it's my turn to empty the dishwasher.

To say that the Mister is obsessive about the new countertops would be an understatement.

I guess my Sugar Daddy is beginning to feel his age.

We checked this off someone's Christmas list.

A man can never be too handsome or own too many chargers.

The Mister loves the new shirts that he ordered for working around the house.

I was tired of him wearing the same thing every day.

What is your favorite Amazon find?

linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love the pop of sunshine you put into my life when I read your blog :)

    1. Thank you, jennibell, for your kind words. Have a great week!

  2. I keep one large bin in our Tupperware cabinet to hold all the lids (and when I unload I put them all by size/shape!)... I did get the family trained to stack the actual bowls/cubes in stacks with matching sizes so it's not a total mess.

  3. Great list Katie - sounds like a fun weekend and successful shopping! Not to mention organizing! Thanks for another round of inspiration! Plus I want that last t-shirt for my husband! 🤣

  4. What did we ever do before Amazon??? I'm all for instant gratification!

  5. Yes, what did we ever do without Amazon........save a lot of money I suppose. :o)) Love the spice collection, can't believe I've not seen that before. Love seeing everyone's finds.

  6. Katie, I LOVE Voltaren! I've been using it daily on my lower back for over 3 years. Can't function without it!! Your lists are always interesting and fun!! Happy week!! xo

  7. Katie, I cannot read this blog without laughing out loud, you kill me!!! I think those pull out shelves are just what we need over here - I've looked at Home Depot and Lowe's but I think Amazon is the way to go! Thank you for bringing me so much joy!

  8. I've added a lot of your Prime list onto my Amazon shopping list. This is always one of my favorite posts, thank you.
    Karen B.

  9. Love your lists ... so many great things I NEED NOW!!! xo Juliet @makemineaspritzer

  10. We need a what are you watching update? we watched the good nurse and the watcher. Jennifer Coolidge was the best part of those 8 episodes.

  11. that comment ⬆️was me! I’m listening to the 7 husbands! really enjoying it!

  12. We go through those dream bones. Always sold out at Publix too so thank goodness for Prime!

  13. I have never seen a wireless charger for the kindle - genius. Thanks so much for linking up with Prime Purchases!


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