Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, February 10, 2020

An iPhone's View of My Life

Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good weekend?  Any weekend that doesn't produce snow is mighty fine in my book.

Did you see the Oscars?  
We watched the Red Carpet and the first hour of the show.

What do you think this was all about?

This post contains random photos from my iPhone.    

This post should be subtitled as It's Boring February, and I Don't Have Anything to Write About.

Our first snow of the season.  
We've been so lucky with very little of the white stuff making an appearance.  
Knock, knock on wood.

If you're not big on dog photos, you may want to stop here.
This is about as exciting it has gotten around here.

Annie and I have dinner every month before Book Club.  
We lucked out with the best seat in the house.

It was that night that Annie gave me these bulbs.

It's the first year that my paperwhites bloomed before Christmas.

A gift from my buddy Holly.
And Ginger Snaps made by her Sista, Queen of the Sudbury Sweethearts, Mary.

The Mister thinks Mary's Ginger Snaps are the best in the world.
I agree.

Maybe I can talk her into sharing the recipe with you. 

My neighbor, Susie, and I love to take pics of each other's yards when the turkeys take over.

Last time the girls were home, we went to see a movie at the fancy theater with the lazy boys.

Bonding time.

Every night when the Mister arrives home, Chowdah is always the first to greet him with a welcome home handshake.

Last time that we were in NYC, we were lucky enough to get this suite.  I didn't want to leave.

Time to make my 1 point muffins!

I make several batches and freeze them.

My daily afternoon snack that gets me over the hump.

Screenshots of sweet words written about my #1.

Chili loves her bed in the car so much that this day she refused to get out.

The screenshot that I sent to my friend, Dell, of a review of her niece's new book in People.

 Annie and Kathy at Annie's dinner party in her beautiful antique home.  

Dinner was scrumptious!

The dessert was worth every WW point!

The Chef!

This is pretty much what it looks like around our house any random weeknight.

Btw... the reason I don't read "real" books is that my baby blues require this size print with readers.  The Mister says it looks like I am reading a children's book.

He's a laugh a minute.

A random delicious dessert ala the Mister.

Last week I met my buddies for lunch, and I got there early to do a little pre-gaming.
I sent the Mister this pic.

His response:  
Why not sell them back the old stuff you already bought?
I told you that he was a laugh a minute.

Anybody in the market for a ski chair?

After my retail therapy, I met my pals, Mary, and Laurie, to celebrate Mary's birthday and retirement.  Unbeknownst to us, Mary's hubby had contacted the restaurant to pick up the tab.
What a guy!!

Notice my bag?  A few weeks ago, I dropped a big hint to the Mister, and he picked up on it.  Valentine's Day came early this year.

Author's Supper at Buttonwood.
Which reminds me, I haven't heard from the winner of the giveaway!
Where are you, 

Last week, I met my Texas buddy, Jill, for lunch.
She has a dream job on the Cape.
She agreed to tell us all about it in an upcoming post.

I posted these on Instagram last night.

Are you stumped as to what to get your Sweetheart for Valentine's Day?  
I have some suggestions here and here.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Funny you should post a picture of that Oscar dress. This morning on the 3rd hour of Today, Al Roker said the ruffles in the side made him want to make lasagna!

    Thanks for a great post. I enjoyed yourphotos. We too in Central Ohio are grateful for our almostsnow less winter. Now if we could just get a little sun.

  2. That dress is crazy and probably $10,000...nuts! LOL! What a lovely recap! I would love the 1 pt muffin recipe and the gingersnaps recipe! I use yogurt as my over the hump snack! Have a great day!

    1. Ann... I will post the recipe for the muffins soon. I will ask Mary for the ginger snap recipe too!

  3. Love photos of the dogs. I need a one point muffin. xo Laura

  4. I have Lady Clementine on my TBR list Katie. Loved seeing all the photos on your iphone. I got a new iphone 11 on Thursday and had to watch you tube videos to figure it all out!! Yes, please share your one point muffin recipe if that is allowed. they look yummy.

  5. Oh, those dogs, sooooo cute! Well, we don't have snow but we have an over abundance of rain. It's insane. Have a great week!

  6. We don't even tune in the the red carpet anymore. That dress is something (not sure what!). I always enjoy catching up with you and your lovely friends!! That birthday cake looks delicious!

  7. Your iPhone photos are very entertaining! I am curious about your 1-point muffins... what's in them? I made 2 ingredient bagels (only 3 points each!) this weekend and always make up enough to freeze for later too. My boys and husband discovered the lazy boys at a local theater near us and now we only want to watch movies in those seats! They are so comfy.

  8. I thought Kristen Wiig’s dress look like lasagna noodles, lol. I love the laid back fun you’ve been having. Have you shared that muffin recipe? You have have had a link. That might be a great afternoon tea treat? Your pups always make me smile!!

  9. Reading Lady Clementine now! Love Marie Benedict ! Please post 1 point muffin recipe- looks delish!
    Love your blog Katie!!

  10. You can never have too many pictures of those sweet pups. I love the one of Chili in her bed in the backseat.

  11. I just got Lady Clementine from the library and can't wait to start it! I love your iphone "dump." The turkeys are so neat in your yard! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  12. I totally missed the Oscars. Oh well! I love your fur baby photos though! :)

  13. Penelope Cruz was my favorite dressed ❤️

  14. That dress looked like it was ready for takeoff! Funny, I am sitting here thinking what on earth I can write about as well. My life is not nearly as fun filled as yours!!

  15. Random thoughts on a random post: Regina King's dress was gorgeous. Love that angelic photo of the bride. Annie and Bob are such good cooks and gracious hosts. Ted just read Lady Clementine and recommends Nancy (Lady Astor) and American Duchess (Consuelo Vanderbilt) as followup reads. Your little furbabies are good sports.

  16. I enjoyed all your photos of the sweet fur babies, always. Great recap of the fun you had with friends, not to mention the good food. Please share the recipe for your muffins, I need an afternoon pick me up too! Happy Valentine's week...........

  17. Love seeing all your photos. I hadn't actually seen that dress, but I have no idea!?! The Oscars always flushes out some crazy fashion! #MMBC

  18. Very interesting dress. Today I saw a photo of Demi Moore in something similar. If this is a trend, I hope it comes and goes quickly. Noticed your bag earlier in the week. Great job, Mister. xo

    1. Haha ... added Google Chrome to my phone and can comment from here now! Victory is mine!

  19. Hi Katie,
    i love this post! What a fun way to share a post thru your iphone. Okay, I totally zoomed in your bag so thank you for the link. Can you share your 1 point muffins in a future post? How do you not have more than a dusting of snow. We might be sending you some powder. I love your bag more than I love the weighted ugg blanket I bought for myself for my current husband to give me for Valentine's Day! ha Happy Wednesday.
    laura PS What are you watching these days? Need a new something.

  20. What a fabulous name for your adorable dog. New England Chowdah, I assume. Much better than the Manhattan version.

    Thank you for linking up with us for Sentence a Day! I send out emails with the link up code each month. If you would like to be an official part of the group, please email me at onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com.

    We frequent a theater with the reclining seats and they are supposed to be heated, too. But so often I am disappointed to find my heater isn't working. And then I freeze!

    Need the 1 point muffin recipe, please. Am working on losing the 5 pounds of holiday weight I picked up. The seams on my plaid pants from JCrew are stretched to the max. Need to get this weight off so I can wear them before spring arrives.

    Yay for book club, dinner before and good reads. I host an online book club and we are always in search of our next read. Will pin your suggestions.

  21. I do love those dogs and looks like the Mister had a lapful of them. And, the mugs, how cute are they. Lots to enjoy in this post!

  22. So many lovely photos here. Your dog is so sweet. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at The Wednesday Link Up; It’s Not What You Wear, It’s How You Wear It..Hope to see you tomorrow for The Weekend Link Up :)

  23. This was such a fun post and I enjoyed every single picture and event from afar.

  24. Just getting a chance to read your blog post tonight. Yesterday I got to meet Marie Benedict in person. She spoke at our Junior League fundraiser, the Legacy Luncheon. She was a delight! I especially enjoyed meeting her because, as you can see, I am a Benedict, too!

  25. You can never have too many puppy photos. :)
    Your home looks beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC.


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