Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Leap Into Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  We've been having some picture-perfect weather this week but today, unfortunately, will be the last of it.  The weather guys are mentioning that silly word Nor'easter again. 

You know the drill.
If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge

1. Are you currently operating at 100% capacity? If not, what % are you? What's keeping you there?


Wait... we're supposed to be functioning at 100%?
I'm about 30% there in the Winter on a good day.
45% there in the Summer on my best day.

2.  Have you done your taxes? 

free stock

The taxes are done and mailed thanks to the Mister and his trusty (I hope) accountant. 

Planned/booked a summer holiday? 



Thought about or started your 'spring cleaning'? 

I'm pretty much at the same point in my Spring Cleaning as I was this time last week. 
I take a lot of breaks.

Besides what's listed here, tell us one task that needs doing before spring rolls around.


Speaking of rolls, unfortunately, the air in Massachusetts has a way of shrinking my clothes over the winter.  I'm presently shopping for some snazzy shorts and a new tattoo artist.

3. What's a favorite food from your part of the country?

B&G Oysters/Bill Addison

The lobstah roll is probably the most popular dish in the Boston area.  To me, there are a few things that make the perfect sandwich.  Fresh lobstah, just enough mayo but not too much,  a healthy amount of celery for some crunch, and a fresh soft, roll oozing with buttah are the ingredients required to whip up my perfect lobstah roll. 

4. This isn't a leap year, but let's run with it anyway...look before you leap, a leap of faith, grow by leaps and bounds, leap to conclusions, leap at the opportunity...which phrase might best be applied to your life currently (or recently)? Explain.

5. As the month draws to a close list five fun and/or fabulous things (large or small) you noticed or experienced in February.

I have two.

As far as fun and fabulous goes, I got to catch up with some of my book club buddies.

And today, I get to bid adieu to my least favorite month of the year. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The Mister and I went to see Game Night last weekend.  What can I say... we were desperate.  I thought how bad could it be - it got 81 Rotten Tomatoes.  
Well, I wish I would have had some of those tomatoes with me because I would have thrown them at the screen.

Until next time...


Sunday, February 25, 2018

NYT By the Book Quiz


Hello, dear friends.  A while ago my friend Jeanie of The Marmelade Gypsy wrote a post answering the questions to The New York Times By The Book quizEvery Sunday, questions similar to these are posed to a chosen author.  Jeanie encouraged other bloggers to play along, so here I am.

What books are on your nightstand?



I have a virtual nightstand because I read some books on my kindle and listen to some on audible.  The three books above are on my list for next read/listen.

What are you reading right now?

I was listening to Anatomy of a Scandal.  I finally had to give up on this one.  This book is a perfect example of the writer trying too hard to impress her reader with flowery words and losing sight of an intriguing storyline.

I am almost finished with this page-turner.  I have read all of Burke's books and enjoyed every one.  The story moves quickly while careening around the twists and turns.   So far, so good.

This thriller keeps you guessing all the way through.  I'm almost finished with this one, too.  I can't give a full review yet because some books have been ruined by the ending for me.

What is the last great book you read?

I loved both of these books.

What do you read for Solace?

I enjoy sweet stories about fictional characters that I would like to meet in person.

For escape?

These two were my favorites of 2017.

For sheer pleasure?

I have read every book that Pat Conroy has written.
Beach Music is still one of my favorite books of all time.

I look forward to reading it again this Summer. 


And of course, I love all of Kristy Woodson Harvey's books.

What are your favorite books on a favorite subject?

I love to read books about the Kennedy family.

I enjoyed both of these books because the authors were kind but honest about their subject, Jackie Kennedy.  I don't like when an author trashes their subject.

What are your favorite genres and which don't you particularly like?

I think that you figured out by now that I am a nut for a good thriller.

bookscrolling.com ok

I'm not a fan of Scifi or Fantasy books.

What book did you think was overrated or just didn't like?


There was so much hype on this one.  I couldn't wait to read it.  I put it down halfway because I couldn't take any more self-obsessed rants by the author.

I feel like I will be considered politically incorrect for not liking this one.  One reviewer after another raved about this book written by a doctor dying of cancer.  I  expected to find some deep thoughts regarding the meaning of life.  But I didn't.  I was bored to tears.

How do you like to read?  
Paper or electronic?  Morning or night? Where do you like to read?

I read in my sunroom in the early evening with a glass of wine in hand where there is plenty of light and lots of snuggles with my two hooligans, Chowdah and Chili.  You will find me on my Kindle where I can control the size of the lettering because my eyes and every other part of me are not as good as they used to be.

The Mister says that it looks like I am reading a children's book. 

What's the best book you ever received as a gift?

I love beautiful coffee table books.  My friend, Anne gave me this book, and I love to look through it on these cold, raw, rainy days.  
It's the gift that keeps on giving.

What kind of reader were you as a child?

Benjamin Miller

Both my Grandmother and Mother were voracious readers. 
I began to really enjoy reading when I was a teen.

No classics for moi.  
These were my favorites.
There's no accounting for taste.

Which childhood books and authors stick with you the most?

This book of fairy tales and poems was passed down from my Grandmother.  She read it to my Mother as a little girl, and my Mother read it to Sista and me. There were two entries that were my favorites:  The Teeny Tiny Woman and the poem, There was a girl who had a curl right in the middle of her forehead.

You're organizing a literary dinner party.  
Which three writers, dead or alive, do you invite?

Norah Ephron

Erma Bombeck

Kelly Corrigan

Who would you like to write your life story? 

Erma, of course.

And I would like Charlize to play me in the movie.

And my first husband to play my second husband.

Thanks, Jeanie this was great fun.

I'd love to hear about your favorite and not-so-favorite books. 

Until next time...

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