Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring Fever vs. Hay Fever

Hello, dear friends.  It's finally here. The first day of Spring. It also is a very special occasion in our household.  Thirty years ago today,  I made the Mister the luckiest guy in the world by saying yes to our first date. According to my calculations, he owes me about 30 gifts because he never remembers this momentous occasion.

Today, I am linking up with my friend, Terri for Wednesday Medley.

1. The first spring flowers are usually daffodils, dandelions, lilies,  tulips, iris, and lilacs.  Which one of those choices is your favorite?  Have you seen any yet?

We have 3 lilac trees outside our kitchen window, and I love to see them in bloom.  When they do, I cut all the beautiful blooms off and place them in vases all over the house.  
I finish this exercise with a happy dance.

2.  What is your least favorite thing about the Spring?

It's a tie between hay fever and sinus headaches.
But as far as I'm concerned, they are worth every minute of discomfort in order to wake up to a beautiful Spring morning.
Remind me that I said that in May.

3.  Okay, what puts a spring in your step?

Not only do these two hooligans put a spring in my step, but they have also taught me to watch where I step. 

4.  What is your favorite Springtime song?

Lusty Month of May from Camelot is the first song that came to mind.  It's one of my favorite movies of all time.

5.  What really says Spring to you?

Spring flowers and

muddy paws.

6. Tell us something random about your week?

Last night, I met some lovely friends for dinner.  One of them, Mary Frances, mentioned the last post that I did on my favorite things.  One of the products that I use and like is Living Proof De-frizzer. 

Mary Frances told me that she loves Living Proof Full Shampoo because she only has to wash her hair two to three times a week. 

The other days she uses the Living Proof Perfect Hair Dry Shampoo, and she said it still looks like she had a blowout.  As a side note... Mary Frances' hair looks great.

I'll have what she's having.
I just ordered both products and will keep you posted.

Until next time...

Photo by Gabriel Crismariu on Unsplash

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I am sure the pups are as glad to have spring as we are. The sun has been shining and I just want to stand in the beams.

  2. Lilac trees? Be still my heart...that would be so lovely! Waiting until May for spring was very hard for us when living in Maine. It's such beautiful weather now in Texas and the nurseries are in full bloom...such a lovely time of year! Enjoy your weekend Katie!

  3. Love lilacs as well! ! Your pups are cute!! Have a great Wednesday!

  4. One of the reasons I love winter so much is it never bothers my allergies. I'd rather awaken to a cold, gray winter's day than deal with hay fever. Sometimes, mine makes me feel like I've come down with the flu. On the other hand, having lilac bushes outside my window might just make it all worth it. :)

  5. Unfortunately, we don't have lilacs in Louisiana, but I saw my first while visiting Mackinac Island. Oh those huge trees of massive color and fragrance! Unbeknownst to us when we planned our trip, we would be there for their Annual Lilac Festival. Except for the people, it was a perfect time to visit. You would love it!

  6. People who say you should not look down when walking but keep your head up, have obviously never owned dogs. Lol. Hugs to Chili and Chowdah!!

  7. I love lilacs and am anxious for them to bloom...On a side note: Are you planning a getaway to Mumbai, or looking for a p/t job.........lol

  8. the lilacs are lovely.

    good song choice, too. I love Camelot.

  9. Mumbai escorts ???🤣🤣🤣

  10. I have heard good things about Living Proof, I hope you will like it too. I have not tried it. Loved all of your pictures and answers!! Have a great first day of Spring!


  11. I love lilacs, too. They are my favorite spring bush/shrub/tree-whatever they are.
    I hope you have a wonderful first day of spring but sorry you suffer from allergies and headaches with the pollen.
    xo Diana

  12. We have some lilac bushes in our yard and I LOVE when they bloom so I can bring some inside. I just wish they lasted longer. And all of my allergies are indoor...including dogs and dust, of which I have both (one dog, plenty of dust). Springtime actually makes things better!

  13. First day of spring and my allergies are acting up, ugh! How I wish we could grow lilacs here, but they can’t survive our heat! I can only imagine a house filled with their wonderful scent! Happy spring, Katie!

  14. I have had so many headaches recently, I will give Spring the blame! The Living Proof products I have tried are very good. Will see about ordering the non frizz and dry shampoo! Thanks. My hairdresser did tell me the volumizing products cause your hair color to fade. Sad thing is, I need those volumizing products! Love your pooches, but I bet they do tend to leave you some big prizes to step around.

  15. Thanks for joining the Medley today! Camelot is one of my favorites too and I should have thought of that song. I enjoyed reading your answers and (as always) seeing your photos!

  16. Gorgeous lilacs! I had one that never amounted to much and replaced it with a mock orange...not quite as pretty, but the smell is divine! Oh, the muddy paws...definitely a sign of spring!

  17. Those lilacs are stunning! I started feeling the affects of hay fever a few years ago, not long after menopause. I never had it before then! :( But I still love spring! It's becoming my favorite season. Muddy Paws!! Such a cuuuute face!

  18. Happiest of anniversaries Katie! You have a ways to go to catch up with me, 48 years in June. Yikes! Going right now to check out these hair products.

  19. Those two clowns must keep your household humming! I love lilacs too.

  20. Happy First Day of Spring! It's a beautiful start here in Texas. Wish we had lilac trees!

  21. Oh those trees are beautiful! I used to have allergies in October-November. Girl, they jumped on me in January and it's been crazy. Of course the pollen has been the worst I have ever seen it. My poor husband suffers from allergies as well and is outside most of the day with his job and then at home. Not sure what the answer is to all the allergies out and about. Happy Day To you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. oh yikes, seasonal allergies, Mother Nature's cruel price to pay for Spring! You are so fun Katie, the Mister is indeed a lucky guy!

  23. IS DUFFY Mary Frances last name?If so I went to ENGLAND WITH HER!
    Flowering Cherry Trees says SPRING TO ME!

  24. Love the Lusty Month of May -- sure do wish it was May already!


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