Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Prime Time/ Latest Amazon Purchases

Hello, dear friends.  You would think that it was Spring around here.  Yesterday, it almost hit 50 degrees!  I thought I was back in Texas.

Today I am joining my friend, Tanya, from The Other Side of the Road, who hosts Prime Purchases.  Each month, bloggers link up their posts detailing all the fun stuff that they purchased from Amazon.  I have not participated since October, so I have a few more items than usual. 

If you are a regular reader, you've heard me mention most of the products before.  As my girls say... Mom likes to repeat herself a lot.

Paper dinner napkins.
Excellent quality and price.

I have been using Jane Iredale foundation for about ten years.  
I like it because it's got great buildable coverage and hides my broken capillaries and a scar over my lip.

The Mister and I take two of these gummies a day.
We take them to ward off colds.
 They are delicious, as well. 

My grocery is usually sold out of this dressing so I order it through Amazon.  I just recently tried the Balsamic flavor, and it was quite good.  Biggest attraction: no calories. 

I ordered this for Chili but wasn't impressed with the quality. 

I then found this brand. These are very well made; the fabric is a thick fleece.  
Chili is disappointed that they don't come in pink.

If you use sunless tanner, this mitt is a lifesaver. 
No more brown palms and cuticles!

A friend talked me into trying this mouse, but it wasn't my favorite.

I'm back to my old standby.
It's moisturizing, and there is no streaking or icky smell. 

I picked up the cutest pair of Ralph Lauren loafers at T.J Maxx.
When I got them home, I realized they were too narrow.
I took my chances and ordered one of these shoe stretcher sets.
They worked like a charm!


Years ago, my #2 turned me on to this tea, and now it is apart of my afternoon ritual. 

I put a couple of drops in my tea, and I'm good to go.


My #1 swears by this exfoliator.
I'm on my second bottle.


I have been using this moisturizer for years.  
It is so rich and the best bang for the buck out there.

I bought this as part of a hostess gift for my pal, Annie.

I bought this as part of a Christmas gift for KTG.

This was the other part.
She has the most beautiful granddaughter.

My grocery store decided to discontinue my favorite coffee.
Sometimes I think that they watch what I buy just so they can discontinue it.
The Mister thinks I'm paranoid.
He may be right.

My favorite sneaks.


Dry eye - no more, thanks to these vitamins.
Am I really old enough to be talking about dry eye?

Birthday present for Skinny Delaney.

Believe me, if you knew her, you would understand.

This natural lemonade helps me to keep hydrated.
I'm not a big fan of plain water.

My nightly treat with a glass of vino.


These are my favorite mints in the whole world.  Naturally, the company discontinued them.  Whenever I get a sinus headache or a cold, I suck on a couple of these.  In a matter of minutes, my sinuses are clear.  
Their new version of the mint doesn't have the same gusto.
Lucky for me, they are still being sold on Amazon.


I told you the Mister is addicted to chargers.
This is his latest.


Speaking of the Mister... I gave him a set of these trolley bags a couple of weeks ago as part of his Valentine's present.  I had a feeling that he would love them because of his OCD tendencies and, unlike me, positively loves the grocery store.

The Mister had his first run last weekend, and he came home with a big smile on his face.  He said that some ladies came up to him and asked about his new carriage accessory.  He also mentioned that the cashier was very impressed.


Needless to say, this shirt is included in this week's Amazon shipment.

Check out my giveaway in my last post.

Until next time...

Linked up with:
Inspire Me Tuesday
Tuesdays With A Twist
Lou Lou Girls
Party In Your PJ's
Your Whims Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesday
A Little Bit of Everything
Welcome Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
#Wow On Wednesday
Mid Week Link Up
Keep In Touch
Daily Link Up
Little Things Thursday
Penny's Passion
Thursday Moda
Share Your Style
Throwback Thursday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I can tell from your purchases that you've got a great sense of humor. #wecanbefriends

  2. I now have WAY too many tabs open on my browser from all your excellent recommendations. Thanks so much for linking up and posting the graphic too!

  3. I had ordered that same Green dog fleece cover... I gave it to Goodwill.
    The pic under that - I honestly thought they were some sort of feet cover :) LOL

  4. Your Amazon posts are always some of my favorites sweet lady! A no calorie yummy dressing and sweet drops in my tea, I’m sold! And the grocery bags...brilliant!!

  5. Katie, here's a tip for tight shoes: put them on and and warm the leather up with a hair dryer. The leather will soften and stretch and conform to your feet. An Italian taught me this and it works. Just ask my black booties.

  6. The shoe stretchers, the exfoliating gel and those trolley bags are fabulous. I think I will be doing some ordering this weekend. I thought the dog fashions under the green sweater were some time of foot covering too! Can you recommend some fashionable reading glasses?

    Annie G

  7. Well, I have wayyy too many likes from this post and am about to go check them out. Yes, you just aided in my Amazon addiction. Shame on you!!! :o))

  8. I do a moderate amount of ordering at Amazon. On Sunday we landed at Ontario Airport in California and taxiing to the terminal I was shocked to see the line of Prime jets lined up and an entire ramp and large hangars dedicated to their product distribution. - Margy

  9. I sometimes get so side-tracked by looking up/ordering some of your purchases that I almost forget to come back. I am going to try the face cream this time. I have had good luck with your suggestions in the past. Thanks for all your 'research'...xo Diana

  10. Katie, they should give you a medal!

  11. Oh I love that grocery cart divider... but it would never work for us at this stage of life. I have stuff piled everywhere (and even under the cart) by the time I reach the checkout line. Definitely something to keep in mind though.

  12. LOL at the last shirt! I have heard good things about Walden Farms. Might have to look for that tea! And I like that lemonade too!

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  14. Amazing variety of products! Thanks for sharing at #WowOnWednesday

  15. I am going to check out a few of these! Thanks!


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