Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, March 6, 2020

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  TGIF!  Did you have a good week?  Mine was quiet, but I got a lot done.  

This weekend, the Mister and I are going to see Emma.  I can't wait - it has gotten great reviews from my fellow bloggers.  I have a feeling I will be able to talk the Mister into a nice lunch and a bit of shopping as well.

Take a gander at this gorgeous home in Alabama, which was designed by James Farmer.

Want to see more?  
Wait until you get a load out of the pool house!
Click here for more eye candy.


Pack your bags.
We're going to Ireland.  

Take your shoes off and step into Glin Castle.

This is Catherine FitzGerald, the lady of the house.

Oops... almost forgot to mention.
She's married to a TV heartthrob.

Want to see more?
Click here.


Are you looking for a historic home in Georgetown?
Not just an old home, but one who has had a famous person living in it at one time?

One hint: he later lived in the White House.
Click here to check if you are correct.

When I was a swinging bachelorette, I lived on frozen pizza.  
Do you have a favorite?
Here is a list of the tastiest pies.


Do you know the secret ingredient that makes fried chicken extra crispy?
Me neither.
But if you're curious, click here.


Did you make a resolution to lose weight this year?  
How's that working for you?

Here are 100+ WW recipes that look scrumptious.


You're doing Keto?
No problemski!
I've got you covered.

Here are 55+ Keto Recipes to help you keep up your momentum.


This Coronavirus is pretty scary.  Every time that I get a hint of a scratchy throat or sneeze, I'm ready to dial 911.  Here is a list of cheap, easy recipes that you can make at home for Wellness Shots.

It these don't work, try tequila.

How old do you think a child should be to start doing their own laundry?  I remember the defining moment when I felt my #1 was ready.  

When the girls turned nine, they were responsible for putting away their neatly-folded, clean laundry.  When my #1 was eleven years old, I went up to collect her dirty laundry from the hamper.  It was then that I realized that she put the folded laundry in the hamper rather than walk a couple of feet to her dresser and put the clothes away.  

When my girl arrived home from school that day, I gave her the good news that she had been promoted and awarded a new job title: Laundry Queen

Here is an article about Age Appropriate Chores.  


This is my blogging buddy, Laura, from Everyday Edits.  She put together the cutest, most informative video on how to freshen up a house with dogs. 
 Needless to say, I was glued to it!


Speaking of dogs, our resident Diva, Chili, wants an RV for her birthday.


Why does exercising always look easy when other people are doing it?  Don't you wish that you could receive the benefits of exercise by just watching a video?

I've been faithful to my walking regime but not so much with my weight lifting and sit-ups.

Here are some exercises that look relatively easy aimed at toning the abs.


Are you in search of the perfect new hairstyle like me?
Here are some styles that will be hot this year.
Btw... I love this one.


Are you a fan of The Office?
Would you like to make an easy thousand bucks?
Click here.
You're welcome.


The one thing that I like about my 'hood is that we have a lot of deer.  The one thing that I don't like is they eat a lot of our plants.  Here is a list of deer-resistant plants. 


It's incredible how many things you can order from Amazon.
But a guest house?
You betcha!

I think this one would make a great Blog Central.
Are you listening, Mister?


Do you fall asleep to music?
If you do, I've got good news for you.


I bought these black jeans a couple of weeks ago.  They are high waisted, and they are so comfortable because they have a lot of stretch to them.  They are very flattering, as well.
The best part is that they are on sale now.


I read about this concealer/illuminating treatment in a magazine.  I then looked up the reviews, and most were pretty good.  I ordered it, and I am very pleased.  Instead of using eye cream and concealer, I just use this. It does a pretty good job on my dark circles.

I owned a sweater shaver about ten years ago and didn't think it did a good job, and I never got another one.  Sista and #2 both told me that they had this one, and they felt it did a great job.  
So I ordered it and it works like a dream.
No more pills on my sweatahs!



I just started reading this thriller.
Has anybody read it?


And  I am listening to this nonfiction on my walks.

Book reviews will be published this week.
Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I always love these reviews! Today the one that interested me most (after the houses, of course) was the Deer Resistant Plants. We are moving into a condo (a bit of country right in the city) and last night there were 8 deer grazing just off our back patio...sigh...love them but love my plants, too.
    Have a great weekend-anxious to see Emma, too. xo Diana

    1. We miss seeing deer from our back door. New housing developments are driving them away

  2. Well Katie, now I want to move to that beautiful Alabama home...lol who are we kidding, it would have to come with a maid to make me interested. One of those guest houses from Amazon is more my speed. Looking forward to seeing what you think of Emma. I saw that Miranda Hart, one of my favorite nurses on Call the Midwife is in the cast. Thanks for the link to the eye cream...sounds like what I have been looking for!

  3. One Day sounds fascinating to me. And all the links are so fun. Thanks for the WW recipes!

  4. HI Katie, Thank you for the shout out! I was terrified it was going to be one of my "Story" videos that were a disaster! Thank you! Your name came up in a real estate class I took this week (your blog) and I mention it tomorrow in the weekend edit. I also mentioned you to my husband, "Katie from Preppy Empty Nester" stayed at the Essex House.... xo laura

  5. I always enjoy your Friday Files and will go check out a few of your links as soon as I post this comment! Thanks for the Friday fun!!

  6. That was the funniest story about the laundry. Sometimes my teens do their laundry on the weekend, but most of the time I do it, putting it folded in the basket. Then they HAVE to put it away before they can use the basket again. They are probably in for a rude awakening when they go to college. I can't wait to click and read all these links. Have a good weekend...hope you get some spring weather soon.


  8. Love the food recipe links all together, whether dieting or not (not). Have a great weekend.

  9. I had the same problem with my teens. They would try something on, change their mind...several times and throw them in the dirty clothes basket...much easier than hanging them back up. ...although I wasn’t a smart as you! Great post!

  10. Love the AL home that's been renovated. We have a lot more here throughout the state. All beautiful although some need a wee bit of TLC. You'll love Ireland, I did and ready for another trip. I hope Chili gets that RV, I gave my siter's kitty one. Sooo cute! I'll be interested on your take on Emma, can't wait to see it too. Happy Saturday.....

  11. Let me be the first to testify that not all of those exercises are simple to do. I'll stick with the ones that don't require one or more hands and feet to be off the floor at the same time. Just say'n!

  12. I love that little guest house - I'm liking the Blog HQ idea myself! Now to find some square footage in our tiny city yard! ;) Thanks for all of it, and let us know how you like Emma!

  13. James Farmer is one of my faves when it comes to design and I love this Alabama home he designed right in my home state. Have a wonderful week Katie!

  14. The wallpaper in the Alabama house is spectacular. Thanks to your blog, I have shed a few lbs. Thank you for all the helpful hints. Do they sell that eye cream by the gallon?

    Annie G


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