Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, March 5, 2021

Green With Envy

 Hello, dear friends.  Today, I casually mentioned to the Mister that I was going to title today's post "Shades of Green."  Usually, when I mention something about my blog to him, he politely nods and starts his own conversation totally off-topic, almost always about cars or watches, his two favorite subjects.  

But today was different.  Instead of his polite nod, he suggested Green with Envy.  I told him that was a fabulous idea, and it is so great that he took an interest in my blog.  He politely nodded and then proceeded to recite the benefits of owning a Porsche Carrera. 

Speaking of being green with envy, we did not get our dream house.  The lucky seller received numerous offers, and ours was not the chosen one. 

I spent Thursday licking my wounds while getting my roots done.  We attempted to lift our spirits with a fabulous lunch at Capital Grille, which is an old favorite of ours.

Driving home, we received a text from our incredibly patient, fearless agent, Deborah Deviney.  She told us that she called around and found a house going up for sale that was one street away from the one that we bid on.  She stopped over to check it out.  At that moment, the photographer was there, and the stagers were running around like chickens with their heads cut off.   The house agent told Deborah that the seller was planning on putting it on the market over the weekend.   

Deborah told us that it was owned by a gentleman who had another home, and he spent very little time there.  She said that the house had all the bells and whistles and looked like it was brand new.

Were we interested in seeing it?

We couldn't hop in the car fast enough.  

As we took our first steps into the bright Mediterranean house, the Mister and I looked at each other and tried not to act too excited. 

This is it.

So, Deborah presented our offer last night.  

It was accepted, and we close the first week of April. 

I love happy endings.  



Here are some beautiful photos of rooms of green in honor of one of my favorite holidays, St. Paddy's Day.

Edith Anne Duncan

Edith Anne Duncan

Do you follow Edith Anne Duncan?
She's one of my favorite designers.
As far as I'm concerned, she is the Queen of Green.
You can follow her here.

Flower Magazine

Maine House Interiors

Kathryn Greeley Designs


Apartment Therapy

how to decorate

Domaine Home

Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest

Mary Douglas Drysdale

desde my ventanna

I have two of these lamps.


For those of you, like me, whose scale breaks easily from being thrown across the room.

Until next time...

Today, our special guest is Rosellen and her darling trio.

Jack and JoJo white labs brother and sister watching over their dog bone while Bonzie, the Miniature Italian Greyhound, is keeping watch outside. 

Linking up with:


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm first to report in? Whoa, Sis. Huge congrats on bringing Deborah onto the team. She's a star. Pressing the fast forward button to April for you!

  2. Sooo happy you found a house!!! From what I hear, house hunting is a nightmare all across the country. Love all that green! Do you wear much green? We are the same coloring (black Irish) and I don’t look so good in green, but I love it...........

  3. Congratulations! I guess it was meant to be! I'm so excited for you and can't wait until you can share pictures. I'm also loving all the green...especially the photos with the navy. I just love that color combination. Enjoy your weekend!
    Cheers to the new house!

  4. Congratulations!! Can’t wait to see pictures!

  5. Congratulations. I know y'all are excited. Love love love all the green. Lots of eye candy.

  6. Congrats, so excited for your closing and moving into your new home! I love all the "green" inspired homes. I realized I need to find a few "green" pieces. I love the color green but tend to decorate very neutral or blueish tones.

  7. Oh my goodness, Katie, supposed to give me all the feels! I was so sad to hear you didn’t get the one house, but then I kept reading and was so thrilled to hear that you are closing on another dream home! Congratulations!!!!!!!🍾🎉

  8. So glad you got the house and can get settled in the spring time. Winter moving is no fun at all. Looking forward to a tour of the new house!

  9. I loved reading this green with envy post. Congrats on finding your new home and glad it has finally worked out for you both! Good luck with everything. :)

  10. Yahoo! Congratulations on your next chapter....

  11. Congratulations on your new home!! You must be so excited to get settled and give up apartment living!!

  12. Congratulations!! I am so excited for you and now can't wait to see photos and hear all about it!! My favorite color is every shade of green. xo

  13. Congratulations on your new home!!! I can’t wait to see it on your posts.

  14. YAY! Congrats on the house that is fabulous.

  15. Congratulations! Loving all your shades of green. ☘️

  16. Love all these rooms. Wish I could pin a few. And you may know or may not know but Shades of Green is a military/government hotel for those workers. It is located in Florida.
    So happy you found a new home the next street over from the previous loved one.
    Hope it all goes smoothly. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. What great news about your house! So happy for you and your family, I can’t wait to see what you I with it as I loved your house in MA. And thanks for sharing all the green decor and clothes. I used to decorate and dress mostly in greens in the 80’s and 90’s but with the new millennium I switched to blues. After all your gorgeous photos maybe I’ll switch back. Good luck with a fast and an easy closing.

  18. Best news ever!! So happy for your family and looking forward to new stories about the new home!

  19. Congrats on the house! No doubt you and The Mister
    are thrilled. Just crazy how hot the Dallas market is now.

    I may have to copy your smoke detector meme. My husband is currently trying to determine which one of ours is beeping. Our Wheaten terrier, Sadie, is crying.

  20. YIPPIE! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see pictures of your new dream home. Oh my, and so much green. Once we see your house we may all be a bit green around the gills. But you did share some homes we can dream about in the meantime.

  21. Congratulations!! I can't wait to see the house and look forward to watching what you do with it. Thank you for this gorgeous post. I never realized how much I loved green until right now.

  22. Congratulations! What a ride house hunting is, sounds like it was meant to be!! Love the green rooms!! Could see myself in them taking it all in!

  23. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing the new house details! I do love green, and your lamps caught my eye right away! Have a wonderful weekend. The planning begins!

  24. So many gorgeous greens, but I am so excited about your house I could hardly think of anything else!! I can't wait to see it!! Happy Saturday ~

  25. Oh I do love happy endings, and I didn't see this one coming after reading you missed out on the first house. How exciting to have found your dream house and I'm sure April can't come soon enough for you. This Irish heritage girl loves all the greens today, so many beautiful inspiring rooms and cute clothes. Have a wonderful weekend celebrating the new home. Cant wait to see it.........

  26. CONGRATULATIONS! I can't believe how hot the Dallas real estate market is. I hope all goes smoothly with your closing. So excited for y'all!!

  27. Woo hoo! You bought a house! You bought a house! Very happy for you. Pictures to follow, I assume? Those green sweaters you featured are fabulous. I'm wondering how many of those shamrock leggings they sell, though. -Jenn

  28. Yay! What an awesome real estate agent! Congrats! Can’t wait to see pictures.

  29. Congratulations, Katie! I'm so happy it worked out well and will look forward to more! That estate agent deserves a fruit basket for that good work! (And a bottle of wine, of course!)

  30. I have one green clothing item: a kelly green v-neck sweater from Boden that I love.
    So happy that the search for a house is over and you found your dream one! Can't wait to see and hear all about it.

  31. Katie, Congratulations on your house hunting find. I'll bet you will be glad to get settled and start decorating.
    I already have that Talbot Cable sweater so I'll just have to buy something else. $$$

  32. Woohoo! THat is awesome! Get photos for us!

  33. Congratulations Katie! I am so glad you found a house. Now could you find one for us!

  34. 🎉🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!🎉🎉🎉 Can't wait for the pictures. Hurry! 🥂🍾

  35. Yipee!!!! I'm so excited for you and CANNOT wait to see pics. I love St. Patty's day to as it is the birthday of my very baby brother (14 years younger than me) that I love dearly. Have a great rest of your weekend!

  36. Yipppppppeeeee! I am so excited for you! How wonderful to have the house of your dreams! Does this mean the Mr. will be getting the Porche to go with it. Looking forward to seeing your new place. Have a wonderful weekend.

  37. Oh my gosh ... I am so excited and can’t wait to hear (see) more!!! Congratulations! Now back to read the rest of the post. I couldn’t concentrate after hearing the news. xo

  38. As one preppy empty nester to another, I love your blog! Well done!


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