Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Books Worth the Time

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you and your families are virus-free and in good health.  

All is good here.  I've only thought about killing the Mister half a dozen times.  And that was just this morning.  It's been a while since we have spent so much time together, and we are working on establishing our new rhythm and routine.  The one thing that I have learned from this quarantine is one-on-one quality time is a lot more fun when we're on vacation.

My girls and Adorable Jonathon are doing well.  As you can well imagine, they are not nearly as relaxed as they appear in this picture.  They are hunkering down in their pads in NYC and Dallas.  It's hard being so far away from them when a national crisis is going on.  I'm sure anyone with adult children living out of town agrees.

Over the weekend, I perused my book posts from past years and put a list together of my favorites for your viewing pleasure. 


One of my faves of all time.




Happy reading!
Stay safe.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Hearth and Soul
Over the Moon
Hello Monday!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Found you on Over the Moon. Enjoyed your pick of books. I've read (or heard) some, and want to look at some more on your list that I hadn't heard of. This is a good time for reading!

  2. Thans for all the recommendations! Take care!

  3. Just finished From Scratch. Loved it! So Sicilian.

  4. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been trying for months to think of the title The Memory of Us... I read that book a few years ago on the way to the Ice Castles in New Hampshire and I just loved it but could not find it in my Amazon files and all my internet searches did nothing.

  5. I've reactivated my Audible account and may have to put some of these on my account. Yes, being away from children is hard during these times. Stay well my friend!

  6. As always these are wonderful suggestions....some I have read....just thinking as I was reading your post, I would love to know how they decide on a cover for the book? Interesting.......

  7. Now that I have all the time in the world to read, I begin to feel restless after reading for a few minutes and have to get up and walk. Perhaps I just haven't found the right book. Yes, being so far away from our kids and our grands is not enjoyable right now. Even though we are only 3 hours from our Dallas family, I would be quarantined for 14 days, jailed for several months and/or fined $1,000 if I crossed the line that is only a few miles from my house. I think I'll stay put.

  8. Yes, it's hard being separated from family, I miss mine terribly! Thank goodness for Ichat and Face Time. I see a lot of good reads I would choose to go to the beach this spring, but since I won't be going to the beach I will add to my reading list. Thanks Katie. Stay well......

  9. I love seeing your book lists. I'm so glad you are safe and the girls and Adorable Jonathan, too. Let's keep it that way!

  10. My daughters and grandchildren are ten miles from me, but it might as well be a million miles. Thanks for sharing your book list, although for some reason I can't seem to settle down to read. xo Laura

  11. Thank you Katie, reading is my great escape these days...

  12. My mom doesn't live too far from me, but we are still sheltering in place so I haven't seen her. I hope this crisis ends soon! I actually have Behind Closed Doors, Verity, and Before We Were Yours on my bookshelf, so I guess I'll start there! I absolutely loved The Stories Life of A.J. Fikry as well. Thanks for the recommendations!


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