Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good Valentine's weekend?  Ours was very relaxing. 

It was my weekend to decide on a movie.  I am a huge fan of Julia Louis-Dreyfus as well as Will Ferrell's, so I chose Downhill, which was released on Friday.  I read very little about the movie.  With these two comic geniuses, I expected a laugh a minute.

Boy, was I ever wrong.  Aside from a few light moments, the movie is quite serious and focuses on a couple whose marriage is crumbling.  A life-changing event occurs, which puts the union under a microscope.  

The downside of the movie is that I missed the laughs.  The upside is that Will and Julia had the opportunity to hone their stellar dramatic acting skills.  
It's not a bad movie.  
It's just a sad one.

We cheered up after the flick by noshing on a delicious lunch. I needed a bit more of a mood boost, so I indulged in some retail therapy.  It's kind of a weird time to shop.  All the winter wear is picked over and I can't get hyped for Spring things when it's so darn cold.  I did get a great deal on this sweater - 40% off.  You know how much I love turtlenecks, otherwise known as turkey neck camo.  At that price, I decided to get a few colors. Btw... the sale has been extended.


You asked for it - you got it.  I have heard from several readers who suggested post topics for me to write about.   

Paula asked me to do a review on my new purse, many of you requested the recipe for the 1-point muffins, and Jane asked me to talk about what apps. I use to listen to books on my walks.

First up is my new purse from Mark & Graham.  The leather is beautiful and soft.  I also love the looks of the bamboo handles.

I like the fact that it comes with a shoulder strap.
That way, I can use both hands for shopping.

It has plenty of room inside for my purse organizer and iPad.

What it doesn't have is a top zipper or clasp which is fine for me when I'm tooling around town.  When I'm traveling, I always use a purse with a zipper.

All in all, I am very pleased with both the size and quality of the purse.


As I mentioned many times before, I usually enjoy thrillers on my walk.  If I am listening to an exciting book, I am much more apt to brave the chilly temps or take the long way home.

I've been using Audible for the longest time.  They have an enormous selection, and I get a "free" audible book every month. As the Mister will tell you, it's not really free because we pay fourteen dollars a month. 

Also, there are real freebies offered every month.  
The Mister and I are listening to Sweet Baby James on weekends, and it's music to our ears.

I also signed up with chirp.  There is no subscription or membership fee.  Every day, chirp sends me an email offering four or five audiobooks for under five bucks.
I've gotten some good ones off this site.

I also use Libro.fm, which is a great way to support your local book store.


The Mister told me that he never thought that he would see the day when I am asked for a recipe.  Here is the recipe for the 1 point muffins.

Don't forget to spray the muffin molds.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Turn it down to 350 when putting in the muffins.

1/2 can of pumpkin
1/4 cup of plain nonfat yogurt
1/4 cup of carbonated water
(regular water is fine too)

Add cake mix

Scoop into pan.

Don't forget to turn down the oven to 350!

Bake for 25 minutes.
You may have to adjust it to your oven.


I bake several dozen at a time and freeze them.

Wow... that was fun.
I felt like a real-life food blogger!

If you have a question or have an idea for a post, feel free to email me.  I love to hear from my readers.

Have you heard about the latest training accessory for pooches?
I warned my two hooligans that if they don't straighten up, they may find themselves with one!

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Dream Team Linky
Tuesdays at our Home
Inspire Me Tuesday
Tuesdays with a Twist
Lou Lou Girls
Tuesday Turn About
Welcome to the Weekend
Your Whims Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesday
A Little Bit of Everything
Party In Your PJ's
Wonderful Wednesday
Jersey Girl Texas Heart 
Keep In Touch

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks for sharing your recipe Katie....and that purse..so pretty. My problem is that I am finding as I get older I cannot tote around those big totes. It kills my back and shoulder. I have had to go to hand held only. Thank goodness Dooney and Bourke have the zip zip bag! It is my go to these days.

  2. Love your purse. I got sucked down the rabbit hole of looking at all the beautiful bags on M&G. Such great quality. Have a terrific Tuesday!

  3. Finding the right bag for me has become more difficult. I have looked at the M&G online, and their bags are lovely. Can you believe I have never listened to an audible book? But reading is one of my passions. Happy Tuesday!

  4. Do I dare even look at the purse website? I have always said a new purse can cure many ills. I need to check out some of the listening apps. I love to read, but like to stitch too. That would really make the perfect combination:)

  5. I've made these one point muffins -- they're really good. But you're right about the silicone pan. Really helps!

  6. The muffins look good! Thanks for the recipe. Love your new purse. I always have to have a shoulder strap so I can go hands free. Cute sweater but not for Florida! :) Stay warm up there! Spring is coming!

  7. Love all your inspiring ideas. Your basket plates are the ones that we use for everyday. Can you use any cake or bread mix for the muffins?

    1. Hi Carolyn... I think that you can use any mix but not sure. Those V&B plates survived 30 years and 8 moves. The only casualty we've had was one cup. I love the style today as much as I did when we chose that pattern for our Every Day!

  8. More fun things. I find that bamboo handles hurt my arm terribly is I happen to carry it on my arm, and I often do. Have a great rest of the week!

  9. I love Mark & Graham and turtle-neck camo’s. You make me laugh!

    IG: @bookbimbo

  10. I love the recipe comment! Ha! Great tutorial too! I love that M&G bag and that insert. I need an insert because I switch my bags. I need audible. $14/month that's a deal considering what "necessities" get charged to the master Amazon account. xo laura

  11. Hi Katie , I love the purse. Great for spring and summer.
    Question. Could you do more favorite things postings. I have ordered several things and books that you recommended and have never been sorry. I am loving the shampoo and conditioner that your Number 1 uses and it's been a game changer for my hair,and just this week ordered "In A Field of Blue". Keep those suggestions coming, please!!
    Debbie Robinson

  12. I pinned that recipe - thank you! And yes, I've heard about that training (or is it entertaining??) accessory, lol. Love your mug, super cute. Hope your week is going well.

  13. I am going to follow your recipe soon #alittlebitofeverthing@_karendennis

    AS I have told YOU before!

  15. I love using a purse organizer for my larger bags: sometimes it takes so much time to find something if I don't use one.

  16. Your posts are always a delight. I find I like neck camo more and more these days too. I wear a lot of scarves. Not sure how you get around to reply to your followers blogs. You gals with the popular blogs must find it a time consuming job, so I am always surprised...and tickled when you visit mine 😊 Thanks, Janey

  17. Thanks so much for the muffin recipe!! I just pinned it (and added the ingredients to my shopping list!). I have been on WW for a little over a year now and I am getting so sick of eating the same things each morning; this will help me change it up a bit.

  18. Hi Katie, thank you for joining us for this weeks #DreamTeamLinky. I LOVE the bamboo handles of your purse. It's really quite striking. Thank you for giving us a peek inside - I was very curious as I haven't seen a purse organizer before. Is this quite usual in the States? I have a few bags that could really do with something like this so I'm going to have a look out for one. You have Audible too! It's great isn't it. I've just started 'The Binding' By Bridget Collins. What's your favourite audio book so far?

  19. I love your new purse, it looks like something I could do with as it looks like a nice size. Aww, your dogs are so sweet :) Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join us on Friday.

  20. After losing so much weight over the past year, the double-chin that I had tried to hide most of my life has now been replaced by a turkey-neck. I sure could use that pretty blue sweater! Those pumpkin muffins look amazing and so easy too....thanks for sharing the recipe! Enjoy the rest of your week, Katie!

  21. Oh love the Mark and Graham tote and I certainly need an organizer. Such a hassle to change bags and that would make it a snap. Thanks for the recipe, I'm printing it out. Cute mug for your coffee and I spy Quimper! Always love seeing photos of the hooligans :) Those innocent faces.........so sweet!

  22. I love the felt organizer I purchased after your recommendation last year.
    I'm going to try the mini muffin recipe; I just hope that I don't eat 5 points worth per sitting.

  23. Just ordered the mini muffin molds. My daughter is bringing 8 of her friends from college home in a few weeks to go the the Houston Rodeo! The muffins will be perfect to make for breakfast. :)

  24. The film sounds interesting! Love the purse with its bamboo handles. Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday.

  25. It can be tricky to build up a film in your mind: I had high expectations of Marriage Story but was quite disappointed overall. Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky


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