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Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend With Sista

Last weekend was my birthday weekend.  There are two bad things that happened and one wonderful thing that happened.

Let's start with the first bad thing.  For the past 11 and a half months I thought I knew how old I was.  I find that when you get into this particular decade, 50's 40's, you start to forget how old you are.  I thought I was going to be a certain age on my birthday but it wasn't until recently that it was brought to my attention that I am actually a year older than I thought I was.  So instead of being in my middle 50's 40's, I am now in my late  latent middle 50's 40's.  

Thanks for the wake up call, Mister.  It will be another decade before I speak to you again!

Second bad thing.  

Engaged?  Really George?  And on my actual birthday?  
Obviously, you never got over the fact that I am taken.

Enough said.  
On with the good stuff...

Sista came up and spent a couple
 of days celebrating my birthday with me.  The Mister took us to lunch at the Rustic Kitchen which was positively wonderful.  If you live or visit the South Sho-wah, check this place out.  Great food and fabulous ambiance - and that's not just because Sista and I were there. 

My new way of posing for the camera since I went to the Katie  show and listened to Nigel whats-his-name from America's Top Model give instructions on how to pose for the camera.

Eat your heart out, George.

Obviously, Sista must have been listening too!  She's been using her Vitamin C serum, too!!

The Mister slaving in the kitchen to please his supermodel trophy wife on her birthday.  Btw... you can catch some glimpses of our new kitchen before I post my room reveal.

Sista pretending to work but really cruising Facebook.

Healthy apps so Sista and I can maintain our girlish figures.

A little young to be smoking, but we are very liberal parents.

His Mommy and Auntie are too much fun for Mr. Chowdah.

Our delicious dinner.

The next day, we spent most of it here.  Great deals and a wonderful sales staff in every store.  

Meanwhile, the Mister was in charge of this guy.

And played a whole lot with these guys.

I don't want to tell tales out of school, but I caught sista red handed trying to sneak a certain somebody into her suitcase.

Hope your day is filled with great buys and lots of love!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Ha...I did that one year. Totally for the life of me thought I was a year younger. Oh well. You and your sister have the best complexion ever!!! And I too would be trying to sneak that sweet pup into my luggage.

  2. Happy Bday for whichever it might be. Funny thing is I never can remember my age but always remember my husband's. Then do the subtraction (without using fingers yet) to find my age. Same with SS number, only can remember mine but his trips off my tongue.

  3. What a wonderful post. I truly enjoyed reading about your weekend with your sister. I thought I was the only one that couldn't remember my age. Last year, I was a year off, too... lol. I'm so glad to see that I wasn't alone. Oh and happy birthday... :)

  4. Lucky girl to have a mister who cooks. Think how sad George's bride will be when she finds he's just another pretty face!

  5. Why is is so hard to remember your age now? Denial I'm sure :-)
    I'm not liking the number on the upcoming birthday so I try to forget as often as I can. What a beautiful meal your hubby cooked for you!

  6. You both are beautiful!!! DO share details about your glasses...pretty please! They are just too darling!

  7. Oh my gosh, you crack me up! Looks like y'all had so much fun. Great way to celebrate your birthday. :)

  8. Katie- What a wonderful post. You girls are both beautiful. I found out when I was 25 that I was a year older than I thought I was....lol Well, that made me legally married anyway at that point. lol Long story-don't ask.

    Your sister is as cute as anything, too. I can tell you girls have fun together. Hope you are having a good Monday- xo Diana

  9. Y'all are gorgeous! I see you found a good nail spot up there!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like a great weekend and Chow dah is so cute! You and Sista have the most beautiful skin! Someday maybe you'll spill your secrets? And, WOW the Mister is pretty good at whipping things up for his ladies!

  11. HBD2U and I laughed out loud at your second bad thing! xo Kiki

  12. Happy belated birthday, my dear! Aren't you thrilled to live so close to your Sista that you can spend birthdays together?!

    Have a fantastic week! xoxo

  13. Happy Birthday! You and your Sistah are beautiful and Mr. Chowdah is the cutest puppy ever. Can't wait to see the kitchen reveal.

  14. Happy Birthday!!
    You look gorgeos and Sista too! No matter what age - with 40, 50 or above!
    And your sense of humor is great.
    Love the teapot.

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! What fun......your new addition is sooooo cute!! Loved seeing the celebration, looks like it was a happy one, you and your sista need your own show:)

  16. Happy Birthday no matter what decade we are in you look amazing (sista not bad either). The Mista is an amazing cook, and his presentation is just so beautiful, my husband is a very good cook but everything ends up on the plate in a pile (although that still doesn't stop me from eating everything). Now you have our interest what does the new kitchen look like, the sneak peak looks fab............please post pictures soon.

  17. Katie,
    what a fun time you two had! I know you guys love being closer together now that you've moved! Family, shopping eating out and in, sounds pretty perfect to me! Chow Dah looks like he's settling in just fine!
    Happy Belated Birthday!

  18. A very happy birthday to you Katie!!! Looks like you had a wonderful visit with your sister. Did you do well at Wrenthan? I always found awesome deals there - hope you did too.

  19. Happy Belated Birthday and I am ordering that Vitamin C serum NOW! You both look fabulous.

  20. You both look absolutely fabulous, your skin looks great! I still have me reservations about Clooney..Just Sayin! That puppy I just might have to steal!

  21. I would so love some alone time with my sista! She has a 14 year old and an 11 year old and they keep her mega busy. Mine are grown:( I need some girl time. Looks like ya'll had a blast!

  22. Happy Birthday Katie! Looks like a FAB birthday weekend with your sista!!! I was so sad to read about Gypsy...I can't begin to imagine how difficult that must have been but I am thrilled to hear about Mr. Chowdah...he is SOOO cute! The sneak peak at your kitchen has me eager to see your kitchen reveal! I'm sure it's going to be just as gorgeous as the rest of your home.

  23. Y'alls skin is wonderful , I have ordered th vitamin c for myself and my mom. What other products are y'all using bc your both dewy looking. Sorry to hear about Gypsy, it is never easy to loose a fur child. Chowdah looks adorable, blessing to you and yours.

  24. Happy birthday to you (belated I should say)! I loved looking at all your pictures - you and your sister are gorgeous. I am so glad you are both enjoying your Vitamin C Serum. Hugs, Pamela


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