Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Reading, Watching, & Listening

Hello, dear friends.  Baby, it's cold outside!  I am trying to talk myself into braving the bitter temps and doing my walk today.  So far, it's not looking good.

The Mister and I have a fun adventure planned for this weekend.  Stay tuned to Instagram.

I just finished this beautifully written historical fiction novel.  
The story was well told, and the characters are unforgettable.  If you appreciate a heart-stopping love story, this book is for you.
Great news... Kindle Unlimited.

Yup, this dynamic duo did it again.  A woman, Shay, witnesses a woman jumping to her death, and before we know it, Shay's life veers off the rails.  The story moves quickly, and there are no dull moments in this page-turner.  

One more thing... Shay is about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Two sisters survived a violent event as children.  One of the sisters is murdered under similar circumstances, and the other one tries to solve the crime.  Not to worry, a very handsome detective is added to the mix.

This was my first book by Isabel Allende, but not my last.  
This novel brings to life the history of the Spanish Civil war.  It is the story of survival and undying love.

I just started listening to this one.
So far, so good.

I read the Sampler last night.  After finishing it, I promptly downloaded the book and stayed up too late reading it.

This nonfiction book has an interesting premise.  
It is one of my book club's choice for next month.

Oh yeah.
This one has my name written all over it.

Rhys Bowen is one of my favorite authors.  This is the story of a lowly servant girl who ends up cooking in Queen Victoria's kitchen.

One juror changes the verdict.
Another legal thriller?
Yes, please.

After WWII, a young woman marries a much older bureaucrat.  He joins the secret police and turns into a miserable man.  She flees to Chicago and pursues her love for photography.  I downloaded this one to Audible.

Sixteen-year-old Finn survives a car crash that involved ten people.  Her father is bitter and will not forgive the person responsible.
Great reviews on this one.
Kindle First Reads


I've been hot and cold on Kubica's writing.  This one is about a couple who moves to a small town in Maine where a murder is committed.  I read the Sampler, and I got hooked, so this is next on my list.  

I have had the pleasure of meeting Kerri Maher and will be seeing her again at a Supper With The Authors next month.  This is a fictionalized story of Princess Grace's life behind the scenes.


During the French Revolution, Desiree captures Napoleon's heart. 
Great reviews on this one.


Audrey has a dream job at the Smithsonian and hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers.  Life can't be all good.  She also has a creepy stalker.
It sounds like a good one for my walks. 


Have you read PS I Love You?
After sixteen years, the sequel has finally arrived.


This novel centers around a woman suffering from Savvy Second Wife Syndrome.  What's worse is her hubby is up to his old tricks, which was okay when it involved her.  
Now it's a whole new ballgame.


A woman awakes in a hospital after being struck by lightning.
Did I mention that her mother was murdered that night?


We just started Season 1 a couple of nights ago.
It's pretty darn good.


After witnessing the bitter reunion with Captain Lee's crew, I think this show is a lot more fun to watch.

I'm looking forward to watching this new show.

I saw this beautiful story a couple of weeks ago.

It's all about finding your passion.

Until next time...

Hannah Grace

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. my goodness - all the books!!!! I do good to get in 2 a month :)

  2. Perfect weather to do lots of reading. Hannah Grace is too cute for words. xo Laura

  3. I always love to see your recommendations! Hope all is well with you!

  4. All of those books are going on my library list! I think the thriller/mystery genre really is perfect for walking. You just want to keep listening! Thanks for all the recommendations!

  5. You put me to shame with all of your books! I'm lucky to finish one (maybe two) a month. We are TV slugs but I haven't heard of any of those shows so will have to investigate! Thanks always for the reviews!

  6. Katie I always save these posts. You are always spot on what I "should" and would like to be reading. Note to self read more this year!! I am going to check out that new Sundance series!

  7. Thanks Katie, I love legal thrillers, I will definitely check out The Holdout...I am always impressed with how much you read!

  8. You do creepy better than I do. I like the mystery where the dead people show up relatively early and you don't see what happens. Slashers and kidnappers kind of creep me out! Although I will say I've read more than a few!

  9. I can't wait to read And They Called It Camelot. I also jotted down 4 more books to add to my ever growing list. I just read The Shell Seekers and I can't believe I never read it before. Now I have a second book by Pilcher started...so many books---so little time. xo Diana

  10. I am starting to read the Louise Penny mysteries after visiting Quebec City where there is a library with a display of her books. Currently on #2 A Fatal Grace. Then onto Olive Again by Elizabeth Strout. I can't wait to see what Olive is up to now. My latest TV obsession Next in Fashion on Netflix. Angelo has to be the most positive person on earth. Just love him and Charles.

  11. I am behind on my reading as well, but I have found two from your list to save for later. The movie theater in my home town was right across the street from the railroad tracks. I never noticed it because it was just a normal sound of life for me. I saw so many wonderful classics in it. It still existed when I got married and my husband couldn't get over hearing the train blowing through during a movie. Anyway, it is all perspective I suppose. It was so sad when they tore it down. Loved the video. I watch that on Sunday morning, but I missed that one.

  12. Katie, love your reviews...I’m a part time librarian and you enrich my readers’ advisory skills, thanks! If you enjoyed Allende’s novel try House of Spirits.

  13. I loved A Long Petal of the Sea. Kubica is iffy for me too but that one looks good! Have a great start to your week lovely!


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