Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sweatah Weathah & A Winnah

Hello, dear friends.  Top of the mornin' to ye!  I hope that you are adjusting to your new normal with ease.  Personally, I feel like I am in a sci-fi movie.  Yesterday, on my walk, I spied two solo drivers donning face masks.  

Lately, I feel the growing need to steal a Prozac from Chili's stash in order to venture to the grocery store.  Last time I was there, there was not a shopping cart was to be found! The people that had them were pushing them furiously with a deer-in-the-headlights expression on their faces. 

I've had many memorable St. Paddy's Days in my life.  
But I have a feeling this will be the one that will be the hardest to forget.

Now for the good news...
We have a winner!

The signed copies of The Girl In The White Gloves and Separation Anxiety goes to:


Please email me your address!

Thank you to all who have participated.  I loved hearing about all of your favorite things, and I'll be talking about some of them in the following weeks.  

The winner recommended a new product called Fake Awake.   It could be the title of my memoir.  I picked up this eye brightener over the weekend, and it does wonders for my tired eyes. 


Thank the Lord, there is some good news this week.  Spring begins on Thursday.  You know what that means?  No more puffy coat!  I am so sick of that thing.  

I do love sweaters.  Since I am a few steps away from being housebound, I let my fingers do the walking in my sweater search.

Some more good news.  
Most of the sweaters shown are on sale. 

Talk about the luck of the Irish!


Love this.

I guess cropped sweaters are back in.

Ann Taylor


I love this look.
My girls call it tomgirl.

Soft Surroundings

I ordered this one for the Summer.
I never met a ruffle I didn't like.
I never leave the house without a sweater because most restaurants blast the A/C.

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor

Nordstrom Rack


I ordered this one.
It looks like the perfect weight for Springtime.


The look on the model's face is reminiscent of my girls' teenage years.
Pardon me while I deal with my PTSD.

Soft Surroundings

I like V-necks, but I can't wear them due to the fact that my decolletage looks like a roadmap to Sun Damage City.


Another one that I can't wear.
I have skin tags on my back so big I could hang my robe on them.
Getting old is not pretty.




This one comes in lots of colors.



Lots of color combos available.



I bought this one for my walks.


Navy and white is my favorite combo these days.


Lots of color combos in this one too.







I think I have cardigans in every color of the rainbow!


Just a reminder... Ulta is having its big event for the next few weeks.  


My favorite day moisturizer will be half-price tomorrow.

Until next time...

What do ye mean we can't hit the bars tonight?

Linking up with:
Tuesdays with a Twist
Lou Lou Girls
Your Whims Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Jersey Girl, Texan Heart
A Little Bit of Everything
Classy Flamingos
Welcome Wednesday
Style Six

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy St Paddys Day Katie. We are trying to keep calm and carry on. Part of that means not watching the news and stitching instead. It works for me. lol Stay well Blog Friend!!

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Okay what is Tom Girl? Forwarding this list to my daughter! She is working from home. Stay Healthy & Sane! laura

  3. Lots of lovely sweaters in your picks. Hoping you stay warm there in the NE. Bet you are missing Texas this time of year, as am I. Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a kind comment.

  4. Happy St. Paddy's Day! These are all very pretty.Thanks for sharing. I think I my be shopping today! I do so enjoy your blog, especially the book recommendations....I've read a few and enjoyed them! These are crazy times we live in, so stay safe, and be well!

  5. Love sweaters and these are pretty. I hit the store this morning at 9 and hardly anyone was there and loads of food. (No paper products though, at least not many. I did buy paper plates, since the dishwasher is broken.) Lots of comfort food! Stay in, be safe!

  6. Katie, you had me at Fake Awake! Another good recommendation. We continue to follow CDC guidelines and are staying at home. It is just the two of us. Does the house feel like it is getting smaller? Stay safe and be well...Maxine

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I need to go to the store today, chardonnay supply is getting low. I would like to propose myself for membership in the skin tag club, I have many. Love the sweaters in navy, all of them. Cheers on this grey day.

    Annie G

  8. Great sweater choices. It was high 80s here today. Our AC has been on for two weeks so sweater weather (such as it is here in central FL) is over for us. I do love Soft Surroundings though!

  9. Congrats on your TV appearance! You look and sound great!!

    Christmas tree skirts for a wrap, what a clever idea!

  10. Our current stay at home seems really weird. I do hope to complete a project or two that I never seem to finish. I saw several sweaters that I love! On-line shopping could be a problem for me, too easy to click purchase during this time. Stay safe Katie!

  11. This self quarantine means that I am going to have the cleanest apartment ever. LOts of pretty sweaters. xo Laura

  12. Katie I just love reading your blog! You make me laugh every time, and you pick out great books and sweaters and etc! :) Thanks for being such a fun bright light every day! Maybe those dogs can have a party of their own one night! 💗

  13. I enjoy all of your posts but truly identified with your description of your decolletage. In fact, I recently consuted with a local cosmetic center and they suggested mironeedling with prp. I am considering it, but at $300 per session, and a suggested 6 sessions, it's not cheap. Have you considered doing anything with your roadmap?

    1. The only thing that I've considered is to keep it covered. Microneedling sounds painful. If you decide to go that route, please keep me posted. Thanks so much for your note Dena.

  14. SO many cute sweaters! I just bought a few things on-line but they're for summer. Stay safe and healthy!

  15. Retail therapy may help address the recent blues. Lots of cute sweaters (I'm hoping that the oversized and/or cropped sweater crazes end soon). Stay safe and sound.

  16. Those are CUTE sweaters and I don't know how I would have ever survived without some this winter, although I have never been much of a sweater wearer. When you are already "bulky" they just made me look and feel bulkier. Losing weight has been a life-long battle for me and now that I finally have, I am really enjoying sweaters and don't want to put them away! Enjoy your social distancing and stay healthy!

  17. I really need to do groceries in the next day or two and I am dreading it. Last week I told the kids to think of the list as more of a wish list and told them I'd try my best... The store was pretty empty of people but most likely because there's no food left in it. I sincerely hope today's snow is gone by morning but even with the cold and flurries I still refused to put on my puffy coat to walk down the road to the mailbox. Lots of cute sweater ideas on here! I love that one with the tie in the back.

  18. very cute sweater choices. Everyone is shopping from home these crazy days. Love the cute photos the fur babies. Stay safe in your lovely home dear friend.


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