Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, March 1, 2019

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Long time, no write.  Last time I wrote I moaned about my head cold that seemed to go on forever.  Monday I called my Doctor's office.  The Doc and I have kind of a funny relationship.  She is always on vacation when I get sick.  So I decided to go to my old standby, CVS Minute Clinic.  
I checked in and waited a little over an hour to get in to see the nurse.  I didn't mind at all - I read and infected every gossip rag that CVS had in stock.  I walked out of that store a lot more knowledgeable on the Kardashian Clan than when I entered the store.

To be honest with you, I had one mission in mind.  I wanted the miracle drug - the Almighty Z-pack.  I know from experience that the Z-pack is the holy grail of cold cures.

Brittany, my nurse, asked all the right questions and I was determined to give her the right answers.  I did not want to be sent home with Flonase and Dayquil. She examined me and listened to my cough and calmly told me that I had pneumonia.  Pneumonia?  That's what Whoopie has, and she hasn't shown her face on The View in months!    

I asked how long my recuperation was expected to be.  Should I ask the Mister to order me a full-time nurse and cleaning crew?  Should I rent a condo and recuperate in warmer weather?  No, Brittany said that neither would be necessary.  And then she said those magic words... Z-Pack and told me to take it easy for a few days and I should be fit as a fiddle by Friday.  And she was right!

I'm not telling the Mister though because I'm still pushing for that full-time cleaning crew.  I don't need the nurse, but a masseuse might be a nice touch... 

A certain movie star has put his country estate in Bedford, NY on the market.  To see the rest of the house and find out who the star is, go here.


I'm pretty sure that I will be dreaming about this dollhouse for a very long time.


Campion & Co.

Campion & Co.

Are you thinking about moving to Boston?
This one is available.

Trip Advisor

Do you know what restaurant was named best in the world for 2019?


Stuck in the Kitchen

The Modern Proper

The Mister and I have been having Weight Watchers soup or chili for dinner during the week.  Here are 9 Simple Soup Recipes that are not WW and take less than 20 minutes to make. 


If you're thinking of having a Mardi Gras party, you will find plenty of recipes here.



Kevin Cameron

Do you dream of having your own space?
Maybe a She Shed is in your future.
You'll find plenty of creative inspiration here.

I think I'll stick with the toile dollhouse.


Are you looking to put a splash of color in your all-white kitchen? Plenty of inspiration can be found on this site.


Stop over to The Pink Clutch to enter a drawing for this gorgeous book by Eric Ross.  I've already preordered two copies - one for a friend who has a birthday in April and one for moi.  I'm still recuperating, you know.


I enjoy Amy Chalmer's blog Maison Decor.  She just finished decorating a magnificent dollhouse modeled after a French chateau.  She is now working on her second which will be a gingerbread cottage for her granddaughter.  

In my next life, I want to come back as Amy's grandkid!!

The Mister and I take most of our local day trips during the Spring and Fall.  These seasons are the most beautiful times of the year in New England.  Newport, RI is one of the first places that we visit.  If you are looking to visit this picturesque town, you can find suggested stops right here. 

If you love The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel as much as I do, you are going to enjoy this article on the behind-the-scenes moments. 


Tory Burch

Tory Burch

On the shopping front, Tory Burch is having a private sale.  

She is including lots of cute Spring bags.


Have you heard about the app Calm?  One of the morning shows featured it.  If you have trouble getting to sleep like me, this app is for you.  It offers breathing exercises to help you relax,  bedtime stories read by Hollywood stars, teaches you meditation skills and offers nature sounds as well as calming music.

Hmmm... I wonder if my first husband reads any of those bedtime stories.


I heard about Holly Holden and her DIL, Karen's youtube videos from a fellow blogger.  These ladies are fascinating.  I still can't tie a scarf with the same flair as these lovely ladies, but I sure had fun trying.


Due to my convalescence, I had the opportunity to catch up on my favorite cardio exercise for my eyes - TV watching.

The Mister and I watched the third season delicious this week.  If you appreciate beautiful cinematography, stunning food presentation, and lovable characters, this show is for you.  If you haven't seen it yet, I envy you.  You have three spectacular seasons to watch. 


I also watched the entire season of Vanity Fair and enjoyed every minute of it.
Olivia Cook steals the show.

I had such high hopes for this movie.  I am a big fan of Emily Mortimer's, and she gave a stellar performance.  I just thought that the story was depressing and through it all, I hoped for a happy ending.  Spoiler alert:  there wasn't one.

Btw... it's based on this book.


Because of all my heavy duty TV watching, it has taken me longer than usual to finish these books.  Brittany told me not to push myself.  Both are great reads.

Until next time...

Maison Decor

Thoughts and prayers for our fellow toter RJ @ Sketchy Reader as she is away caring for a family member.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Please don't share all the glories of Newport, RI. My husband and I were brave enough to leave the South to explore Newport and Cape Cod in September. We had marvelous weather and one of the best vacations ever. I would hate for Newport to get crowded and touristy. Something we both know will happen when the word gets out. Have you ever done the touristy pedicab tour? We had the best time!!

    1. I think that ship has sailed, Lisa. I have lived in the Ocean State my entire life and all of the locals know what a tourist-packed city Newport is, come the summer months. Of course, September is a lovely time to visit as you can attest. And, the Chamber of Commerce would also like to see many visitors during the very quiet winter months. Might I suggest that on your next trip to our neck of the woods you plan a day trip to Watch Hill, and, then, after departing Rhode Island, you head for some days to Cape Cod. Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket should not be missed. On the Cape enjoy the lovely town of Chatham and drive on up to Provincetown as well. The late spring as well as September and October will be so much quieter, the beaches nearly empty and you will be so happy you took a little longer for your stay up North!

  2. Katie...this was a marvelous post! I loved every single thing~ Hope that nasty cold goes away and the sunshine restores you soon...it was all so enjoyable!

  3. Katie, Hope you are feeling better and so happy to have your blog show up on Feedly! I read THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S DAUGHTER and loved it. I have not read anything by Hazel Gaynor that I didn't like.

    Have you watched Love Lies and Records on ACORN TV? My husband and I discovered it earlier this week...unfortunately there are only 6 episodes. It stars the actress who plays Agatha Raisin (another favorite on ACORN)

    1. Sharon... you made my day! We are expecting tons of snow the next few days. I was getting heart palpatations thinking I had watched all the good stuff! Have a great weekend.

  4. Katie what a nice surprise to have my dollhouse featured! Its a new obsession for me, and I can't see an end in sight at the moment. A Swedish Cottage may be next!

  5. Oh sweet lady, I am so very sorry but I am trusting you are on the mend and I know the Mr. is making you some good eats to speed that along! You sure did conjure up some very very beautiful architecture and yummy food and I’m all about those Tory Burch purses! Yes I do love the marvelous Mrs. Maisel so I will definitely read that article!

  6. Z Pack really is a miracle cure, and I'm so glad you got your hands on it! Pneumonia is no joke. You must have sent some of that virus down here because I have had a cold for the last few days. Nothing major, but I'm just under the weather. I would love to visit New England in the spring or fall - something we'll have to do when we're not so tied to the school schedule! Have a good weekend.

  7. Hope you are feeling better Katie. We do not have a one minute clinic at our CVS...what a life saver!! Going to check out that YoU Tube channel. I have almost stopped watching tv and watch You Tube now.:)

  8. I am very new to your blog and visiting you today. I do hope that you are on the mend and feeling better. This was a very packed post. I enjoyed looking at the YouTube video of the women fashioning how to wear a scarf. I love Tory Burch handbags and like the color of those bags. I too enjoy visiting RI and I was just there last weekend.
    Have a restful Friday and weekend.

  9. So glad you went to the doctor. Feel better soon. I have had that hacking cough for some time. What a fun post, full of inspiration. The homes look fabulous and the Tory Burch handbags. I hope you have a pampered weekend sweet friend.

  10. Oh Katie, pneumonia is the worst! I'm glad you got checked out and got meds and yes, play it up for all it's worth (especially the cleaning crew) and please take it easy!

    As always, I leave wanting a new kitchen. And considering Prime, though I can't even keep up with all I want to see on netflix! Thanks for good recommendations. Bummer about the bookshop. Nighy and Mortimer are two favorites.

  11. So glad you are feeling better Katie. I know, I had the same thing. Pneumonia and I thought I'd never get over it. Six trips to the doctor and I s..... I'd never go back to NY, at least that's what I was told I said. I don't remember that at all, hoping to go back Christmas this year:) Thanks for the house tours, I could never get enough and for the good reads nod. Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend........

  12. For someone who is so sick you sure have a lot of energy. Glad you got the Z pack but sorry to hear you have pneumonia. Go somewhere warm - even better than a cleaning lady - the maids will do it all!! Get better soon.

  13. Well, glad you got that Z-pack and I sure hope it has "done it's deal" and you are feeling o much better. Such gorgeous photos of houses, rooms, food and you name it. I love it all. Take care and enjoy the weekend!

  14. I always enjoy these posts! Joe and I love Mrs. Maisel!! Great show! I'm going right now to check out the soup recipes! Thanks for those!!

  15. Thank you for always entertaining me

  16. Hope you feel better soon....speaking of "reading" the tabloids, did you see that Danielle Staub is engaged for the 21st time (only a few days after her divorce was finalized) and to a DUKE, she might become a Duchess....can't stop laughing!

  17. So sorry you've been so sick Katie! Thank goodness for the zpack wonder cure! I LOVE Friday Files, always packed full of info, ideas and eye candy! Made King Cake cupcakes yesterday with my grands, we are ready to celebrate Mardi Gras!

  18. Oh, and I do have the Calm app, LOVE it!

  19. How FUN this post was, Katie!! 💚 But then, all of your posts thrills my soul. YES YES YES, I & my mister love Mrs Maisel and can't wait for season 3. Until then, we'll be watching the second season all over. Ha! Happy you're well again. xo xo xo

  20. Lovely, interesting post and always fun.
    Thank you! Take care and stay well.

    PLEASE TELL ME...........guess I could GOOGLE IT!
    MORE FUN if I hear it from YOU!

  22. Grabbing lots of TV watching and book reading lately since we've had lots of rain. It's either that or clean . . .

  23. I do hope you are feeling much better. I am with you about those Z packs.
    I loved all the eye candy. I just added a splash of color to my guest bathroom. I haven't decided if I like it yet or not. I guess that in and of itself should be concerning:)
    I already have the Eric Ross book. IT is so pretty. It is fast becoming my favorite.

  24. What a fun and insightful post. My day was made when your #1 and Adorable Johnathon walked into a local retail shop where I work part time. And I had a premonition that they would show up today. Not Kidding! They are the cutest couple and so nice. Now I'm off to binge on Delicious!

  25. Hi Katie, I hope you are feeling better! I have also been so sick this winter. My relationship with my doctor is bad too. It takes three visits, when I am crawling in and can't breathe, to get the coveted Z-pack. Did you notice that the Boston condo has 4 parking spots??? Good luck with your WW! You will be the hottest MOB ever! Linda

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