Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Gifts for Her & A Giveaway

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  I mentioned in my last post that I felt those dreaded signs of a cold, and I was right.  Good news, though - on day two I feel congested but not awful.  I used Zicam every five hours, and I think that is what did the trick.  

This post is directed towards the husbands, boyfriends, lovers, and/or significant others in your lives.  I have some suggestions for them.  I'll do my best, but I can't promise miracles. 

Hi Guys!  My name is Katie, and I am here to remind you that Valentine's Day is less than two weeks away!  No need to sweat, I'm here to help.

Do her jammies date back to her college days?

How about a  plush terry robe to wrap herself in on these cold winter mornings? 

I have an Ugg robe, and it is my favorite.  This one is reversible - perfect for the young mom who is usually accessorized with baby spit-up. 

Is she always cold?
No spats over the thermometer with one of these!

Do her slippers look like they have seen better days?
These are beyond comfy.

Does she need some new workout clothes?
Now here's an important point,  If she does not work out, do not give her the clothes.  She may take it as a hint, and you will be in for a very chilly Valentine's Day.


Jewelry is always an appreciated gift.
And it doesn't have to be hearts.
Diamonds will do, as well.


Is she a Hoda wannabe? 


Does she keep her jewelry spread all over her dresser?


Maybe a cute little dish for her trinkets?


How about a weekend bag with an attached note saying that you planned a romantic weekend away?


Better yet, how about a full week away?


Does she need a new briefcase?


Or a wallet?


Or a purse?


Maybe she needs a Calgon Take Me Away moment.


Masks are the hottest things this year.
This kit is the answer to all her skin needs.


This is a hot new brand.  My girls love it, and it is a reasonable price. She will be very impressed with your research.


Is she constantly examining her pores in the rearview mirror? 
How about a face steamer?


If she loves makeup, she will appreciate a new set of brushes.


Has her makeup mirror seen better days?


She'll smile and think of you when she gets into her toasty car. 


Does she end up sleeping in the guest room because of your snoring?  A sound machine will keep her spooning you all night long.

That's all I've got, guys.
Good luck.

Last but not least... I have a giveaway!

As I mentioned in my last post, I attended a Supper With The Authors this week.  

The books discussed were:  Strangers And Cousins and The Girls With No Names.

The authors, Leah and Serena, are darling, and the books sound great. I am giving away autographed copies of both books.

To enter, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me what you would like to see more of as far as content goes on PEN in 2020.  I'll announce the lucky winner on Friday. 

Until next time...

Photo by Jamie Stree

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. As always I love your recommendations for books, we seem to watch the same programs so it's always funny to see you're watching what I am watching. I also enjoy the gift ideas, Hubster actually bought a few for me without having to lift a finger, I told him it was a Christmas miracle...he should know by now that miracles seem to occur at all the holidays. If you're looking for suggestions for content, I honestly say, just keep doing what you do best, looking great, eating right, and making us laugh when we really need it.

  2. I love all of your posts, especially the travel, book/movie recommendations, and gift guides. I can verify that I would love to receive any of these gift ideas for Valentine's Day. I guess I need to send the link to hubby! Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I don't have a specific content request - I really enjoy all of your posts. Thank you for sharing your ideas/life/travels with us! Happy Valentine's Day! Susan

  4. I love all of your posts, especially the gift guides, book/media recommendations, and your travels - local and afar. The Friday Files always brings us a little luxury!

  5. I so enjoy seeing your posts pop up in my inbox! I followed your wedding posts as if I was a bridesmaid! I especially enjoy your book recommendations, gift guides, and tales of the Mister's cooking. Thank you for your gifted wordsmithing and humor.

  6. I love reading about what you have coming up. I love gift ideas. I do like book suggestions as I read a lot.

  7. I love your book reviews! I'd like to read some recipes by your husband-his dishes always look divine.

  8. Hey Katie,

    The house tours are a treat.l like your taste. I also enjoy seeing your beautiful family, but most of all I enjoy your writing. You have a real gift and you have such a cute sense of humor. Janey

  9. I forwarded this straight to my husband (before reading it myself). I trust you that much. He’s been in a Miami all week for the Super Bowl. Maybe he can pursue it during the halftime show. As always, thanks for looking out for your fellow super model trophy wives. xo

  10. So glad your cold is better, Katie! That's good news!

  11. I enjoy visiting your blog for the travel, and places you have visited in New York City. The best part I love about visiting your blog is the book reviews. You recommended the book Meet Me In Monaco by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb and because of that I bought it on Amazon. Thank you for that as I loved reading this book and now I want to visit Monaco! I love your funny wit and humor when talking about the Mister! Hope you have a nice week.

  12. I really enjoy your book/movie/TV round-ups. I especially enjoy reading about your weekend jaunts & all the beautiful restaurants & cute stores you see!

  13. I love your posts, wit and humor! I'd love some of your hubbies favorite recipes, more of love your book recommendations, as well as your travel experiences;))

    THAT IS THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!
    YIPPY I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!

  15. I look forward to your book/tv reviews! I have found so many new authors that I adore. Keep the review posts coming please!!

  16. I adore your posts - everything! Your book recommendations are always the best. Just promise me you will not tuck away your cheeky humor. It always makes my day. Thanks for being you!

  17. When I see that I’ve received an email from PEN, I immediately jump to that! I love your lists as I’ve mentioned before, I look forward to them more than Oprah’s. The products you recommend are always appreciated, as you bring now ones to light. Have tried some and always very happy. (Gene’s lotion!) Everything that you do is greatly appreciated. I live vicariously through your blog. �� Books, movies, family, dogs.
    PS as a closet bravo fan, I love that you own it !!!
    Best Regards,

  18. Hi! I so enjoy your gift lists. But honestly any of your posts are humorous and entertaining and I thank you for that!

  19. I agree with book/movie recommendations being my number one content request. We agree on many of our choices as women of a certain age! Second, I enjoy seeing your vacay destinations. It is a vicarious thrill to see where you go and what you where on your trips. Third would be product recommendations. I have purchased a number of them, most recently the RBX lined exercise tights. They really do keep me warm and toasty, even if I am only on the treadmill in my basement! Keep up the good work!

  20. I love it all Katie! Keep it coming! ;) And so glad you're feeling better! 💙

  21. Your the best! I love your sense of sarcasm and think we could be friends if I lived closer! Honestly I love all your post but really enjoy your gift guides and recent purchases. I would like to see some of Mr. PENs recipes.

  22. I absolutely LOVE your blog! Your witty words are a delight. I especially enjoy posts about your girls. I am a mother to two daughters, so I appreciate the dynamic. Wishing ya'll a fabulous 2020 from Texas!
    Jenn DeVille

  23. I love your suggestions for gifts and clothing. It saves me a lot of time and energy and the suggestions are spot on. Never disappointed. Someone is getting an ab roller for Valentine's Day (to go with the Baci).

  24. These are some really great ideas! I love the jewelry you've picked out to showcase (though after 20+ years I know not to expect jewelry!). I love reading any and all of your traveling posts!

  25. Love your book recommendations!! I just started a new book club with some gal pals and we began it with The Dearly Beloved That I learned about from you! I’m sure the next pick will come from your lists too! So thanks!!
    And u make me spend entirely too much money when u talk about your favorites!

  26. I love all of your posts-especially the ones about your family, book suggestions, and gift guides!

  27. I love your book reviews, and I often wait until I see your review and pick my books based on your reviews. I also love, love, love to see your Amazon purchases.

  28. Katie, what a great shopping list for the men. I love the heart earrings from Anthropology. My hubby is taking me for a great getaway to celebrate our anniversary this month, a trip is my favorite gift!

  29. Lovely suggestions for Valentine's Day! I love the Kate Spade bracelet and the heart pj's. I don't need much of an excuse for a pj day!
    Thanks so much for joining us at #MMBC. :)

  30. Lots of great ideas for Valentines. Zicam really works! I love the heart earrings. Happy Sunday sweet friend.

  31. Dear Katie, You are the Ina Garten of Everything Except Cooking! Your blog is my absolute favorite, as is. I think that you cover a great mix of topics, and I, too, love your sense of humor. I especially enjoyed the wonderful wedding coverage. All of you looked gorgeous on the big day. I believe that your beautiful inside and out daughter has learned from her mother’s example. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us.

    1. Thank you so much MC for your sweet words. They made my day!


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