Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Files & Giveaway

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that this post finds you healthy.  I went to daily Mass this week, and the priest was sneezing and coughing up a storm.  Needless to say, I took a pass on Communion.  He will forever be known to me as Father Corona.

photo credit: Annie

As I mentioned, I had two book events this week.  On Wednesday, I attended a Supper With The Authors at Buttonwood.  Here I am pictured with Kerri Maher (l), Laura Zigman, and my pal Lisa who I haven't seen in a while.  

The books sound so wonderful, and the authors were charming!  Kerri's book, The Girl In The White Gloves, is a fictionalized account of the behind the scenes life of Grace Kelly.  Laura's book, Separation Anxiety, is a hilarious account of a woman's life that is unraveling.  We learned from the author that most of the events are based on her own life.  Both books are right up my alley.

Last night,  I met Annie for a quick dinner and went to Book Club.  There were very few there.  Hmm... I wonder why.  All the attendees really enjoyed the book, One Day

I've talked about Norah Murphy several times on my blog.  Norah Murphy Country House is the name of her blog, and it's one of my favorites.  Her charming home is for sale in Connecticut.  


Are you a fan of Victorian homes?  We are fortunate to have a beautiful one right across the street from us.  This beauty is in Pasadena.  To see more pics click here


Frank had it his way in this house.
Now it's Mindy's turn.

Here are several suggestions for weekday dinners from Martha.


Here are 88 more recipes.
The best part... they are all under 500 calories.


I am a confirmed white wine drinker.  The Mister has left my team and joined the red wine drinkers, which adds to my angst. 
Mister, do I not have worries with this Corona thing?

As you know, Chowdah is a big boy - over 100 lbs.  He can knock out a small village with a wag of his tail.  And it never fails - it's always wagging in the direction of the Mister's red wine glass.  I bookmarked this article on the best way to get a red wine stain out of fabric.  I have a feeling that I'm going to be needing it.


This goes into my now I've seen everything file.


A cute article by one of my favorite writers.


I just saw the trailer for this movie, and it looks so good.


There is a good chance that you will be spending more time at home.  Here are some new shows that will be coming to Netflix soon.


Here are some oldies but goodies that will be available on HBO.

A reader tipped me off to this laundry whitener/stain remover.  
It is a gamechanger when it comes to whites.
All 90 of my white turtlenecks are sparkling!


Ann Taylor

I ordered this tweed jacket last weekend at 40% off.
It hasn't arrived yet, and I hope it fits.
They have another sale going on this weekend.


It's giveaway time!  One lucky winner will win both of these signed books.  All you need to do is leave a comment and tell me about one or two of your favorite things.  It can be a book, a beauty product, a TV show, a movie, or anything else. I love hearing from you all.

If you are posting under anonymous, make sure to sign your first name at the bottom of your comment.

You can read about these two fabulous books, The Girl In The White Gloves here and Separation Anxiety here

Good luck!

Stay healthy!

Until next time...

Miss McChili is all set to party her tail off on the 17th!

Linking up with:
BFF Open House
Friday Favorites
What's Up Weekend?
Best of the Weekend
Bloggers Pit Stop
On The Edge
Friday Features
Friendship Friday
Hello Monday!
Over The Moon
Hearth & Soul
Anything Goes

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I think I’m going to give myself permission to skip Mass for a few weeks. There is already enough coughing and hacking from the olders down here! Love the jacket with the fringe edges 😀

  2. Thank you thank you for the blazer suggestion! I’ve been looking high and low for navy double breasted blazer. I know I’m late to the game but just started watching ‘Schitt’s Creek” hilarious !

  3. Count me in....one of my favorite things is candy, and if you stand behind me you will notice where the weight lands. My latest fav book was My Husband's Secret ...Our priest told everyone to stay home if they have the sniffles!! So I need a good read!!

  4. I am skipping Mass as well.
    I am trying to get my mother not to go as well. She is older than 80 and has a few heart health issues.

    As for favorite things--1--my husband and 2-- chocolate.

  5. Hi Katie. I always look forward to your blog posts. Right now I am loving the fact that the dreary days of winter are almost behind us. I am looking forward to the warm spring weather.

  6. What a great roundup of homes, recipes and books. Definitely some things to check out!

  7. Love those homes. One of my favorite things is not being isolated because of the coronavirus. I don't have any wine or a dog, but if I had known I would be stuck at home I would have both. xo Laura

  8. Anything written by Elin Hildebrand and the beach.

  9. Now you have me wondering what Norah Murphy is up to and where is she moving... downsizing...upsizing? I am totally intrigued. Isn't it funny how the larger of the dogs always finds the smaller dog's bed and tries to make it work!
    Now, I am looking around and trying to think of favorites. I am currently reading a book by Melanie Shankle called On the Bright Side. She is a favorite author. My husband got me hooked on a TV show that I did NOT expect to like...Bosch on Amazon. I ended up really liking it. It is not one you can look away from. Always so many little things that show up many episodes later. I am loving some tapered candles from Everyday Occasions. Have a great weekend Katie. Stay healthy.

  10. Good luck to whoever wins the books! Beautiful homes listed! Wow! Wishing you a great weekend!

  11. What are your favorite white wines? Hosting book group next week and many in the group drink white.

    1. Hi Melissa! One of my favorites is Bread & Butter. My book club seems to like it too! Stay healthy!

  12. One of my favorite things is anything chocolate mint, especially ice cream.

  13. Two of my favorite things...that my birthday is tomorrow and I will turn 70, and that I'm still young enough to enjoy living with my 7 year old granddaughter and 10 year old grandson.

  14. I laughed out loud over Fr. Corona! That’s a hoot. Also thanks for tip on OxyLaundry detergent. I would love either book but I’m really loving your blog. Two fav things are my new mailbox and Xanax. #goodtimes Hugs 2 you dear friend, Linda IG:@bookbimbo

  15. Thanks for the Oxyclean tip. My favorite show is Netflix"s Call The Midwife. Its funny, sad , and oh so entertaining. Its all set in a small town in England. Try just one and you'll be hooked.

  16. I got very sidetracked (in a good way!) with this post - the houses, Georgia O'Keefe's recipes and gavel price (!), and Nancy Myers' story. I have my own little weird relationship with ex (family still invites him to events, but I am just trying to beat the length of that 1st marriage with my current love). Very surprised Nora's house hasn't already sold. I feel so lucky ours sold without listing last year. Love your Friday files. Have a good weekend. Do all you can to stay well. xo

  17. I love your Friday roundups! I have been bingeing New Amsterdam (may have heard about it from you?) and I love using "Fake Awake" to line the inside of my lower eye lid - really helps with tired eyes :)

  18. I recently read "The Most Fun We Ever Had", and loved it! And it may not be for everyone, but Schitt's Creek is so funny sometimes, and just what I need in these crazy times. I had started the first episode and turned it off, but the 20 and 30 somethings I work with told me I needed to stick with it - they were right! Bethany

  19. I always enjoy visiting your blog and now I find it even helps me escape the craziness of the world for a little bit. Thank you...and Chili looks adorable dressed in green! Stay well.

  20. I always enjoy my visits with you! Time to keep humor on the top of the list! Separation Anxiety sounds fun...Happy St. Patrick's Day ☘️

  21. The priest was sick? Yikes! No mass for me during the COVID crisis. I think that I will be staying home and reading more books - and your book suggestions look good.

  22. Even though I usually avoid violent themes, I love Peaky Blinders. Also, Magnum chocolate and raspberry ice cream bars are worth every single calorie.
    Your blog is a treat to read. Kudos on your writing.

  23. Love your blog! I’d somehow forgotten about Norah Murphy, glad you mentioned her blog. I just finished the book You Are Not Alone. It’s my favorite suspense/ thriller...right now.

  24. Okay I am ordering that Oxy Stuff! I have tried bluing (which also works pretty welll) but not great. I find with my white hair a not so white shirt is not good. Using your link right now!

  25. Three favorites: your blog, Parks and Recreation, and a stack of books!

  26. I will order Oxiclean, I never get my laundry while enough. I love your house tours, gorgeous today. Yes, love Victorian but I could never live in one. The food looks amazing, I'll look at all those for ideas since we are staying home for the most part. Favorites, for a thoroughly good movie, Little Women (1994) and umm, Mad Men series,(shame)..........Stay well.

  27. Truly one of my favorite things is your book reviews! My other favorite thing is a fire on the porch and a book in my hand!!

  28. Father Corona! Oh Katie!
    Succession - Did you really think Kendall was going to take the fall for Waystar?!?
    Purity Made Sumply by Philosophy - I tend to be a tad bit lazy about removing my makeup. This stuff melts the makeup away. No excuses for going to bed with makeup on.
    The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd - this book has stayed with me. Forever.
    I am on home quarantine imposed by myself, but I am debating a pedicure today. I am having knee surgery on Monday and feel like a pedicure is a necessity. Katie, y’all take care...Maxine

    1. Tarheel Lady: I really do not want to ruin your idea of a nice, relaxing pedicure, but PLEASE don't do that!!! I am a surgical nurse, and if you were to get a nick or heaven forbid a cut, it could introduce bacteria and infection prior to your surgery. I know that you don't want that. I hate to be a buttinsky, but I couldn't help myself, lol! Consider it a friendly PSA. Stay well, and best wishes for a great recovery from your surgery! xx Sherry

  29. Old world elegance and TEA CUP PIGS!
    LOved NANCY's recap of her NEW FOUND FRIENDSHIP!
    DAY 23 NO MORE EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. I just finished an older but fun British Series called the Detectorists (on Amazon Prime). In this time of so much scary news, it's fun to watch a show that is mostly happy and humorous.
    I always appreciate your reviews of TV,books and movies.

  31. 2 Favorite things; Any Chocolate/peanut butter combination treat and Golden retriever puppies!

  32. A couple of my current favorite things: Colleen Rothschild's skincare line (especially her Extreme Recovery Cream right before bed each night), books (recent faves: Castle of Water and In an Instant), and the Crime Junkie podcast for my drive to/from work.

  33. Fellow bibliophile here! I love Scottie dogs and Chantilly Cream cake!

  34. Our diocese cancelled Mass through the end of the month. A couple of my favorites are Dr Dennis Gross Clinical Grade Resurfacing Liquid Peel (game changer for over 50 skin) and rewatching old series on all of the streaming services. Currently watching Brothers and Sisters.

  35. My favorite blog is yours because of your sense of humor. Laughter is such a gift!! Beth

  36. I had no idea Chowdah was such a big boy! Our Albie is about 75 pounds, but looks chunkier than Chowdah. Thanks for all the fun links and ideas. I will definitely be checking out the viewing options. The kids are home for at least a week, and Michael will be working from home through mid-April. Lots of together time! One of my favorites is the Lysol Sanitizing Laundry additive. Looks similar to the oxyclean, without the whitening power. I'll have to check out the Oxyclean! Stay healthy!

  37. Red wine and tacos, these are a few of my favorite things. Stay well!

  38. Oh I want to read the book Separation Anxiety. Just the title! Favorite things right now um Pottery Barn online Sale Page. Oh, I found Living Proof Style Extender at Homegoods/TJ Maxx. My daughter approved because it was the official LP product. I love this stuff.Um we are in the honeymoon phase of boys home. So loving this moment; it will change once the reality kicks in for younger son who is looking at a 5 month dorm residency in CO. Love your Friday Files. laura

  39. Hi Katie!
    In our Diocese of Atlanta, we have been given dispensation for the next three weekends. It felt really strange missing Mass. As for favorite things,Bobbi Brown Smokey Mascara and all things UGA college football!!
    Stay healthy!

  40. Thank you for sharing the Nancy Meyers piece. It felt like visiting with a girlfriend I haven't seen in a while. Boy I could use a new movie from her right now. Wanna know one of my favorite things? You! You have the best suggestions for books and products and done with a good laugh. Thanks again and be well!

  41. I have been recommending the book Long Bright River to everyone I can think of. The best wine opener I have ever owned is the Vinturi Vertical wine opener-it's gets a lot of workout at my house. Definitely worth the price. Abby M.

  42. You have a new photo on the right! It is gorgeous. The first recipe has bacon! Checking it out for a night when I need comfort food.

    I went to Mass this morning, social distancing was being practiced.

    Hopefully we will not run out of white, but I will join Mister's team red if it happens. We are all making sacrifices :>

    Annie G

  43. I always love when you do lunch with the authors! That that darned Chowdah! Well, you know me -- I'm always in for a good wine tip!

  44. I enjoyed reading through your home tours and this & that. I'm visiting from Hearth and Soul.

  45. That is a charming house. Visiting you from the hello Monday link up. laurensparks.net

  46. How fun it must be to meet all the fab authors. I am jealous !

  47. Really inspiring!! Thanks for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew

  48. I recently became hooked on watching Monty Don, England's favorite gardener in Big Dreams Small Spaces. The beautiful English gardens help me get through this dreary Pocono winter...and Monty's not bad to look at either! The Great Interior Design Challenge, a British design show also has me hooked. Love your blog & your pups.

  49. Ordered Separation Anxiety ( I wore Bella when she was a tiny pup), checked out Norah Murphy and, currently experiencing heightened anxiety about Jim’s red wine glass in our new house. :-/ xo

  50. Katie, so many fun and interesting things in one post! I hope Father Corona has gone home to rest and get well before his next Mass! Stay safe and healthy!



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