Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

More Hostess Gifts


Welcome back to my blog.  Did you have a good weekend?  We've had some cold, rainy weather, so we hunkered down and took care of some work around the house.  

This is our first Christmas in our house.  Last year, we were in San Miguel and the only decorating that was done was outside.  We are trying to determine whether to get a big tree or a small one for a tabletop.  If you are wondering why, see above photo.

Chowdah is back with us this week, while my #2 is working in Beantown.

Millie is delighted to have Chowdah here, except when he is chomping on one of her beloved bones.

We got in some fireside reading and TV watching, mainly of the royal kind.

Now it is time for the second installment of my Hostess Gift Guide.  

I have a feeling that this little ornament will sum up our Christmas this year.

These are so cute.

These are always a great gift.
I have two that I fill with water and sliced lemon, and place one at each end of the table for dinner parties.

This is on sale!

My buddy, Annie, gifted me one of these, and I think of her every time I use it. 


I noticed that my new office smells like wet dogs.  So for the first time in my life, I bought a diffuser, and mission accomplished!  I've only tried this one in the Hamptons scent, and it is lovely and not overpowering.  


Reasonable price and great reviews.

So cute!

For your preppy buddy.

A new grandparent can never have enough frames.

This stuff is like crack!

The Mister is a big "salt" guy.
He can never walk out of a specialty store without a couple under his arm.
Not to worry, he does pay for them.

Put a little Christmas cactus, and you are good to go.

You can't have Thanksgiving without Gobble!
Or at least that's what Sista tells me.

Little book with a big punch.

Sweetest book.

For the host who spends most of her time on Instagram drooling at design pics.
Hmmm... sounds familiar.

All of these cookbooks are recently published.

Perfect for the wine snob.

For the bubbly lover

For the "well-preserved" hostess.

Only a Real Housewives fan will appreciate this one.

If you don't know what I am talking about, you have better taste in TV than me.

The ULTIMATE gift for the RH fan that will be the gift that keeps on giving!

You can find Part One of this post right here

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Great hostess gifts! Is it wrong to want them all for myself? You know I'm not asking for a friend.

  2. You always have the best gift ideas, Katie!


  4. Always fun, Katie!! The pups are so cute!! Thanks for the great tips! Blessings!! xo

  5. Great ideas! I like those same Amazon carafes with water and a lemon on the table for dinner parties.

  6. So many cute ideas! Thanks Katie {did you know I have a Society 6 Shop~ society6.com/paintedapron ~The wine chillers are awesome! }

  7. I got sidetracked reading the preview of the Gobble book - how fun! But then I came back for the rest! :) You and Millie always have such great suggestions. Thanks!

  8. Love the ideas from Etsy. Thank you for sharing these wonderful products. Looking forward to reading about the menu for this year's Thanksgiving.... last year's menu sounded TERRIFIC! - m in HI.


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