Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

To Dunk Or Not To Dunk

Hello, dear friends.  Baby, it's cold outside.  The only thing that is keeping my spirits up is that it's supposed to be in the 50's next week.  That's practically Mom-kini weather!

Today I am linking up with Terri who tells us that today is National Oreo Cookie Day.  To read about its origin and to check out other blogger's answers go here.

1.  Are you able to pass by a plate of cookies and not take one or are you a bit of a Cookie Monster?

I am married to the original Cookie Monster.  Maybe we'll call him the Cookie Mister from now on.
No matter where we are, the Mister can sniff out a freshly baked cookie from a mile away.  He cannot pass a bakery without buying at least half a dozen of their finest.

2.  Tell us about your favorite cookie.  
Have your tastes changed since you were a kid?

I have sworn off cookies for a while.  But when I rejoin the cookie scene, my first choice will be Panera's Kitchen Sink cookie.  The copycat Recipe can be found here.

No, my tastes nor my conduct have gone unchanged since I was a child.

3.  Enquiring minds want to know if you are a dunker and, if so, do you dunk in milk, coffee, or tea?

My sweet neighbor, Susie is one of the best bakers I know. At Christmas, she sent over a beautifully wrapped package of her mouth watering biscotti.  I actually hid it from the Mister because I knew that he would inhale it in seconds.

I took dunking my biscotti into my coffee very seriously and enjoyed every scrumptious bite. 

Here is a Recipe that I found for biscotti.
It's probably not as good as Susie's though. 

4.  It is that time of year, and they are selling them on every corner and in front of every store.  Do you buy Girl Scout cookies and if you do, which is your favorite?

This is what our car looks like if the Mister spots a Girl Scout.

5. Raw cookie dough.  Yay or nay?


I prefer my cookie dough to be accompanied by ice cream and hot fudge.  No sprinkles, please.  If you haven't heard, I'm on Weight Watchers.

6. Please tell us something random about your week.

I really want to see this movie this weekend.  I'm going to tell the Mister that it's a war movie.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Double stuff oreos are the DEVIL in my opinion..so very tempting but my favorite cookie is chocolate chip, hot from the oven. And no dunking for me.

  2. I will have to try the kitchen sink cookie recipe. I tried a similar recipe many years ago called something like crunchy munchie bumpy cookie and it was loaded with so many ingredients. Love the pics of your Cookie Monster and that dog. My dog is spoiled to the cookies she gets, too.

  3. I think there is a Neiman Marcus cookie isn't there? I'm thinking that may have been the best I've ever eaten. Notice this is in the past tense? I do think Gloria may be one I have to go see by myself.

  4. I laughed at the movie.. sneaky.. hope he buys it and takes you to the movies!! Have a great Wednesday!

  5. I am not able to pass by a plate of chocolate chip cookies without eating at least half of them. No dunking for me though.

  6. No dunking here unless, just like you, it is a biscotti! My mother makes some that are amazing during the holidays! Have a great day!

  7. Oh...I love, love, love cookies..to eat and bake. I am not a dunker. Hand to mouth rapid sequence!

  8. I'd take a whole box of thin mints just for myself. Your parting photo of doggie is adorable.

  9. I chuckled all the way through this! Thanks for the smiles and thanks for joining the Medley today. I really want cookies now after reading about everyone's favorite. Will be passing a Panera on the way home and that cookie looks amazing!

  10. I have a cookie monster in my house, too. I keep the cookies in tins in the freezer. He claims he can hear them calling his name every time he passes the freezer!

  11. Michael brought home 4 boxes of GS cookies from work this week, and I have eaten most of them. uuuugggghhh...impossible to resist! I will have to try the Panera cookie sometime. Sounds delicious!

  12. Well, I forgot about biscotti and I absolutely do enjoy "dunking" it. And, those cookies, might have to check those out. I'm betting you will be the new poster girl for WW when you are through. Happy rest of the week!

  13. I laughed out loud at your comment about your husband if he finds a girls scout. I love cookies too. Not that much though. My body can't handle it. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  14. I am a dunking purist! Is that a thing?? No crumbs in my milk, coffee or tea, ever. Occasionally cheezits drop into my red wine so maybe that counts?:)

  15. Well, I had sworn off Oreos since our supply of white peppermint Oreos has been depleated, but then my mister had to have a bag of the originals. I decided since it is National Oreo Day, I'd have one or two to celebrate. Hard to say what my favorite cookie is. I'm not good with favorites! Don't really like cookie dough becuase my mom always told us it would give us worms. She was probably laughing that we fell for that!!! Proud to say that we buy lots of Girl Scout Cookies, but donate them to send to military folks. I know you are off cookies, but go have an Oreo to celebrate the day!

  16. Thanks for showing movie clip, def. now on my radar to see

    Nancy J.

  17. I hadn't even heard of the movie...it looks good!
    Loving that pup at the bottom of the post. There is a yellow lab named Shiloh that comes to visit the dementia unit where I work and she is a favorite with all the residents and staff. She loves her treats and several people keep some stashed for her. She would definitely sit there with ALL the treats in her mouth. :)

  18. And I thought I was married to the original Cookie Monster! Mine never met a cookie he didn't like and especially fresh baked from the bakery. I don't bake them anymore because warm from the oven disappear here in a flash!

  19. I'm with the Mister - fresh-baked cookies are theeee best. No dunking. Panera cookies are even better when warmed in the microwave for a few seconds. Stay warm.

  20. Katie, I somehow missed the Oreo holiday, it is my hubby’s favorite. I have never met a cookie that I didn’t like, nor a biscotti! Hang in there with your WW plan��

  21. Fun post. MyNero is a CookieMister, too. However, I do not care for oreos...very unAmerican I suppose. lol Have a great time at that wonder WW movie. xo Diana

  22. Cookies are the gift of the gods. Not that fond of oreos but I do like the golden and lemon ones. No dunking here!

  23. FInally! I found a way to comment! I have spent the better part of a month wondering why my comments are not posting! did you get this one? somewhere there is a cloud with 44 comments with my name on them! laura

  24. Not a dunker, I don't like mushy! I admire your will power to write about cookies when you can't eat them!!


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