Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Let's Go Shopping!

 Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good weekend?  One of my favorite seasons in Texas is the Spring.  The weather has been positively delicious!  It motivates me to attach a few more steps to my walk every day.

The final countdown is on.  Six more days until the Mister and I are homeowners again.  We are doing our walk-through with our agent on Easter Sunday at 5PM.  I hope the owner leaves us some Peeps!  As I shared with you, we will be easing into the move because we are having some work done.  On the house, that is, not on me.  It will be a couple of weeks before the movers arrive.

And don't look for any new house tours soon.  Most of our furniture is not arriving until mid-Summer.  This will be a real trial of my patience.   

Yesterday, we escorted our #2 to the high school in Rockwall to receive her J&J one-shot wonder.   The state of Texas opened up the vaccines to all who are sixteen and older.  I will keep you posted as to whether she experienced any side effects.

Now, it's time to do some shopping.  I am not a shoe person.  If I find a pair of shoes that are comfortable, I will buy them in every shade available.  Purses are another thing entirely.  I can never get enough of them.  And I love to pick out a new one or two every Spring.


I used to have an Etienne Aigner purse similar to this one back in the '80s.
I thought that I was beyond cool.
Did anyone else have one?

Mark & Graham

And while we're strolling down memory lane, who carried one of these?

I bought a purse identical to this one a few years ago at Marshalls.  I was in an elevator in NYC when a beautifully-dressed woman asked me if I bought it at a market in France.  Naturally, I responded Mais Oui! and began the rest of my day with a little extra bounce in my step.

My #1 has this one.

A must for a passionate purse aficionado, such as myself.

Until next time...

Please say hello, to Linda and her little darling, Stella.
(This is a Happy Birthday surprise for her hubby.)

My name is Stella, and I am 10 years young.
I’m the luckiest little girl!
My mom& dad adopted me when I was 2 years old.
My mom makes me homemade dog food & peanut butter treats.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. For some reason I am really smitten with the blue and white purse from Talbots. It's not my usual style but I love it! Happy walk-thru on Sunday! xo Diana

  2. I think my Etienne Aignier bag might just be up in my attic. 🥴 Do I dare search for it?

  3. A handbag always “fits”. No dieting needed. 🤣

  4. I have a number of Vera Bradley bags and purses. I like to have things that are not too heavy and can be a crossbody (as someone with fibromyalgia). I remember the Bermuda Bags. I think I have at least two frames and a few covers from when I was in high school.

  5. I am the same way about shoes/handbags. If I have what I need in shoes, I'm good. Handbags are another story. Love them- designer to discount - and I love to find a wallet to go with each bag. Organizers are everything! You showed some beauties today. Let us know which you choose.

  6. Ooh cute ideas. I do love Kate Spade. #happynow


  7. I always enjoy your shopping posts Katie. Tell your daughter that I just ordered the purple shampoo and the Loreal tanning wipes at her recommendation. I love purses as well. I had my eye on that Talbots blue and white tote but I am more of a black/ gray/red girl and it would not go with many of my clothing choices. I put the purse insert on my Amazon wish list. I had no idea that Overstock sold Tory Burch! I am so glad you are getting into your home soon. I know apartment living has its charms for a season but there is no place like home.

  8. I love a good bag, but not under my eyes. I love Mark and Graham bags, so adorable. I did have an Aigner tackle box bag that I loved! I still have my Bermuda bags, one with 4 buttons and one with 3. The only problem with those bags is that I can't fit anything in it but my keys and some mad money. I gave up shopping for Lent, so I will just be patient for another week.

    So excited about the new Preppy Palace, can't wait to hear all about it.

    Hoppy Easter! Annie G

  9. So excited that all systems are go for the new house! Woo hoo! Can't wait to see and hear more!

  10. Hello Stella! You're adorable ... and of course require homemade food and treats! Love your purse selection ... I tried to order them all before Jim pulled in the driveway and sanity returned. I'll make do with one. Counting the days until you move into your new casa ... I feel your pain about the furniture delay. The wait for some of our things was excruciating. xo

  11. I just love reading your blog posts. Your personality totally comes out in your writing and it makes me smile. I chuckled at the comment "on the house... not on me." LOL!

    Love those Mark & Graham clutches.

  12. I'm excited for your walk through! Have a marvelous weekend!

  13. I love my felt insert - keeps everything tidy and so easy to swap from one bag to another.

  14. I love shoes and handbags. I hope you do a post with your favorite spring shoes next! I have that Tory Burch bag but wish mine was navy. It was a gift and is beige but has shiny gold hardware and I don't think it goes with me. Coach Outlet is the best! My favorites are from there. Congratulations on finding a new home. Happy Easter!

  15. Thanks for sharing so many cute handbags! I can never get enough either. I did have the exact Aigner one you did in the 80s. It was made like a fisherman’s basket and had a long leather strap. Cute as the dickens, but I remember that it used to bonk my then small daughter in the head if I burned around too fast. I loved that thing though. I’ve had my eye on the two Talbots bags for a week or two. We have the same taste! (I bought the Tory tote while I was reading so thanks for that too. 😉 Hang in there with the house. We went through something so similar about four years ago, and it was a marathon, but worth it in the end. I know your house will be beautiful. So glad that the three of you are vaccinated now. Happy Easter walk through! 🌷

  16. Yes to the Aigner and Bermuda bag former lives. Since COVID I've pretty much left handbags for tiny crossbody bags for only essentials, but I did buy a couple like yours from Marshalls (er, I mean French market) that a gal mad eoh, so cute with some MC coasters applied. Cheers to the new home ownership and feeling that sense of relief. Also cheers to your #2 with J&J. My #2 also got it last week - at 16 weeks pregnant.

  17. I love totes for everyday but would love to add one of these lovelies for special summer days (will we ever have those again). Nice selection of bags. Hope all goes well for your walk through on the new home, so exciting for you. Have a wonderful Easter Katie..........

  18. I love those felt handbag liners on Amazon - so easy to change bags! I purchased one a few years ago when you recommended them. (Stella is a doll!)

  19. I have a hard time resisting cute bags or shoes when it comes to summer accessories.

  20. Hahahaha....somebody said Preppy Palace above!
    Do I see a new header on your blog soon???!!!

  21. Katie, you had me at handbag! I love love love a good bag, they are my weakness and you have found some beauties.

    As for your house, I am so excited for you!!!!!!! I am sure that it is going to be fabulous just like all of your other houses. I am not sure how you are going to make it until Summer for the furniture, wow, how is it being transported?

    Have a happy Easter.

  22. The purses are all wonderful, but the little mutt face at the end was the cherry on the top of your post.

  23. You have such a great selection of spring/summer handbags listed here. I love so many of them and I'm the same as you I LOVE handbags more than shoes?

  24. Obsessed w all the wicker bags and I still use my Bermuda bag. Must be an New England thing.


  25. In the realm of luxury fashion, where purchases often come with a significant investment, having the option to return or exchange an item that doesn't meet one's expectations is invaluable.

  26. The attention to detail and exquisite design truly make it a luxurious accessory worth coveting. This level of flexibility speaks volumes about the brand's dedication to customer satisfaction and ensuring a positive shopping experience.

  27. Your "Let's Go Shopping!" blog is a fantastic guide to finding the best deals and making the most of shopping adventures. Just as Dolores in "Encanto" embarks on her journey, your shopping tips take us on an exciting expedition through the world of retail. I'm curious, How Old Is Dolores in Encanto? Perhaps she'd be an expert shopper too! Keep up the great work!


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