Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, November 11, 2022

The Friday Files

TGIF!  We woke up to some brisk winds, chilly temps, and rain.  It's my perfect kind of day when I don't have to be anywhere. 

Yesterday, I joined two of my buddies, Miss Deb and Miss Cindy, for the Neath the Wreath Holiday Market.  We got there when the doors opened before the rush.

Sweet Cindy scored big time with the darling jacket.

If I knew any good dogs, I would have bought one.

Cindy picked up one of these pillowcases for her darling granddaughter.

Who's watching The Crown
We just started it, and we're hooked once again.

Take a tour of this gorgeous brick Georgian beauty that was built by a lawyer turned designer.  Caroline Gidiere is one of my favorite designers on Instagram.  

This southern gothic home has quite a fascinating history. 

Wait until you see the savvy updates that a Dallas couple made to their home.

A certain Housewife sold her family's home for a cool 55 Mill.

And Charles and Camilla think they have problems...
It sounds like this Norwegian princess is a handful.

Here is a list of zero-calorie foods.

Does anyone want to join me on my mustard and pickle diet?

Do you suffer from travel anxiety? 

I do.  

It's called flying coach!

But the Mister doesn't listen.  

Here are some tips for the anxious traveler.

How about Autumn anxiety?

The Mister and I definitely suffered from this one.

Our fears centered around raking and shoveling.

I admit that in my younger days, I kissed a few frogs.
But they never came with a warning label!

I always like to end with a sweet story.

I hit the outlets this week and spent some quality time in JCF.  I walked out with this sweater in blue and black.  I love the generous fit on the bottom.

Btw... they are running a half-off sale on everything.

I have a ton of cardigans in my closet, but I couldn't resist this gorgeous color and taking it up a notch with the rhinestone buttons.


30% off Apparel & Shoes for family

Lots of colors

50% off sweaters and tops

Packable light down coat.

20% off 

Storewide sale!

* Pooches not included

Last but certainly not least, I am so excited to announce that I am partnering with one of my favorite brands, Boll and Branch.  They make the most luxurious buttery sheets in the whole world.
The best part is that I can offer you a 25% discount on the entire site with my code!
It is the best deal of the month! 


Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I always love your Friday Files. It looks like you gals had a grand time at Neath The Wreath. Loved the houses you shared-as I always do. Now-if that "bed" came with those two rascals I might be tempted to order it. lol. Have a great weekend! xo Diana

  2. I love Mark Cuban and I can't wait to dive into The Crown.

  3. Great Friday files, Katie. I hope you won’t be offended, but I will pass on the mustard and pickle diet. Gotta check out the links…Happy Friday!

  4. I'm going to start watching the Crown this weekend, thanks Katie and congrats on your new venture!

  5. now that you went political.........don't want any products your selling

    1. Political? Really?

    2. I, too, am curious as to what this one person finds “political”! I detect nothing that even remotely strikes me as being political. 🧐🧐

    3. I've been called a lot of names in my life, but "political" ain't one of them!!

  6. Love the sweater you have on in the pic with your friends

    1. Thanks. Old Navy about 5 years ago. Thank you for you comment!

  7. Another awesome post that had me grinning! have a great weekend sweet Katie, you are an absolute JOY!

  8. Great post Katy….I applaud all the success that comes your way. What you do and share with us (which is a lot) is very time consuming. Enjoy the cooler weather…I know I am over here in Ft. Worth! Janey

    1. Thank you, dear Janey for your kind words. Have a great weekend.

  9. Always a fun visit, Katie!! Your friends are as beautiful as you are! Looks like a fun time for a good cause. The homes you find to share are always gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the discount. Going to check it out!! Have a lovely weekend! xo

  10. Love Love Love my Boll and Branch sheets! Excited to use your discount when I order a set for my daughter and husband, it's the gift that keeps on giving and I can check them off the Christmas gift list! Practical AND Luxurious. So happy you've partnered with such an excellent product ~ I never ever have to second guess any of your recommendations! BTW I just ordered the JCF rhinestone cardigan you bought ~ no such thing as too many sweaters here in Chicago. Love all the thought that goes into your blog, thank you.KTG

  11. We keep forgetting the Crown is on again! I stopped reading to run out and tell my husband! Definitely going to start watching.

  12. Love Gatewood's cottage and all his follies he created over the years. Enjoyed your Friday Files here on this Sunday morning. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  15. PEN ...I've been dying to try Boll & Branch and now's my chance! I have the very same travel anxiety. And in related neurosis ... pool chair anxiety. Why can't we just reserve a cabana?! Anyhoo ... you find the bests home to show off. And now I have house anxiety too. xo


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