Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Scrolling for Sanity

Hello dear friends.  
I hope that you and your family are healthy. 

Who knew 3 weeks ago that this bottle would be the most valued item in the house!
 So far, so good here.  
My little chickadees also report in with good health.  

One of the many things that I am grateful for during this crisis is Facetime.  It's one thing to talk to the kids on the phone, but when we Facetime, I can see for myself that all is well.

We began last weekend with the Mister making a killing at CVS.  

You never know when they will come in handy.

We've been doing a lot of this.
We watched Little Fires Everywhere, which I actually like more than the book.

And this.
I have been spending a lot of time in Camelot.

I find myself on Instagram a lot more often.  It serves my purpose of fulfilling my laugh quotient, warming my heart, and delivering my daily dose of eye candy.

Here are some of my favorite sites.

Things that make you go awwwww...

This site even had an article in T&C written about them.  I thought it was cute before, but now that the baby is thrown into the mix, the pics and videos are beyond adorable.


Another fave.


This group has lots of fun adventures in Finland.
The Yorkie, Mr. Vili, is the senior member and my favorite.
Mums the word to the Westies.

Things that make you lol...

Warning... some of these sites are off-color at times.

Between you and me, I think my #2 wrote this.





Personally, I can identify with this statement.

The Royal Family is also the target of his humorous snipes.


These two sistas never disappoint.


My #2 got me turned on to Heather McMahan, who is one funny lady. 

Beauty biz

Stalkin' Celebs

Hoda always makes me happy.




This guy cracks me up.


    Katie is really entertaining and very candid about her everyday life.

Her hubby, John Molner, is an absolute riot and has no problem poking fun at his famous wife.



You know you're bored when you watch Dominique do her nails.

Things that make you want to read...

I follow a lot of my favorite authors.
Some are more fun than others.


Also, I enjoy a lot of bookstagrammers.
As I mentioned before, Bookbimbo's reviews are often more entertaining than her book subject.

Things that make you go ooh and aah...





I'm old enough to be this girl's grandma older sister, but I love her sense of style.


Things that make you go Huh?

Have another brewski, Brady.
Your parents must be so proud.


Lastly, I want to leave you with these beautiful words from Pope Francis. 

Be well.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. So glad everyone is trying to keep our spirits up!! We need it.

  2. Nothing cuter than babies and dogs. xo Laura

  3. Love that during your Facetime call, #1 is drinking wine. She is your child! I would like to add to your list of Instagram suggestions. Pluto.living is the sweetest mini schnauzer giving us all a lift and if you love Springer Spaniels like me Millie and Maisie and their brother Norm the puppy are all great to follow.

    Love the sharing of wisdom of Pope Francis.

    Annie G.

    1. Thanks, Annie. I am an official follower of Pluto. I think I will spend the free time on my hands teaching Chow how to talk. Wish me luck!

  4. Yes, Facetime is awesome and especially right now since we didn't get to go see our boys in Oklahoma. Love the pics of the dogs especially, just adorable. Glad you are doing well. I'm just about over this whole deal. But...........

  5. Your Instagram collection is amazing. I have a huge list I follow and yet I only look at the same ones over and over. My attention span is not quite to the par yours is evidently. LOL!

  6. Thanks for this, Katie. Those Westies are beyond adorable! I always get a kick out of your blog, as it never fails to produce a laugh. Love the CVS idea!! lol. Tell the Mister thanks for his contribution to all of this. Keep 'em coming...you make my day!
    P.S. Are you sure you weren't a famous author in your other life? :) :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! You made my day. Stay healthy!

  7. Thanks for the giggles!! Keeping our spirits up as best we can!

  8. This was a great post! And now I'm following mr_vili... on IG too! My daughter had a westie while she lived at home so seeing these 3 every day will certainly bring a smile to my face! Thank you Katie!

  9. You are the best and I agree about that Instagrammer @bookbimbo. That chick is seriously funny. I heard today she offered a free roll of toilet paper for more followers. Not sure how long that offer will last but a FREE roll of toilet paper. That’s like a nugget of gold. You... are priceless.

  10. My girlfriends and I did a couples happy hour via ZOOM on Sunday. It was hilarious. We have a Bingo Session set up with all our virtual kids on Friday night! Details to follow!
    Love your profile pic! Must follow Katie's hubby

  11. I really should do something productive and not be online so much but then I'd miss you and all the joy you are bringing. Thanks for that one! (Must check out Katie and her hub!)

  12. This post is so much fun! I really enjoyed reading this! The laughs were much needed right now. Thank you!!

  13. So many wonderful reasons to smile right here!

  14. Gotta have laughter to get through times like these. You deliver it well, Katie. Stay safe & healthy!

  15. Katie,
    Thank you for the chuckles, the beauty and the recommendations. Be well my friend and take care.

  16. Yes thank god for technology! Glad to hear you and yours are staying safe. Thanks so much for joining in with #MMBC. :)

  17. So many fun Instagram sites for me to check out! I hope that you are doing well!


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